Lovisa's Followers
peebeegee peebeegee01
hello im super nice and i'm a cool, fun lovein peep. i love donkeykong,sonic,legand of zelda and more!!!i have 2 cats Leeroy and Qt-pi!I have a wiiu and a 3ds!so tap that friend request and be my friend i will accept it!100 friends is my goal!yay!!My bf is the herd! bye i said good bye you can go now bye for reals be friends with me will ya?I like you all:]
Loulou nyan.cat13090
Didi nayru65
Sad that Miiverse is ending but I'm ready to move on. My friends and I will continue to talk games and have fun. I will treasure the memories forever. A special thank you to all my friends. You know who you are. Thank you for being you.
Neko-chan! Neko-chan.link
Hi!!Did thought that cats can talk?U are not wrong!!!(cuz i'm a talking cat!!)I'll introduce you to myself,*ahem* I'm: _ENERGETIC _11years old _Dumb...'-' _A VOCALOID FAN!! _born in April 17th I don't like: -Bad words -when someone is mean with me Ps:#save_miiverse!
Mel melanie1298
Hi my name is Mel (obviously) and im 16. I love video games and drawing if you have any drawing requests just ask
Adam catfishking1
/o\ /o \ fishing /o \ |-{} \ {} \ [] \ éèéèéèèèéèéééèèéèéééè~~~ \ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13 and I want to be a veterinarian
LilNatives I_am_so_smart_1
We are friends with everyone, so don't get offended if ur name isn't on here. We are sarcastic Danyelle & Dominique 2 sisters sharing this account. Things we like: Basketball, Softball, anime, games. We love to draw. Ages: 00 If any rude comments, then ur blocked Friends: Joshua (2003adriana) is so cool, go follow him. MEGA BRONY SongStream
тум LuigiStar7
TheWarrior Flamebro99
Hello!Im Flame heres some stuff about me Games:Minecraft,CubeSift,and more! Friend :Go take a peek! What i like:Warrior,FNAF,BATIM,Duck season,LPS. Why i love Miiveres:Well it lets people minds run wild.People that cant friend each other can cumunicate , laugh , and tell there fellings. WE WILL MISS YOU MIIVERES AND OTHER PEOPLE!
▼Rosalice▼ CanyonGirI21
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Siг Rανεn 300Spartans
Hey, I will be drawing/tracing pics of the LoZ Manga Series randomly or a Specific Character. So there will be no credit source/author in each drawing I do. Pardon if my drawings are not that perfect for I am doing them fast. *I will not be replying much only if there is more than 5 comments or something of relevance. Instead,I will yeah.* *Not accepting drawing requests of any sort. Sorry.*
~αηηα~ TattooScott
Hey! Welcome to the party! I'm new here but i promise to bring you loads of fun. I play Zelda series, Mario series, Metroid series, and more! (Almost all) I will try to be active daily and post blogs, pics, and have Link&Donuts Comics up. I call MiiVerse Nintendo Twitter cause its fun lol. Anyways, I love to draw, vlog, eat, think, and have fun! A little shy but i can manage. #2017
Mel games4eva2003
Hello i'm just a gamer who loves mario,sega,horror and mystery games and sooner or later i might be a theorist on youtube
zainoudine jude97400
max gffdgntjn
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さとうビキ tokkun9
どうも、さとうビキです ゲーム、動物などが好きです。 いろんなコミュニティのお絵かきに ちょくちょくかおを出してます。(主にゼル伝) フォローしてくれた人は、大体フォローします。 (フォロワースウ フエナイカナ) (° _ °)ボソ フォロワー数はまだまだですが、 これから頑張っていきますので、 ★よろしくお願いします。★ Hello,my name is SatoBiki. I like game and animals. Sorry, I can‘t speak English. ★Thank you very much.★ 8月3日 (木) 22:31 更新
Ron reonz1
‹inserte mensaje aqui›
WóHMadogΣΨ bookworm59
Ouch! Why'd you puch my face?! has posts Ima Fawx! #Jointhefawxpocalypse! Heya there! The name's MadDog. Im just that random tomboy on Miiverse Favorite book: Moon Rising. Hobbies:Reading and playing Video Games Favorite animal:Cougar or Wolf A Warrior of Hyrule Member of team eclipse "I'm not a wierd little diamond."-Moonwatcher Ima proud fangirl! 100 FOLLOWERS!!!!!!! Im a twin!
GoronGamer BenNicMar
"In a lifetime, what does it matter?" We had a good run, didn't we? May we meet again, in a different place, a different time. Goodbye and farewell to all of you I give you my best wishes. Sincerely: yours truly, GoronGamer.
DaZeldaLuv YummyMustard
Hey! I like Zelda, Pokemon, Naruto, and YouTube! If I am followed, I will try to follow that follower! I won't be able to post offten at all, so don't expect me to reply to you right away. I like pickles, and Faygo, also Homestuck, I like drawings, and I also like to draw! I like to draw FNaF the most! I like apple juice. 8D
Oii-YT Sua_Mae_479
meus status inteligencia★★★★★ rapidez★★★★★ força★☆☆☆☆ habilidade de jogos★★★★★ criação de nicks★★★★★ onestidade★★★★★ felicidade★★★☆☆ sou fan do godenot,JOHN Nebulous,Celso Gamer,blaaarp?,blacky,benitez™nebulous,NebuMOD,feña23 entre outros. Gosto muito de nebulous.
Jeremie jeeremie
Hey friends!!! im can spike english im can spike swedish!!! and germany!!! jag kan prata svenska jag kan prata engelska och tyska!!!ich kan deutch ich kan schwedisch ich kan Englisch!!! please follow me! snälla följ mig!bitte folg mir
Elisa Bellais
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★PAT◆☆ johnsonp806
yoshen truefreezer
GhostEthan AffableMan
Hi everyone!LegendaryDodongoBuster here.I am LDS, aka Mormon.If you have questions about that, you can ask anytime.I love Miiverse because I love talking about my favorite Nintendo franchise, LoZ!I love Smash Bros, Shovel Knight, and Splatoon!I like Navi, so there.I missed opportunities for woomy times.See ya at the miiverse migration or at the Haven.Lets make the most of our time. *Playing BotW*
Suzie :) AphmauFangirl
Hi im Suzie!!!! I likeanime ,food ,cartoons , animals,plants,and warm hugs. Im a14 yr old mexican that likes to draw anime girls because its easier to draw then an anime boy. My birthday is 11-18. IM A FREAKING SCORPIO.JUST BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE SCORPIO'S DOESN'T MEAN THEY'RE BAD!...anyway... I'm so cringey that if cringe had a lv, mine would be over 9,000..... I'll go away now.......bye...
TamingSari hanifmazuki
'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'
Angela lennie2008
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Squish. Jr SquisherIsMeh
Um. Hi? I'm Molly, a game enthusiast, otaku freak, and art lover. I mostly play games that are a part of the fandoms I like, so yeah. Legend of Zelda, Naruto franchise, One Piece franchise, basically RPG stuff.
Alice mtolkin
What's up! I love action, fighting, adventure, and racing games. (Especially Mariokart 8, Splatoon, and Pokémon, and legend of zelda related games.) * I love softball, baskeball, and running. Yo hablo español tambien. If you follow me I'll follow you.
SKT_SOURUξ r10y02
こんにちは、どうもサッカーとゲームが好きなKT_北朝鮮ですWWスプラトゥーンの名前はこれだけど本当はエナビーです(^∀^)皆さんは、スプラトゥーン実況者は、だれが好きですか?ぼくはルークさんはしごさんななとさん辺りですその他にスプラトゥーンの歌で好きな歌ありますか?ぼくはマリ.タイムメモリーです。最近調子が上がらなくてSからA+に落ちました最悪~(笑)皆さん是非ともフォローしてくださいお願いします。フレンドも募集中(`^∀^´) 所属チームは、→NK、CKW、UKです!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! リア充です!!!(きっぱり)付き合ってるお手を繋いだことも、、、、、、、、
Link zeldarulz25
Favorite Series : The Legend of Zelda Favorite Game : Ocarina of Time Favorite Pokemon : Lucario Miiverse is Dead as of November 8th Goodbye everyone I will miss you
なっちゃんシャドウ LOUP-GAL0816
好きなもの→ 1、ゼルダ 2、BTS(テテペン) 3、スプラトゥーン 4、SIMPLE PLAN 5、ソニック サブ好きなもの→ 犬夜叉 怪盗ジョーカー 暁のヨナ リボーン ソニックではシャドウが一番好きです。 ゼルダではブレワイが一番好きです。あと、ライネルさんも。 スプラトゥーンではいろいろ使っています。 最近、ソニックワールドアドベンチャーの昼のエッグマンランドですごく疲れました。 ゼルダのスカウォでは、3回目の黒いウニョウニョ(封印されし者)を倒すところです。 コワイ・・・ バンタンでは、BOY IN LOV、Save Meにハマってます。 ブレワイでは、大体忍びスーツと蛮族の服着てます。 3DSでは、greenです。
Damien damiktl24
mon vrai nom est Damien mon âge: 10 ans habite en : Normandie ( Saint Sébastien de `Morsent ) fait du handball classe C.M.1 aime aussi le foot ( aime le Barça!!! ) et blond je prend 1cm par moi Bim dans les dents ! # GÉANT mon objectif atteidre les 400 abonners gentil ★★★★☆ méchant ★☆☆☆☆
★☆Star☆★ starguardian1234
Before I get started, I want to give a special thanks to give a special thanks to my followers and friends for supporting me.I love almost everything in the world.I'm always looking 100% for friends. I love exploring! If you are still there I want you to press [FOLLOW+] button. Thanks for being my incredible followers.You guys are awesome ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ♪Namaste everyone♪ -★☆
courtney SpanishLlama.119
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Sassa jpo111
Hey ! Look ! Passe-temps : Casser des pots, faire des courses de Chocobos, détériorer l'architecture national grâce à l'Alchimie, chasser des titans et enfin pratiquer le bracon.nage de monstres à l'aide de capsules sphériques '-' Les vrais ? Ils se reconnaitront ;p N'hésitez pas à me faire un don de MVmoney, il ne servira pas à la communauté mais aura un but bien meilleur : racheter un four ;D
♪☆Kacey☆♪ scampet42
Ay why ya touching my face back off ò_ó!! srsly tho follow me i want 1000 followers to feel like did my bit in miiverse! um ..... ya im um im .....*thinks hard* eh im 14 and im a girl (IKR bet ya never knew) and i like to draw cuz im so fun like that RULES: .dont comment things that will make me uncomfortable .hurt my followers and i will have a 'nice' chat with ya .dont stalk or yeah bomb me
◆If you want to see more of my art or find me after Miiverse is over, Find Lolielle on DA◆
A Gir...
◆If you want to see more of my art or find me after Miiverse is over, Find Lolielle on DA◆
A Girl that likes to play video games and draws about them alot!
... young (in)experienced swedish teenager... Hi! *~* I'm awkward...
•Loves the legend of Zelda
•Likes Pokémon
•...Aaaand I draw a LOT...
(Second account used for doodles is Linebeck.)