Users ςнσ¢кщдνε★ Is Following
KingEnder DiamondCrafter67
CC★Matthew Matthew3167
★♪ιгφп_н♪★ Robin3813
Hello I Am Ryan! ¶§√Facts¶§√ Age:15 Favorite Color:) Red and Blue Favorite Food:)Sausage and HashBrowns Thanks For 125 Followers ♥Your Awesome!!! I Play Mario Kart 8,JD2017 and Cubeshift and more! 200cc Experienced Player! Clan in MK8:мк¢ (Member) Invite only! Bye Love You!!! XD▲■◆●▼☆★♡♥√¢$§¶¤Updated 9/22/17 And R.I.P Miiverse... 2012-2017 Nov.7 10:00 PT... ):Best Buds:★♥Dylan,Alex,Cam And More.
Jοςнυα G. LuigiFan304
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
Jane JamesRameirez
Hello world, I'm Jane! I love all Mario games (I have 019) and I hope to get more! I love a variety of subjects. I think everyone thinks I'm boring. Like a lot of people, I play video games. Some of my favorite works of literature include Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Keeper, The Three Musketeers, and Brian's Winter. B.T.W. I don't Wii U or in-game Chat for obvious reasons.
ηκJibanyan dogeandsanic
I am a cat and i like it like that, i wash my βцťț in the laundrymat.(YesItsRightPanda) I'm the leader of ηκ, Nyan klub. if you want to join comment on one of my posts if you have at least 1 nyan or are one of the nyans. [your mii, not a member of the club.] i will pick some leaders, some other yo-kai are allowed to join if i choose. Henlo smort bois
Rene 614423
Profile comment hidden by admin.
мк¢★Dylan★ Getkeattz64
Awaiting greatness! Clans involved in: мк¢ - Mario kart champions (Member) INVITE ONLY! αƒ - Aerial Fighters (Member) Clan war - ? мк¢ - Record: 2-0 Teamwork makes the dream work! Always up for a round of MK8 :)
Hi my name is MAY09 my favourite food is mushed potato with mushroom my favourite game is mario kirby & zelda my favourite youtube channel is SML and that's it cya
★Vamp♪ VampishSquire21
я¢м◆Joey SparcoRZ
Farewell >6949
Andrew Alt Unleashed_22
This is змм☆Δηδгεщ's (Andrew173) Alt. I use this when main account is banned.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
Dylanyahu 1-4m-0-N0
Mazel tov, you've reached my profile. I am a veteran Smasher, MK8 racer, SMM user, NLM (Next Level Makers) member, and somewhat fluent Hebrew speaker. I rarely do Wii U Chat. Star exchanges and glitch levels are prohibited in SMM. Penalties from Nintendo include stars reset to zero, all levels deleted, and permanently banned from Course World. Toda raba and laila tov.
ploopNAC firelands2007
I will be offline because I will be at scout camp. Bye miiverse.
ρδωεг★πг Super7seven
Greetings I am πг If you want to play a game of MK7 With me ask Well here explore this Meaningless Void called my profile ι ωιιι ωιπ
RèàìTìgèr TheRealTiger_2
Hi!! My Name is RealTiger And I will Share My Profile With You!! So, I like Terraria, Minecraft, SuperSmashBros., And Splatoon! Also I WONT Be Posting A lot... (' _ ') And A Rule Is That I Like To Say This.. But if You Follow Me I will Follow You! Guys Im NOT Good At drawing Sorry.
★мк¢★Joel★ Squirrely123
Hello i'm Joel, and I ♥ mario games. Favorite Song: Gonna Fly Now MK8 √R: 8K SMM ★'s: 800 MK8 combo ★οм¢★Joel★ Master Bike Cyber Slick Gold Glider My Clans υмм (United Master Makers) Member οм¢ (Original Mario Carters) Member мк¢ (Mario Kart Champions) Owner (Invite Only) I Own Joel's Race-A-Thon. Ask me for more details.
Exciton☆Vξ ChobitsLove
Leader Of TBG: the Sm4sh Clan TO BE GOAT! Look at open discussion if you wanna join! I main Pikachu, second Falcon! Peace!
Madison PaddyE2
PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN (This is the 2nd account of PaddyE i will post here incase of a ban but for now i will use this for more posts and comments #ShamelessPlugIsShameful #PapaBlessHughMungus #StopTommy, my other account is the leader of the #StopTommy † Clan)
ADMIN 5532 PantherNavySeal
Hai! This is an admin acc! Y'all dislike me, I know. I b@nned you! Wait... You're not allowed to know of my existence! Umm well then... Denotating: 5 4 3 2 1 *BOOM* Wait... how are you still here? Are you a hacker?
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Welp, it's the final day guys... Anyways, I'm Noah. I'm 13, Christian, and a T1D. Plus I'm a die-hard Mipha fan. I've made so many's sad to see it go. Favorite games: 1. Splatoon 2 2. Tomodachi Life 3. TLOZ: BOTW 4. MK8 5. AC:NL I'm a true NSLUC memer, so, yeah. My school schedule: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thanks for everything Nintendo and Miiverse. See you on the Switch! -Noah
Kayla Minecraftgirl246
Hi!!! hear is the games I play minecraft.wii sports club.donkey kong. Please friend request me and follow me MC is really the only game I play so I'll be your friend if you play MC or not because some of you don't have MC or don't like it!!!!
JOSE joseoribencel321
Que tal 8) Si lees esto significa se saves leerXD Ok no bueno■ mi nombre es jose ★me gustaria ser amigo de todo aquel que lee esto ▲me gusta todo tipo de juegos ♥en especial mario ●edad esta entre 15 y 10 ♥mejor amigo m No lose ♪♪color favorito rojo e azul en fin.... que mas puedo decir..... ♥¬♥
FreshMetro FreshMetro
No point in trying to think up a comment
Splat Toad sggames
Hello! My name is Splat Toad and I am a HUGE nintendo fan. I own a Wii U (how else would I be writing this :P ) and I also have a 3DS and a Wii. My favourite video game franchise is Mario but I also like Splatoon, kirby and Donkey Kong. I reguarly do play journal entries and discussions so feel free to comment on them. If you want to see what games I have, look in my favourite communitys BYE!
gaming hoody3657
i like doing youtube videos and i live in new york city
ShadowKirb Sonic4life246
Goodbye everyone! I'm gonna miss you! Especially these people SONIC Jily ◆Yazzy◆ Splatfan04 Datguysups Friskybits Redsplat☆★ And those are only a few! See you on CV, Amino or Gaagle+! CV: Same as here Amino: Bootleg Pookachu Gaagle+: Same as Amino
Jacob Jakeoraptor15
I'm just a simple college student who likes video games, I don't Wii U chat, have a great day.
Baby Daisy batman5050
Hey Its Baby Daisy I Play Lots Of Mario Games And Minecraft And Im Also The Leader Of Daisy Worlds (DW) Which Is A Building Team On Minecraft And I Plan On Becoming A Video Game Collector Now Consoles I Have WiiU 3DS Switch NES Games That DW Is On Mario Kart 8 Minecraft: Wii U Edition DW Members jack Baby Rosalina CHRIS phinstar markus Kris Aqua Toad (All The Toads Use That Account)
will willdaman99
Poppy Raiders-Cards
Hi everyone! I am Poppy and I enjoy playing Fantasy Life, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Tomodachi Life, Wii Fit U, Style Savvy: Fashion Forward, and so much more! Some of my favorite things: Color: Yellow Type of Music: Hard Rock College Team: Louisville NFL Team: Oakland Raiders Drink: Shirley Temple See that button up there that says "Follow +"? You should click it if you haven't already. :-)
Nin◆Paddy† PaddyE
Hoy I'm Paedric! Me: Christian Male I'm 14 and 6"1 Clans: Leader of the StopTommy Clan Nin◆ Peeps to Follow: Ed™ (Edward_Wetter) Jess (coolspike80) Kong (Skyrocket712) Noah (NV63NV) Clarence (Tinyboy1997) Winnie (PikachooGal) Zom (phonatgeodeZom) Elzonire (TheWindMage) Noelle (lego_lover96) Diamond (landmarkchurch2) Ray (rayolinels) Maguire (Mcgreen554) Megan (Giant.Squirrels) #ThankYouClarence
Brady/Fire BH104323
So... I'm leaving. My parents are taking my Wii U away for 2 wks. Special thx to: Octolexi Gavin Lucas Lindsey SDG Ema Alli Cynthia Shockwave DiddyKong Noah TM Barak ATAman 6521ordnut Eddie6L Daisy Ty Mistery G Dappled Sonic Bye everyone... If I get a switch, my name and Mii'll be the same.Always look for either Firestorm or Darkflame. This is Brady, Signing off... BTW, I'm 14 and †Saved†! Kay Bye
Oscar B0bTheMini0n
Hi, Old Chaps! I'm Oscar P! I'm 11, and making a spiffing whole series of worlds in SMM! Queen and ABBA are my favourite bands. My best friend is superleo-uigi. I don't friend. I'll miss you all. *Bohemian Rhapsody plays* I'm a huge Nintendo-retro fan, you know, so By George, start up your SNES, get out your Gameboy, click your Switch and put on the tea! ~Oscar "All posters post posts!"
BIG BANG bellybuttom
Nathan nathan-hatton
Hi Legend of Zelda is the best No clans im in (on this account) In my other account im in the GLƒ clan #GLƒ is the best other account name GLƒ★ηατнαη to proof im not trolling
Welcome to the remains of Wave's Miiverse. If you read this I am no longer on the site or respond...
Welcome to the remains of Wave's Miiverse. If you read this I am no longer on the site or responding to last comments.
Games I play are Mario Kart 8, (7.5k RVR) 7, (6k RVR) and Wii, (7000 vr) Splatoon (B+Rank) and Mario Maker on Wii U (4 medals)
My dream job is music mixing and developing. I also like playing music!