Users JP10 Is Following
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Chris thepyroarking
My name is Chris.I am 15 I typically enjoy any game franchise, and i would give any type of game a try if someone recommends it. I am doing a nuzlocke challenge of pokemon Silver A Nuzlocke Challenge is where: can only catch the first pokemon you encounter in a place 2.if a pokemon faints,release it,it "died" Wii-U chat is forbidded in this household!
Zachary zakkman1224
Hi I'm Zakk! -10 yrs old -Likes Pizza, Nintendo Switch And Pokemon! -Has a 3ds and wiiu - Sisters Profile is MewMaddy -Best Friends Profile is jessaboo8 -In 5th grade! Thanks For Reading. Ur still here! Go Away Plz! Bye You Can leave now
PIMPLE Battletoads157
I am the legendary hero of Ideals. And i'm also one of the Top Commanders for Q-Force. #CLAN X SUCKS #CLAN X IS WEAK #CLAN X IS A MENACE TO SOCIETY
Ethan Chezdip
Traveling across the land at the speed of a doghouse.
poke_liter supertrainerx316
i'll have 2 number 9, a number 9 large, one with cheese,a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, and a large soda on the road for 200 followers hey leave me alone plz leave rip miiverse :(
Lucario157 Lucario157
Heya! Lucario157 here! If you're reading this, THANKS!!! Seriously, thanks for viewing my humble piece of Miiverse... And if you're not reading this, well, thanks? Anyways, help yourself to the fridge, I got some grade-A chocolate milk... Wait... Didn't I...? I thought I stocked up some cookies... Ummmmmmmmm... Bring out the dancing lobsters!!!
Gentleben Gentleben1978
I run StreetPass Birmingham. A 3ds community that meets once per month to play 3ds and Wii U games.
Brandon MrTrac
Thanks for the memories! Let's cherish our final months! :') <3 Stuff V V V Dee Aye! Mr - Trac The Cord! Mr Trac # 3 5 1 7 (no spaces)
Lanstar NewLanstar
Hello everyone! I'm very knowledgeable in pokemon games, and have been playing Pokemon Moon. I'm also quite good at Pokemon Shuffle. Check one of my Handwritten posts for my archived collection of fun Stretchmo QR code challanges! My New Leaf Dream Addresses: 1.0 Old: 5E00-000F-6094 2.0 Old: 5F00-0028-D115 Latest: Changed to 4B00-0051-BEE1
Dalton SpiderZone
Patrick PatPat1546
placeholdr Vibris3DS
Baxter and Forthington are the best couple. Or at least the most inspirational to write about.
Quote Quote11
Hiya, I'm Quote Izkewl. If you want to talk after Miiverse is shut down, my name isn't very common, soo a quick search will do you fine.
Alex 12AL2oo3
Messing with little kids' heads is a bad idea. Got me banned for a while.
Andrew waffle3000
StephanITZ MarioLuigi207
Hi! I'll just be posting and yeah-ing stuff I like.
Mostafa++ colorfulCarbonyl
I am a dork for: Splatoon Undertale Rhythm Heaven Steven Universe Avatar: The Last Airbender Super Mario (especially World & 3D World) Paper Mario Hunter x Hunter Super Monkey Ball 1&2 WarioWare Inside Out Mathematics (especially Discrete Math, Algebra and Calculus) Physics Chemistry (especially organic) Biology (especially anything cellular or molecular) and Comp Sci! (C++, Python, Java, y'know)
Chris Ghostkid825
Hey, everyone! My name is ghostkid825 here, there, and everywhere! ;) I’ve loved Miiverse since I signed up for it, and I can’t believe they’re shutting it down. (Seriously, why would they? It’s not like they can’t afford it.) So many great memories here are all about to disappear. Goodbye to one of the best social media sites out there. RIP Miiverse 2012-2017...
Yoshi yoshijr67
Hoi! Bet you didn't expect that. Welp, I finally decided to change my profile. So yeah go play these games. Undertale Smash 4 Splatoon Acnl Rhythm Heaven If you haven't played any of these then wow! Get on this stuff! Go watch an object show Smash Mains: Yoshi Jigglypuff Lucina Splatoon Mains: Carbon Roller Slosher Deco No wii chat pls ¯\_(˙^˙)_/¯ That's all..... BOI! Still here? -_-
Luigi CowardlyGreen
It's-a me Luigi! I am-a the younger, but taller brother of-a Super Mario! I seem-a to be clumsy and-a known to be Green Mario, but-a you can always count a Green one, Okeydokey? I clean haunted Mansions with-a E.Gadd's trusty-a Poltergusts and-a usually help my Big Bro save-a the Princess from the clutches of-a Bowser. Princess Daisy is-a my Number one! *blushes* Okeydokey! Ciao!
Souldin Souldin
Hello, I'm Souldin of the Grin Brothers; welcome to my profile! I'm currently running a Miiverse based interactive Pokémon Yellow playthrough with an emphasis on story, so feel free to check it out and even join in! I like to drink tea, write, play with my cat and play video games (Kirby games in particular). I pop onto Miiverse just about every day, so if you want to chat, I'm able to most days.
ΣΨTyrogue Tyrogueevo
Tyrogue is the best pokemon ever! lets catch em all i completed my pokedex 801 whos been enjoying this year 2017 i like helping people my clan team Eclipse
Eddie Just16Characters
Edward, 15. SSBM mains: Fox SSB4 mains: Marth, Greninja ACNL town: Dandy, Eddie
GrillAlpha MK7iscool7
Steven Mew172
Hi Nintendo fans my name's Steven and Im 19 year's old. I play Mario, Kirby, Sonic and the super smash bros series. My favorite Mario character is Luigi, My main Smash character is Link, My favorite Sonic character is Silver, And my favorite Kirby Ability is Plasma.
Maia MaiaForward
Hi my name is Maia! Im a kid who loves to game! I hope you enjoy my post! ;) Im 9 years old. Also im a christan!! Favorite anime: Sailor Moon,UMR
chrispile chrisnemis12
I'm a gamer, just a gamer
Ludwig PrinceOfKoopas
The showy anti-hero, Prince Ludwig of Koopa Kingdom! Bye Miiverse. Please don't forget about the best Koopaling. Some tips... My NNID is universal — on Switch, too, and where those Smash replays all go. Koopa Kingdom's propaganda outlet is KoopaTV. KoopaTV is an .ORGanisation that promotes the Enlightenment Movement, telling the world about that plumber's evils! And more.
Eden ErnestoB8
Brad SolAsylum
Elliott Fireface78
Hey everybody! I'm Konuë [Nickname is E-man]! I have posts that you might like! I have some posts from Mario Kart 7, Kirby Clash Deluxe, Pokemon Shuffle and Rumble World, Rusty's Real Deal Baseball and more! I've even made discussions with other people like jokes and questions. If you have a comment on your posts, check and see if I made a comment! My profile name [My Nickname] is E-man!
HCRLeads15 Mr.Die9998
HCRLeads15 here. I'm friendly, helpful, and have ideas all the time. I will friend about anyone who has friended me. I have a soon to be open con.V open... Drawing Lessons.
Jarrell 1 Bowling141
Super Mario Bros. 3 (Nes)
TMkirby TMkirby
Just your average Kirby fan. And by average I mean a HUGE fan.
~Devin~ :( Nindevin23
D¡scord:Devin22Gamer#2671 УТ:DevinGamer ClosedVerse:Devin22Gamer or my mii name ☆тнапкуоц fоя 1200 fоııошеяς★ I appreciate every single yeah and follow! Bye I WILL MISS YOU!!!
☆★Ryder★TP SuperRyder17
Sadly Miverse Is Stoping If Im Not On Miverse I Be Thinking About Everyone Who Supported Me Over The Past Years And Look At My Bio Down There Hey Im ☆★Ryder★☆ Im 8½Years Old My Birthday Is November 19 I Love Videogames Im In A Clan Called Tp Or Top Players I'm Nice Im Pliote And Cool My Goal Is To Reach 1000 Follows My Current Goal Is 200 Every Day You Guys Support Me Thanks =)
RyGuy040 ryguy040s-id
I am just your average gamer... Nothing special. I like everything from Kirby to Dragon Ball. Follow me if you wish to keep up with my shenanigans. Or Don't, your choice.
MR.Flashin justflashingby
Hello guys!welcome to my profile!.i am a moblie gamer who plays a lot of mainsin that are,Zero Suit Samus,Shulk and Toon Link.i am currently trying to get better as Shulk and completing the Game Team Kirby Clash Deluxe.I am a Christen and i like favorite baseball team is the KANSAS CITY ROYALS the 2016 world champions.i hope you have an enjoyable day.God bless you!
Jess ShadowPro123
Hi, I own a 3DS system, and really like Mario, Sonic, Kirby, Hatsune Miku and Super Smash Bros. I also like Racing, RPG and Rhythm games as well! I'm actually pretty good in Smash, I can take on a level 8 CPU. I have a really strange liking for really broken games (Sonic '06 for example) because I like finding glitches in video games.