come join my mii plaza!!

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ok so everybody, you guys need to watch ''ghost car commercial''and tell me if it scared you its the first video with the green

ok say yeah if u have ever had a really good relationship like u are bffs or boyfriend or girlfriend with someone on miiverse and u have never met them before

Hey guys... whats up? sorry i didn't post earlier today i was busy but yea i had a great easter what about you guys? im just so bummed today cause i have school tomorrow :(

hey guys i know its late sorry i didn't post earlier bc i was skateboarding with some friends but plz make sure u come to my mii plaza ok thanks gtg... im SO TIRED lol sweetdreams everyone

ok so yesterday someone straight up told me i looked freaking ugly[NOBODY IS PERFECT] and i said look at you have you looked in the mirror lately ...after i said it i imedietly regreted it ... so p...
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