LunyRed★'s Yeahs

can't believe next time i'll open this, all the memories will be vanish... thanks for the journey everyone!

Glad you enjoyed it! This is probably the one that will suffer the most from losing the in-level comments, since in this case they supplied the actual lyrics. But I guess it's at least good to know...

I guess it's time to say good bye. It was a pleasure meeting you! Hopefully we cross our paths again in a future. Thank you for making these awesome levels! I'll keep playing even though I won't be...

i would have to download this! it may take a while to beat! on D******, i will give you feedback lol

Merci beaucoup LunyRed :) Although I didn't say anything, your new level (which you say is hard) is in my mind for a while, I tend to keep the hard ones for latter. Fortunately you are on gamefaqs,...
Hello, all. The only thing you need to know about me is that I love anime, manga, pro-wrestling (...
Hello, all. The only thing you need to know about me is that I love anime, manga, pro-wrestling (WWE), and of course, Super Mario Maker. That should be all for now. Happy gaming and I hope we could get along!