carlos's Followers
cool gamer thetechiii
vamlirepf panflip
hi im panflip im have started a comunty called follow bomers to save miiverse just follow alot of pepole to try and save miiverse and i'm geting maried to 007madie some day and where dating we both like undertale and innopropetethings :-
shy Gengar gengarplay1248
deadpool rickg07
was up
sage ice lavanadams
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cheli 2 gjasso
Hi im a girl I have a big city so if you want to check it out you can.My favorite animal is a porlar bear.I have no bff and also my favorite color is black.My favorite thing to do if im not on the wii im drawing.Finally my 1st favorite game is Mincraft.If you want to wiiu chat we can,just ask ok.I love anmie and k-pop! \(^o^)/
Mummy YummyMummy21
Please... don't get rid of Miiverse Nintendo. How am I meant to make posts of my worlds, or share messages with friends?
Emily gmpc22
hii i love cats and lots of stuff add me if you want to play minecraft with me!!!! :P
Pablo juanpablochacon
hola a todos soy nuevo=)
Diego odstdiego
hola soy odstdiego mi juego favorito es minecraft y invito a todas las personas a jugar mi mundo de minijuegos tengo egg wars escondidas sky wars proximamente sky fall y tambien murder mistery aldea siniestra y tumble juegos del hambre escape de la bestia y tengo parkour drooper y tengo mario kart 8 super smash bros minecraft super mario 3d world wii sports y tank tank tank adios muchas gracias
what? overdrive32214
CorruptedS CorruptedSpy
Hylian Аdа bookwerm
A WINNER IS YOU! HEY I'm Ada, a weird Mario fan who posts trash on the NSLU and sometimes draws Mario characters. Stuff you should know about me: -I sure do love me some video games -DL said it best: "Miiverse needs more Fawful" -Left-handed You won't find me after MV ends, so don't even bother. F U R Y !
Gramster frankidawg
hey everyone! if you like Mario, Link, Samus, Mario maker and Zelda, then JOIN ME on my quest of legend :)
J е у . . JeyRemyRey
ICE_DERPERS_SOUR ' s b a c k u p a c c o u n t ( G o t o m y m a i n a c c o u n t )
this account is forever cursed
TWC#Xendra W-Mann
Heyho meine Minecraft Freunde ^^ Ich erzähle ein bissel über mich :P Mein Alter: 13 Lieblings Spiele: CR, Minecraft und Super Smash Bros. Lieblings YT: Chaosflo44, Arazhul_HD und GLP:D Lieblings Essen: Pizza, Bananen und Melonen^o^ Ok ich habe jetzt ein bissel über mich erzählt! Und ich such ne FreundinXD
Alejandro BlueSagonYT
Me encanta Super Mario 3D World!!
tison AbDG1007
i like splatoon
dantdm Scott040908
Hello my name is scott i love 2 play minecraft .I also love dantdm and i have 91 fallowers
Justin DaSnipeKid
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gamerboy aaden0618
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cookielynn cookielynn09
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cristian lagygamers360
I love gaming with my family and whith my best frends
brissa pusheen567
hello, welcome to miiverse. my name is brissa. I have a twin sister named Brenda (you may know her) and im commited to be just like her :) I hope i get to see everyone of you active in miiverse.
yolanda yolanda321
Linkplasy TFrenchy1
Hi my name is Timmy welcome I love minecraft!!!
rafael 16Rafa14
i just like to play video games and stuff
Mr.Lemons Aydian13
Hello Everyone! Welcome to my profile, You may call me Mr.Lemons. I post daily/weekly just depends. If you follow me I'll make sure to follow you back! Thanks for all the support and follows :3 Love y'all! (Joined 11/07/2016) Peeps 2 Follow :3 1.☆Sarcasm 2.Karamatsu (Ana-the-pinecone) 3.★ReaperT★ 4.Spoopadee 5.Layla Seam 6.Sarcasm★ 7.Tiptop_ 8.Javier(Creepypasta390) 9.Toby♪(arcticwolf0.0) Bai :3
Ф Rinderweid1
oscar luigispanish
Hello I'm oscar,I'm 9 years old,I like to play mario games and minecraft so....It's-Play-Time!Oh and also checkout my brother's profile carlitos(mariospanish)
raziel ZombieFazBear
Xx$evanxX◆ sevanavad
yo!!je jou a call of et a minecraft assez souvent ABONNEZ VOUS si voys voulez faire du minecraft dite le moi je suis tjrs show pr du minecraft
tyler Miller101006
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jazzy jack JacksonW11
hello guys. im hoping to get a lot of followers and friends. i like minecraft. i am in mr. yoakams class in lincoln. im hoping to post minecraft stuff. my brother is a youtuber. it is part1of2 you should subscribe. he does rocket league videos if you are interested in it. friend me plz and follow me
hugo megapollote
Hey im hugo I really like to play games here my 4 favorite games :) MarioKart8/MinecraftWiiuEdition/SuperMario3dWorld/Splatoon
Hello guys! my name is carlos,I'm 13,and I love mario games,minecraft,and other games. I also lik...
Hello guys! my name is carlos,I'm 13,and I love mario games,minecraft,and other games. I also like drawing a lot,and I can speak spanish too.I hope that I get lots of followers.And if you do follow me,well thanks a lot!AND you can also FOLLOW my brother oscar(luigispanish) (puedo hablar español!) *NO WII-U CHAT*unless I have met you in real life,ok,thank you \(^o^)/