Users Nin★Мarco Is Following
MV★Aπdrew Andrew173
SW-5639-9164-9787 Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.
Furzkind Tjarve-Luca
Hallo! Ich bin Tjarve. Gut, dass du dich auf meinem Profil eingenistest hast (^o^). Ähh, ja. Wer Bock hat, kann mir gerne eine Freundschaftsanfrage schicken. (Wer kein Bock hat natürlich auch)... Nun ja. Meine Spiele = meine Communities. P.S. You can chat with me in English too! I'm happy about followers and yeahs. Thanks that you visit my profile... See you later! (maybe) (^-^)
Reid707 Reidy1205
hi my name is reid and i love playing nintendo games
Thomas Thomas0768
brandon brandon191919
im good at games i wish i had paper mario color splash waaaaa
sBs beachstar
MK8 9999 VR DKC Tropical Freeze 200% Rayman Legends Awesomeness 10 Mario Maker 12 medals
ηiη★Mдгίθ★ zach-alex
Hi Welcome on my Profile, I am Zach And want now to thank all of my friends! If you want to try my levels at Super Mario Maker or play with me at MK8 tell me! I just start my high school. I am 12 years old.
GREG WOUT.vanaert
マスターZ koukyun
いっしょにマイクラする人探してます。いっしょにする人はフレお願いします。フォローは100%返します(^^)/ これから宜しくお願いします フォロワー目標500だ!! 俺結構フォローしてるんだけどな~ww とりあえずフォローしてね 自己紹介 さ か い し に 住 ん で い ま す ! ! (顔はイケメンwwまじだよ) その目は信じてないな まぁいい 好きなアニメ アンパンマン プリプリちいちゃん 仮面ライダーエクゼイド 以上 のわけねーよ 何 悲しいです 肉まんと言われました そうゆう言葉は~ ダメですよ!! 肉まんとかそれな~とか ちゃんとした質問にしてくださぁ~い
Tron19 trueno19
Closedverse: Tron19 ☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★ ●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆ ·'‘’‛·.·'‘’‛· '·. ♥ .·' Thank you for those amazing 2 years THANK YOU ▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼● ★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆
▼СΉΆΓŁΪΞ▼★ CharlieKB2006
I am a 100%er and i have been since 2001 and im resently started mario kart 7. Wish me luck! age 13 i love undertale ingame stats name chara level/lv/love 19 aria jugment hall gold 4013 wepon real knife protecction locket
Tigre Noir GuepardBleujiji
Salut je m'appelle tigre je suis joueur pro sur mario suis parcouriste et encore étudiant. abonner vous et que ça ROCK
FERRO Ferro2016
hallo ik ben ferro en dit is dat ik voor de eerste keer op miiverse ben en ik ben een kind van 8 jaar en ik zie je zo dag
Adam catherinesmith78
hello my name is ADAM and i am 8 years old i live in a manchon and i have 3 dogs one is a rotwiler and a hound and a jack rsle
remko remko10
ik heb graag vrienden maar het eerste is dat miiverse gaat stoppen en ik vind dat niet leuk ik zou graag vrienden blijfen met praaten miiverse moet blijfen doorgaan dus wie dit leest geef zeker een reactie achter.
kate hello2468bebe
hi im kate i like to listen to relxing music and learning about my culture even so i ♥ FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS IT IS SO THE BEST GAME EVER MY FAV IS MARINETTE I'm also 11
c_Eι¡τё! ajnathan435
< Oηιγ 1 dαγ ιεfτ... > <I will miss everyone in the following community's> -Scribblenauts Unlimited -Animal Crossing: New Leaf -Everybody's Message Community It's been a good time. Everyone. Thank you for everything. Sad to let this go... I loved Miiverse. ============================= ♥Farewell, 2012-2017♥ 1 day. Great...
Adrian johncanozo
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
ĘŁĪĄς¶SQT Birthelmer
Hi lieblings freunde sind:Sven¶SQT Paul¶SQT Lina<3&Patrick&Hanna¶SQT Bff:Sven Patrick u. Hanna & #Ferrari# lieblingsfarbe:blau lieblings tier:Katze. Ich habe einen clan namens:¶SQT Heißt:SplatoonQuastoTeam wer rein will schreibt es Sven oder Mir!(bin auch im <3clan lieblings youtuber:Domtendo Chaosflo44&Arahzul_HD&Paluten&Zombey&Maudado&Concrafter&Samuel Bessega Hab am 18.9 Geburtstag/bin10 #bye
Tophery Tophery
Dr.Jay Der_Jay
Piet PietSmiet
Br4mm3n Br4mm3n
Dhalucard Dhalucard
tinNendo Metulski
DestinyCst triple_wii
Let's Player und Gamer aus Leidenschaft.
Rndm★Kai Kai.Gohan
Offizielles Miiverse-Profil von Randomkai, aka Redonstkai, aka WikipediatendoLP, also hi. N U N K I A S!!!!!! =)=(===()=(=)(=)=(=)
YT_BlueX2 777Blue
Hallo an alle, die das Miiverse nutzen ^^ Auf Youtube heiß ich BlueX2. Ich bin leidenschaftlicher Super Mario Maker Let's Player und Speedrunner und spiele hauptsächlich eure Level. Schaut doch mal vorbei ;) Liebe Grüße BlueX2
DebitorLP Debitor
Steve SteveRelius
Swudeliger als ich geht nicht :U
*ZGM*Alex* Zeldameister
ZeldaGroßmeister @ Youtube
karel karelbethune
Hi , I 'm Karel 'm 12 years I do I want to be one of the best makers of Mario maker like to make new friends miiverse and welcome to my profile
Y2J Garrettiscool789
╲┏━┳━━━━━━━━┓╲╲ ╲┃◯┃╭┻┻╮╭┻┻╮┃╲╲ ╲┃╮┃┃╭╮┃┃╭╮┃┃╲╲ ╲┃╯┃┗┻┻┛┗┻┻┻┻╮╲ ╲┃◯┃╭╮╰╯┏━━━┳╯╲ ╲┃╭┃╰┏┳┳┳┳┓◯┃╲╲ ╲┃╰┃◯╰┗┛┗┛╯╭┃╲╲ 4100+ thanks! padens back
★Hi I'm Nin★Marco♪ ♂ and 16 years old.★ ♥Nintendo♥
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★Hi I'm Nin★Marco♪ ♂ and 16 years old.★ ♥Nintendo♥
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♥Thank's guys for all!♥ :'-(
†R.I.P. MIIVERSE 08.11.2017† 1 day left.