♪LeeLee™♪'s Followers
Goodbye DANYEL120
A little about myself.... ●I love to sleep,but don't want to do it ●My all time favorite games are SPLATOON Mario cart MINECRAFT SSB's ●i am weird ●I would like it if you dropped a follow ●i draw random stuff and post random stuff why you still here?? go away
☆Λиτиγ☆ Anthony_TIP
Hey! ηαmεs Anthony, βμτ yοu cαn cαιι mε Antny. (Don't actually) ★I'm ιεαrиίиg høш то рιау gцίтаг★ ★I like to Drαw ★ ★I ιΘνε Pokémon αηd Splatoon★ ★αgε: 15★ ★Şłσωιγ τμrníηģ Μθre ąηd mσřε ξmδ :D★ ★ƒаvθŕiτε βαηd: Green Day★ ★I NO LONGER ACCEPT BLANK FRIEND REQUESTS★ ★ƒΑνοŕițε śоиğ: Brain Stew - Green Day★ ★Happy ★★★☆☆ ★Cringy ★★★★★ ★Crippling Depression ★★★★★★★★★★ ♪Arrivederci♪ Heck
owen owensmom17
b day boii Arlette14
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dark zelda talker104
i'll follow you and you follow me back
Tiny Beans Helonious
i love super mario maker
Jessica jessivasquez82
Hi Miiverse! Just wanted to stop by and say hey to all you wonderful people here. And I have to admit this is a pretty awesome place after all, seriously though guys, this place is awesome like you guys! (And as a reminder, anyone can be anything don't let anyone hold any of you down cause this is Wii U world, and in Wii U world anyone can be anything.) (Stay awesome bros, brofist.)
DarkAgentE Shredderninja
Hey Guys! I'm Ethan, and I like Nintendo. I'm 12 years old, and I'm 5'9''. I love reading, it's been a passion of mine for a long time. I read Fantasy, Historical Fiction, ect. Not Romance though! I can't stand that. I love FPS and RPGs. And I love Westerns, action movies, I'm a jack of mostly any Genre.
joe ramonamcgee
hi i love pizza
Davide Davide_293
ciao! io sono Davide. é ho 7 anni
CO∞Kenopix MarsMatteo
Hi , everybody Thanks 5 0 0 followers ! j'aime surtout : Bah... tout en faiteuuuh '-' je pourrais dire quoi ? je sais abonne toi oui toi ! sinon tu seras content ou mécontent de voir mes messages bonne visite de mon profil ! (#E ♡) (#S ^.^) (#Y )
тгеумоп★ TVerse15
Hi! My name's Trey! My favorite video game is Super Mario Galaxy 2. My favorite color is blue. I hope you enjoy my posts! Peace out y'all.
grincheux gricheux26200
Nico juancarlosxx
Hola mi nombre es Tomas soy un gran fan de la saga Zelda en otras palabras un Zeldero si quieren ser mis amigos no duden en enviarme una solicitud OK
КÐHenry sockmonkey13
hey guys henry here and right now i am very sad because u all know miiverse is closing down, and, well i just want to thank u guys for the support and my friends mainly doodlekid123. so thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, and goodbye
alyssa Pinky0505
hi i'm alyssa , i love seeing people having fun looking at my post.
Juan AwesomeJuan
Fnaf fans come check out the Kentucky Club community (check my favorite communities ↓). Me and a group of fnaf fans are making it the fnaf community Scratch that, since Miiverse is ending, im not gonna do anything about Kentucky Club no more Best Friends: Charcho, MII king, Sienna, Catro Im moving to ACNL when Miiverse ends
ςтαя-ιαdу Faith805
Hey guys, it's Faith! That's my name so you can also call me Faithy, my nickname! I'm 12 years old. User was previosly ωοιƒΐε I LOVE Aphmau, DanTDM & Random Encounters! they are all awesome youtubers and my favorite! I LOVE LEGO MOVIE AND GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY!!!!★★★★★ Please Follow Other friends of mine because They're Awesome! "уоця яιgнт ωεяε πστ ƒяιεπdς, ωεяε ƒαмιlγ" -dяах τhε dεςτгоуεя
ςαςυκε [Ð] pimms8
si toi aussi tu veux participer a la protection des ours violeur alors abonne toi
αιρπα мэ Metatron3ds
Im Irish.ats all Ive got for ya. •••ισνε γαιι••• °•★ ★•° •••••••••• ★☆◆●■▲▼ ••••••••••
;(ByeMVLis x-tg9zg.tirr-hgo
Tschau Miiverse Goodbye ich werde euch nie vergessen ich werde auch nie diese schöne Zeit die Was ich mit euch verbringen konnte nie vergessen nur ich werde euch immer Vermissen "schnief" Vielen vielen Dank Danke Auf nimmer Wiedersehen ciao Goodbye adieu !!!
Nizol Scounilat7
I don't try to start wars on any websites. I will try to be polite to anyone I might meet online.
Dr. Choi Ki11ahK0r3ean
This account is for only if I'm banned, it ain't banned now so go check it out ( Dr.Choi ) - In following list If for any reason you follow me here, follow my real account, that's where all the good content is at I do Follow 4 Follow here as well though I may not get to you here as fast since most of my attention is faced towards my original but I will get to you ASAP ˙˘˙ #TeamMadQueen.
★★★αέή nitsuAm
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Zèké FEARobin
I am truly sorry, but we've left a day early, have a good life and my prayers are with you c:
Dr. Choi StewartChoi
I'm Stewart Choi. R.I.P Miiverse on November 7th. Got none more to say besides the games I play and other stuff lol
Matilde zoroarkina
Since you're here, you must have touched my mii... Well, I don't like being touched, but for you I'll make an exception. Hey there, my name is Matilde, I'm a normal 12 years old girl who likes animes, Creepypastas, Undertale and Five Nights at Freddy's. If you wanna know my aspect, just look at the mii. Oh, and by the way, I'm Italian, so I may spell something wrong and I'm very, very lazy...
Zobo ZoeBlowie
Hi!! I'm Zoë! But my nickname is Zobo! I'm 12! Here are some things about me! • I want to be a doctor/surgeon/voice actor someday! • I love Harry potter, lord of the rings, my little pony and doctor who! • I am agoraphobic, which means I am afraid of being in large, open spaces! • I love rping, so don't hesitate to ask! I really love apocolypse and fantasy ones the most!
spider juliannpichi4566
i am ALEX SPIDER THE GREEN HEADQUARTERS i am no ordinary spider but i am AWSOME FAVORITE FRIEND INSPECTOR HEAVY OMEGAMARIO89 Favorite FOOD FRUITS Favorite DRINK WATER. LIKES . SPORTS, GAMES , SNAPCHAT, INSTAGRAM, dislikes RUDE People, MOST WANTED dark inkling .favorite people jai, Cole, me , inspector heavy , omega mario89 . STAY FRESH! my link ALEX SPIDER
journy8 akgirl9
im not very good at action games or shooter games but i really like horror or simulation games. :D i really like anime and my hobbie is drawing and cough cough making puppets. i know its weird but its fun. i hate math and im really stupid when it comes to math yes im a girl obviously. my name is misspelled on purpose ive been spelling it that way for a long time so just dont ask please. bye :3
KIKOU kee-koo-83
puisque miiverse est fini et bas alors adieu à tous resté les best que vous êtes et adieu..
コーラグミ ymsthrk
scooter spongebob1013
i am sad because no body is following my games
brenda rosalinasunset
hi everyone. im brenda and i welcome everyone here. facts bout me. 1.i try to draw rosalina as good as nintendo :[ :/. 2. i love drawing. 3. i am a twin of my sis, brissa :]. 4. i speak spanish. im 12. have a good day main rosalina:D☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ rosalina names chinese:luójiétã japanese:Rozetta spanish(NOE):Estela french(NOE):harmonie italian:Rosalinda russian:Rozalina korean:Rojellina ni
Nas'jer OnionMan22
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Günter MarleyFlores
I just Started Miiverse! :)
NavyGames9 navyhandsome
CoachIsaia CoachIsaiah
hello my name is Adrian I am 13 1/2 yrs old . Here are some things you should know about me. I am a pretty serious gamer I love anime otaku My favorite game is SSB4 always looking for a challenge I am also looking for friends please follow and send freind requests. If you follow me i'll follow you back. MERRY XMAS
kittyclare catsREpic2
♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ ♡ ☆Hiya! I'm kittyclare and i play MCPE and YouTube. I love horro-games and absolutely hate school!!! I enjoy RP's alot and will be freinds with ANYONE!!!! [Rember i'm still ten so don't send me gross stuff]★ ♪Alphebet boy♪ ♪Nightcore- circles♪ ♪Nightcore- bullet train♪ BYE!!! ‹з ♡ ♡
James hypererupter0256
I'm straight Have someone in mind 14 Roy4510 is my homie (A.J. to) good 2 get along with likes making new friends loves YouTube loves cracking jokes as soon as theres a chance loves talking to friends etc.
C»FυηΧ♪ antoinerigollot
ħī! țнэ паме įş ιαψια
ßüț γσυ çåņ ċąļļ мз ΙεεΙεε
Emo ★☆☆☆☆
Girly Girl ★★★☆☆
Tomboy ★★☆☆☆
Gay ★★...
ħī! țнэ паме įş ιαψια
ßüț γσυ çåņ ċąļļ мз ΙεεΙεε
Emo ★☆☆☆☆
Girly Girl ★★★☆☆
Tomboy ★★☆☆☆
Gay ★★☆☆☆
Bi ★★★★★
Myself ★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Noob flute player
Very popular irl ö