Miiverse redesign query...
So let me get this straight. I can only have ONE active discussion at a time? If i want to post a new discussion then i have to 'close the comments' on my previous...
No Play Journal entries written yet.
No drawings posted yet.
Miiverse redesign query...
So let me get this straight. I can only have ONE active discussion at a time? If i want to post a new discussion then i have to 'close the comments' on my previous...
Folkloner's Personal Account.
Wii U News - Folkloner (active)
3DS News - Folklon...
Folkloner's Personal Account.
Wii U News - Folkloner (active)
3DS News - Folkloner3DS (active)
Playing (Wii U)
Mario Kart 8
Mario Party 10
Zombie U
Playing (3DS/DS)
Luigi's Mansion 2.
StreetPass Fishing.
StreetPass Zombies.
Future Titles
Weapon Shop de Omasse (3DS)
Mighty Switch Force (Wii U)