Lucile's Followers
TheWarrior Flamebro99
Hello!Im Flame heres some stuff about me Games:Minecraft,CubeSift,and more! Friend :Go take a peek! What i like:Warrior,FNAF,BATIM,Duck season,LPS. Why i love Miiveres:Well it lets people minds run wild.People that cant friend each other can cumunicate , laugh , and tell there fellings. WE WILL MISS YOU MIIVERES AND OTHER PEOPLE!
Yann popayann
37, ♂, France Love Nintendo games (Zelda, Pikmin, Yoshi, Animal Crossing ), Gamecube ♡, Wii U ♡, reading and cycling
♪★KITTEN★♪ khayaah1214kitty
!!!!!ĦĘŁŁØ ŤĦĘŘĘ!!!!! welcome to my lair(echo) i like alot of things i'm a girl friend requests r aloud and so r follows!!!!! FOLLOW THESE PEEPS: Zeke spike kitten..... Devin Esmene Gretzi ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♡♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★★☆☆★▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆■◆◆■◆◆■■■● byeeeeeeee!
Starkiller tk421luke
Hi everyone Starkiller some things about me are -A huge Sonic and Pikachu fan -Enjoys drawing and doing different drawings -I dont use Wii U Chat -Enjoys making friends with new people -If you follow me i'll definately follow you back unless i cant because of then the limit of followers Also feel free if you want to follow me if you want random drawings and posts:D and lastly Stay Awesome:3
Taco-San ramart
Thank you for all the good times, my friends. I'm glad I got to meet you all. My time on Miiverse was time well spent, thanks to you. Thank you for always encouraging & supporting me. You have helped me grow not only as an artist, but also as a person… Mostly as an artist tho'. Like, my art has improved a lot. xD May you be blessed in everything you do. Later! d(>ω<)/ ~Tamaru "Taco-San" 11/7/17
max gffdgntjn
This user's profile comment is private.
Mallas*мкς ALYA2001
Profile comment hidden by admin.
pjj gamerking100
real gamer alret and anime lover
rosie SparkelingJosie
Hi my names Josie! :) I love minecraft, roblox, nintendo games and the sims! <3 Remember, always be yourself ;) <3
★goldwolf★ G0ldW0lf
hi these are the games i like 1. UNDERTALE 2. terreria (i hope i spelled that correctly) 3. super mario maker 4. badge arcade 5. five nights at freddy's 6. castle crashers 7. last but not least battle block theater I also love seeing peoples comments and posts! make sure to check out CADEUS.
kyra * andyzelda0001
sup, weeeeeell ..... my name is Andy , I love wolfs..... what else ... I like a lot gore and dead..... that's it , now go away .... stop there's nothing important down there , so stop ..... you continue here ? go !!!
victoria Tikiwataya
nounounim starfleche
Aκıяα likiame
ÐΣMarilena Huskyfan-ID
Nice to meet you or こんいちわ ^^/, I'm Marilena. Some facts about me: •Fan of Huskies, Zelda, Anime/Manga and Pokémon •Love drawing, reading and playing video games •Member of the ÐΣ☆ team •My favourite games are: 1.Zelda Breath of the Wild 2.Pokémon Sun 3.Splatoon 2 Drawing requests:+Open+ Please follow these great friends and artists: Wolfly26, Jolie1234 and WonderrOne. See you or さようなら !\^^
ςροοκγαqυα EnderCat1206
Hi.. Browse if you'd like :> ♥♀ MtF <3 ♥Im bi ^^ ♡>v> I like foxes! ♡No blank FR's please!! |Follow these people| *☆croω☆ (Cool artist) *shrimpy ( :> ) *☆★soy★☆ (Nice person ^^) *Matty (Sweet squib) *CorBY (Awesome) *IronC (Cool bean) *Purity ( Mine <3 vuv) *Cube (gum drop vuv) *•Emma• ( ^^ ) P.s... (DA=AquaBlu32) D-cord (AquaBlu) (#894 3) Quick :0
Mashiro√ FriskSansChara
If you're not Otaku I do not know what you're doing here… Are you still here? ¬_¬
★☆Lıηκιε☆★ tetel59
Pablo 09-03-04-P
Hola, si me sigues y comentas alguna de mis publicaciones te lo agradecería, y puede que te siga a ti.
passi p11p2l
Hi Leute ich bin der Pascal und komme aus Innsbruck möchte jemand mit mir Wii u freunde sein
dvmmc brickcraft
♪everything is awesome everything is cool when your part of the teem everything is awesome ween were live are dream everything is better when we stick 2 together side by side you and i gonna win forever lets party forever♪the first person I followed is Aaron My first follower is ☆Neko 64★ and I make funny,creepy,wut,stoff so in joy my stuff………………………………………………………please0±0
Théo frankpelletier32
RainbowFox Vanquish0723
♥♡Hey its RainbowFox23! nicknames: Fox,Rainbow DISNEYLAND AND DISNEY THINGS! Bffs!: Cj,Zero,Melody,Derpy,Esmene,ArtiSquid♪, Eva,Tom♥ I'll miss you all... followers, friends, you are the best thing that has happened to me... now its goodbye :( My clan is now down... wasn't the best but it was good.. also i made a new and final post... also i may not be here before it closes here but i'll try .♡♥
FAVORITISM Fried_Pancakes_1
Steven Universe Characters •Lapis Lazuli = T •Sapphire = T •Bismuth = T •Pearl = T •Jasper = T •Connie = T •Centipeetle/Nephrite = T •Ice = T Other Characters •Steven = G •Peridot = G •Ruby = G •Garnet = G •Clear Quartz = G •Greg = G •Amethyst = G •Holly Blue = G нαρργηεςς:~ ♥♥♥♥♥ ςαδηεςς:~ ♥♡♡♡♡ ισνε:~ ♥♥♥♥♥ нατε:~ ♥♡♡♡♡ гεqυεςτς:~ уες() ησ(♥) stevonnie pyriteJXG moldavite (obsidian x peridot)
ZeldaBotw RijuBotw
ジョンくん (JD) ILikePie888
#MiiverseIsEndingAndMyLife$ucks I'm an all Nintendo gamer. I love everything about Japan and plan to move there and work at Nintendo. I'd most like to be on the creative side of game design, making the characters, story, game itself, etc. I'm always myself, and I always encourage others to be themselves too. (Be yourself!) ^.^ R.I.P. Iwata-san
Mizu-Maru Tanka-Okiru
Classically trained on the N.E.S.
SS∞jasper jasper7447
hello my name is jasper.
Lory LoveJapan20
Since I was only a little child I play videogames of all shapes and genres. I don't like to associate my preferences to a specific type of game because - to me - every adventure could be interesting, especially when the main story is well developed. The Zelda saga occupies a special place in my heart, such as the AC one. Don't mind my nickname though, I'd like to change it, but it's impossible...
とおる anryuna05
はい!ミバ友ぼしゅうです!あと、フレぼしゅうです!フレ送ってください!よろしくです! ミバ友…ひで君様、ユウナ樣、BondS様、オレンジ様など!ぼしゅう中です!フレンド…あみちゃん、BοndSさん、ネズミ一マウスさん、#マミ一ポコもえさん、あおいこさん、ゆうかさん、まひろさん、イカっちbさん…等!ミバ友なってくれる人は私がとうこうしてる作品にコメントかいてくれればうれしいです!よろしくおねがいします! 歳…13さいの中1です! HPB…1月19日 生まれた所…群馬県(玉村)です! 性格…天然、ドM、サイコパス、←(私はそうなのかな?)優しい←(え?)、足速い、明るい元気、オタク、腐女子、以上です!よく良われます… あと、おそ松さんと東方が大好きです! おそ松さんはー松とトド松推しで、東方はフラン好きです!今のMiiは私のパパです!(キモイね)じゃあそういうことで!
Un dessin vaut mieux qu'un long discours...