TSG★PKL★MJ's Followers
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
Joe cheesesandwichgt
info on me: im from/ live in england im 15, i have a 3ds i LOVE ZELDA, i also like splatoon, mario, professor layton, kid icarus uprising, wonderful 101, and the list goes on, i am extremeley skilled in games, i am quite smart, im always looking for good (and long) games because i finish quick. i will only wii u chat if i trust you
Jack J98079
Atlas3☆★ AtCost
hi i love playing smash and im 11 and i got a new hair cut! uh i also like lost reavers and undertale and slender i also like fnaf a LOT and im a mlg quickscoper
MICH07XXIL JBMarioMan2007
Hello i am MICH07XXIL and i want you to know... Gender: Male Address: Private To World Food: CatFish Drink: Dr Pepper Movie: Get Out Song: Bank Account Artist: 21 Savage, Migos, Jeezy YouTuber: PlainRock124 Sport's Team: Michigan State
honik canimaylem123
dantdm jesus151020
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ιητεгηετ♀♂ batim1010
Hi uhh idk what to say but i love reading The quest for the ink machine and Love programming , drawing, and just want some buddies
Shadow Whoisourdadayilo
hi my name is jalean and i love my fans thank you about evreyone that loved my jokes i will keep posting jokes to make yall laghth i love you all and please fallow me ok why are u here jk come on BYE LEAVE NOW please ok im going to snap bye
jojo spauldingml
abbielove89 i love to play games
Messi milan06boy
Cooper MiffenCat
play minecraft whith me miffencat
εmmγ ♪ pippy06
wassup b
madjid ferchau
fatiguer clemsouille64
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evil∞Mıxou mycedalya
Bonjour je m'apelle Mixou je suis dans la team evil ou evil∞ je suis amoureux de shara je suis méchant★☆☆☆☆ partant★★★★★ jentil★★★★★ amoureux♥♥♥♥♥ j'aime jouer a minecraft si vous avez vue mes commentaire merci et a bientôt!? aublier pas que j'exclure que les énervans je fait beaucoup de pixels arts et abonner vous svp pour mon plaisir ^_^ mes cher moi pas d'insulte
knuckles jpzone12
My favourite game is pokemon rumble world
tomtomgo tomtomgo59
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victoria victoriavilanova
Julie Georges.SF
salut a tous je mappelle Julie , je suit en internat spécialisé . j'ai 14 ans Gentillesse ♥♥♥♥ Maichante♥♡♡♡ amoureuse des garçon a 11 ou 12 ans their up its its time over zoning middle
thhjjjuh appiman1977
Julian4eva Julian4eva
ruben wpioppp1
hallo ik ben ruben en ik ben 10 jaar
SlenderMan picachu13
does anybody Want to play minecraft with me?
gregory gregorry7
Muffin Coolness5686
☆MUFFIN★ ☆Join the #DON'TENDMIIVERSE Club! ★I follow the people who follow me too!:D ☆I play Mariokart7, code for my community:43-2117-0849-0305 ★Follow Emma the wolf & Skylar! ☆Animal Crossings New leaf dream adress- 5D00-0037-F19E Not like anyone's going to check it out anymore. So, I guess this is goodbye. Hopfully not forever.
Munk2 Kav-Munk
Hello. This is Munk2. If you recognize a person named Munk, congratulations, you get a star:★. This is the same person. Now, you've seen everything, now go. Also, horrible drawings. Also pizza. 55 followers. No longer banned! 150 followers! Thanks! Love you all! Keep it going! Two more weeks until Miiverse ends. Lets end it with a bang! The 400 character limit is trash.
Chee■★Moon KordWiiU
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is Chee■★Moon Fav animal: Cat Fav show: Family Guy Fav food: Spaghetti Fav snack: Cookies (Chocolate Chip) I really like powerade I don't care which flavor my friends always go to subway Oh! speaking of which my fav restaurant is apple bees and mcdonald's I like apple pie and cookies What's your favorite foods and restaurants? #SAVEMIIVERSE!!!!!!!
Dillon SlimTX1980
What's sup my bros my name is Dillon and I love Wii U games.My favorite games are Splatoon,Splatoon 2,Lost Reavers,and Paper Mario Color Splash.If you want to play a game with me then let's be friends.That's all.Stay cool my peps.
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
vhg Dr.Zocker9
Hallo ich spiele gerne Splatoon,Minecraft und Mario kart 8 und bin ein Zocker
Hello, People of Miiverse!! Here is a little bit about me: My favorite games are Mario, Just dance and nintendo land I don't like wii U chating My best friends on Miiverse:Donlua77, Wiiu_Jake, bible47 and Lenix. My sister does most of the drawings. Thanks for coming to my profile!! Goodbye Thanks for everything :)
wolfcraft wolf8585
HI! my name is Avery, im a moody 14 year old girl...XD ! im fan trash in skyrim and undertale my favorite color is baby blue. my favorite animal is a wolf. and if you follow me i will follow you back! IM ALSO GAY AND FRICKIN PROUD OF IT!
Reid707 Reidy1205
hi my name is reid and i love playing nintendo games
kian kksplater
iplayminecraft please follow me i do oras giveaways I HATE HACKERS .
∞«☆Lulu☆»∞ MLGLuisHD5.0
Hi Ich bin Lulu Boooom ! Ja oke das Boooom gehört nicht dazu xD. Ich bin 12 Jahre Alt Meine Lieblingsspiele ist [MC,Terraria ] ^^ BFF : nickAgain ,jani ,MLG★JAN★HD , starwarslp ,Celina. 1. Acc. ID : claude1106. Clantag : ^^(Lulu)^^. Lieblings Youtuber: GLP GommeHD BaumBlau DieBuddiesZocken JulienBam. Schaue auch SEHR oft YouTube xD. Mache kein WiiuChat nur mit echten Freunden. Das wars Bye !
Adriano yeeyadriano1606
Hey leute! Ihr könnt es zwar schon sehen aber ich bin Adriano! Mein Alter sag ich euch nicht. Wenn ihr lusst auf Splatoon oder Minecraft habt dann sendet mir einfach eine Freundschaftsanfrage! Bleibt Spritzig! (Aber versteht das nicht zweideutig!)
Rog sixions
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Tails FireEmblem2017
Hola a todos mi nombre es Tails y soy nuevo en miiverse. Mi personaje favorito es tails espero hacer muchos amigos aqui
Rяリアルせんろφ zakkyi38
Rяリアルせんろφです。主にスーパーマリオメーカーをやっています。 Miiは気分で作っただけで、 線路好きとか一切ありません。 顔の奥行きに関しては、 かなりの自信を持っています。 いつか、 プロフィールは食われましたとかやってみたいです。 妖怪ウオッチ2元ガチ勢 レート3000 最高本家7位 ポケモンサンムーンザコ勢 PGL未登録フリーレート勝率五十分の一 好きな実況者 ポッキーさん もこうさん れいえもんさん スノーマンさん ラノベ仙人さん
Cool Cat Cat_Kong
marypumkin evamay43
Syl SwMagico
ik ben luc ik ben pas nieuw op dit
lover jakpoo
Wait a sec
isn't miiverse closing in japan