Dave's Followers
Tablet124 swainjr
Planrock124 (Dylan Mc Gamer500 achuly:)
やまイチゴ issin6
顔ポチありおか。 Hey!Say!JUMPガチで神 A.Y.TのCD楽しみですぅぅぅ 自己紹介 name やまイチゴ(本名、侑里っ) HBD 6/19(イノちゃんと3日違いっ) charge やまけと I'm twelve.Nice to meet you♪ l like Hey!Say!JUMP. l love you,Hey!Say!JUMP!! …ほい。ポポロとmyojo買ったあ あと山田って書いてあるキーホルダーも買ったぁ いのちゃんの誕生日まであと2週間!?この前まで「山ちゃんおめでとぉー」って騒いでたのになぁ… しかし、学校で気になる人が出来ちゃった人なのです。それでもJUMPは愛ingなのです!! JUMPerカモナって。どんどん来ちゃって尾っ慧ー! 宏新 6/10
Bernd Bernd-1984
Hello, I am a Nintendo gamer from Germany since the Gameboy and SNES era. The Mario and Zelda games are my favorites. Send a friend request so we can play online together some time. ;-D Have fun everyone!
Gamejatnie 123mjev
Èitar 1816EITA
Mad Hatter MSL9983
Jedirg3 Jedirg3
pupcake peachy78
Annim JaminnTroll
jujuvanlis tominatorju
Shadowfeld Shadowfeld
ThirdMan ThirdMan333
jacha jachao
I can speak english. Bonjour !!! Je suis jacha sur Wii U et sur 3ds !! Personnellement, j'adore les jeux de plateforme, comme Mario et les jeux de stratégie comme The Legend of Zelda . J'aime bien d'autre jeu, mais on va arrêter la. N'hésitez pas à me suivre (le bouton en haut ↑↑↑↑↑) P.S. J'aime les Amiibos!
Jacob Jdsalvo
Soronus Soronus
As I've gotten older, I purchased a Wii U to remember the glory days and support Nintendo one last time. Back after a lengthy move!
Ιηğŕιδ Ingydoosky
Hi! I'm Ingrid! And here are some things you should know about me: I have no age! I like pizza! I don't take friend requests! My favorite color is pink, purple and blue! My favorite youtuber is Alex/CraftedRL or whatever you want to call him! I'm female! I rate Profiles! I stink at Minecraft™! Bye my cookies!♥♡♥♡♥♡
IF★βεττγ21 ingydooskymo
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nobodyxiv shredsoflife2014
Trying to get those stars in Super Mario Maker
kebmo astrozombie77
Derek thedinemondmine2
Turbo AgentBoogeyman
Nathan Suegghb
hi everyone tell me about any games you recommend and I will try them hope to hear from you again.
King Joel joelvelazquez