Master A1's Friends
passi p11p2l
Hi Leute ich bin der Pascal und komme aus Innsbruck möchte jemand mit mir Wii u freunde sein
Violet_0 SquidZer0
Crisium Crisium
vƒ◆Saland- Saland-1
I draw, make SSB4 / MM levels and TT mk8 with pro controller. Mainly playing Rainbow 6 siege (PS4) Playing a bit of MK8D. Team- vƒ (Final Velocity-mk8) No Item Racers! Toon Link! Shy guy! New Squiffer! See room for improvement? Criticism towards my art or stages is welcomed. There is nothing fancy under my spoilers.
matt MJC009
OSºdavid G david_8bits
Más de 20 años disfrutando de los juegos de nintendo...
Scr7 Scr7ven
Br€ad BreadMPH
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Bendah LordBartex
I make things that would make your insides lurch and your lunch second breakfast.
Mario Edelknecht1
Kylethh Kylethh
Fabi FabianBOM
Nintendo fan from Germany Love Jump'n'Runs and Mario games. You can find my favorite WiiU games in my "Favorite communities" section. I 100%ed them all or I'm about to do it :D Favorite game: Mario Kart 8 :D <3 MK8 achievement: MaxVR reached on 14th April 2017 on Excitebike Favorite combination: Wario, Flame Rider, Roller, MKTV Parafoil I'm looking forward to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Switch
★RR.$¥КØ☆® Jude973
φ Desailly Coco-Cloclo
∴FEDE★ EliteTTfede-TW
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ShadowWolf ShadowRoccat
CeLu★Lukas Lukas772
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.Robotguy Thriteenthmonke
N¢γ.zαudi° Aribogoss
Vecks Vecks0
cinzia cinzia_perla
DonkeyShow DonkeySh0w
Mr★Shroom MrShr00m
Kayto Kayto406
ブキチ kobayashi0405
SSB4:コンボ研究などしても上達しないセンスが無かったスマブラー / スプラトゥーン:S到達した瞬間からほとんどタグマとナワバリしかしてないチキン / チーム(Clan): νƒ (Final velocity)
G-danzee G-danzee
PREMI :Q_______
Smaragd98 Smaragd98
18 years, musican; bassist and singer, fan of: video games, films and tv-shows
Xavoli Xavoli
Rěd RedFyn
Sniki SnickerX
Hey, Marcel is my name aka Snicki or Snicker. I am now 23 and live in germany. I started playing video games with the N64 and the first game was MK64. This is maybe a reason why i like MK8 so much. :)
Link1984 yasinlink1984
fast★crash SEDAAN
it splat tim ! hello the name is Daan. i am the average mario kart 8 /pokemon /splatoon noob. if you play any of these games, u may or may not add me. MK8 VR; 16000 MK7 VR; 29000 bye
[CD²]Kosa Kosaki-0
Kosakicked. French gamer and spends a lot of time on games. Smash and competitive Smash lover.
☆lilgboy★ lilgboy
SensiSloth xJonGx
I love everything about Nintendo. I enjoy playing and competing with friends.
no aclors
VГ☆Sanji GERSanji
Numen Numen1990
Passionate gamer since earliest childhood (grew up with NES, SNES, etc.) Favorite franchises: Grandia, Zelda, Super Mario (Bros., Kart), Super Smash Bros., Street Fighter, Pokémon, Metal Gear Solid, Kirby, Bomberman, Mega Man, Splatoon... Consoles I own: N64, PS2, Dreamcast, Wii U, Switch Handhelds I own: GBA +SP+micro, DS, N3DSXL Watch Replays of me playing Video Games: -YouTube- ElNuminos
Marvin mqrvin
Marvin. 22. Paris.
GT ♪ƒμūκσ♪ Kitsune_Fuuko
Hi guys! My name is Fuûko, and I'm a competitive MK8 player. Gravity Team. [FRA] (I play MH4U too^^)
.BlueSilvr BlueSilver205
Totakeke jlhc87
♪. TrbJoe
EDGE Perfect_Edge
IK♪Deidaaa Lugia_98
YF et IK. R.I.P WII U Goodbye Miiverse. </3
Azusa|GAF ragintt
Halli hallo, ich zocke sehr gerne, das teile ich auch mit euch :) Danke für euren support, ohne euch macht das alles nur halb soviel Spaß.
GuySloth GuySloth
Hi, I'm a gamer that grew up on Nintendo and I'm always down for some online multiplayer fun. :)
R.D.Blax R.D.Blax
Bяσωy★ worldgamer
Hi 15 years old, video games and sport addict MK8 Player MK8 stats: *dSBS >1.38.472 *rCCB >1.45.889 *MKS >1.35.819 *rMMM >1.23.492 *dWGM >1.54.524 *rWS >1.49.884 *dBB >1.24.933 I'm actually trying to get more times like this. MK8: 26000vr Splatoon stats: -lvl 45 -rank S MK is love, MK is rage.
G37 Crix hawana
teeps teeps89
Amit Dycerius
I am freelance game designer and game producer. I own most consoles and all but 1 Nintendo console. I play games on pc and mobile too. My least favorite genre is horror. I would love new friends here.
Teemu Jepense
Nintendo fan since 1989 when I got my NES.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Boss☆Lady Barnett814
My husband (boss man) and myself enjoy racing. We usually always race together. I hate people who take the fun out of it. I'm nice if you are, all others will be BLOCKED. That simple! :-)
Sanji Sanjuromitsu
Howdy! Some of ya'll may know me as Sanjuro from MH Tri. I'm a newb hunter by game standards, since tri's the only one I've played. But don't go thinkin I don't know nothin about huntin! Or I'll make yur head spin faster then a tornader! Ya whippersnappers! Infact MH3U is the whole reason I bought the Wii U! Been a gamer since the SNES days. Grew up with the 64. Live to hunt, and hunt to live!
Shinderu Kriegsherr99
Sers hier findet ihr bilder und beiträge meistens von Super Mario Games. Von Zeit zu Zeit werde ich hier auch Bilder und\oder Videos von Mario Kart 8 hochladen bzw. posten. Viel Spass ;)
[MEXICO]™● mexcarlsen
SM239 SM_239
<(0.0<) (>0.0)> <( 0.0 )> S+99 Zink Mini, Bamboozler, Custom Hydra, and Forge Pro main | Gyro Off -1.5 Inverted | Turf War Scrub | SplatGAF | Ex NSTC Member | President of the Geg Fan Club™
splatacus atr0cious
I'm a DINOSAURus, rolling in the deep. Phat dude doing phat things. Hotter than the peppers on my burrito, cooler than the ranch on your doritos. These smart lower-class black kids need a role model. @earneststreaming on
Foka FokaXIII
Alexej Janzen.A
Chris WorldsBoss
My first gaming system was the N64 in the 1990s. I fell out of the loop somewhat when I had to skip the GCN era, but I'm happy to have a WiiU now! I love seeing my name high up on leaderboards, so I always try to get on there with games I own. Check out my favourite communities list to see what games I have. Add if you like, but please let's keep Miiverse mature and positive. Happy gaming!
Goomba Dr_Goomba
Fidèle à Nintendo et ses licences depuis la NES, je possède 43 jeux WiiU et 13 jeux 3DS (versions boîtes). Je joue a tout types de jeux et le plus souvent sur: Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, Splatoon, LEGO Dimensions et les jeux LEGO en général, Disney Infinity 3.0 et l'excellent Luigi's Mansion 2 sur ma New 3DS XL.
F.Shark FlyingShark
E adesso chi si stacca piú da questo WiiU ?!?
Bruno BOK1337
Olli oliver12345
User vieler Nintendo-Communitys, in denen ich unter demselben Nicknamen wie hier zu finden bin. Besucht bei Interesse gern meine WiiG-Gamebase im Netz, um meine komplette Sammlung zu sehen. Ich pflege meine Datenbank regelmäßig. Großer Fan von Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, Pikmin, Animal Crossing und anderen Nintendo-Titeln. Erster Handheld: Game Boy Erste Heimkonsole: GameCube ♥-Konsole: Switch
MetroidKil Shikkoinu
Been an Nintendo fan ever since I was old enough to lift a NES controller. With a new console it's just like being a child again. Looking forward to great gaming sessions and fun miiverse doodles :D Currently drawing a Metroid bosses tribute series. Be free to comment on which enemy I should draw next. :-)
Oliver OliverSautner
Jetzt auf Switch unterwegs. Passionierter Videospiel-Fan seit NES-Tagen. Autor bei Retro V ("Super Mario: Der Weg des Klempners", "Wie Legenden entstehen - The Legend of Zelda").
S.Mahrla Mahrla
Name: S. Mahrla Age: 29 years old Country: Germany Clan: G37 Web: I speak German and English. I like playing Mario Kart & Resident Evil.
MCS cadimedi
Grand fan de Nintendo, j'ai eu toutes les consoles de la marque depuis la NES (sauf la Game Cube et la GBA). Actuellement en possession de la Wii U (dès sa sortie), de la New3DS mais j'ai aussi une 3DS XL, une 3DS et une DSlite. @+ (pas de wii u chat avec mes chers amis virtuels, merci).
NWE~Python NWE-Python
meppi meppi64
Playing games since 1979. Nintendo fan since 1981. (Donkey Kong)
Wariuzzo wariuzzo
I'm Wariuzzo, also known as Warez/Obeso. I like cutlets. :) I don't like doing sports or move my lard. :(
Ben Mandalore
Been a big Nintendo fan most of my life, I started out gaming with a SNES and Super Mario All Stars. Some of my favourite Nintendo series include F-Zero, Zelda and Mario Kart. I regularly go to StreetPass South Wales meet ups. Also enjoy posting scores and times on Cyberscore and F-Zero Central.
Nedcone urtooslow
Daddio swarnock02
hello! im daddio a cool guy be friends will me
morrison22 morrison22
I grew up with Nintendo, starting with the NES. Nostalgia drives me. Super Mario Maker has easily become my favorite Wii U game and I will be focusing my time and skill on creating some amazing levels.
BHS Gaming BrandonHeaTsmitH
I'm a Gamer since '96. My Youtube name is my Network ID. Remember, #WiiHaveAVoice.
Skies skiesofwonder
What if everything you see is more than what you see - the person next to you is a warrior and the space that appears empty is a secret door to another world? What if something appears that shouldn't? You either dismiss it, or you accept that there is much more to the world then you think. Perhaps it is really a doorway, and if you choose to go inside, you'll find many unexpected things. -Miyamoto
Formerly known for online games and records:
* Metroid Prime Hunters (A1-Clan)
* Mario Kart DS
Formerly known for online games and records:
* Metroid Prime Hunters (A1-Clan)
* Mario Kart DS
* Kameo: Elements of Power
* Mario Kart Wii
* Halo Reach (Top 1% Arena)
* Bit. Trip Runner 2 (SPEEDRUN)
* Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (SPEEDRUN)
* Fractured Soul (SPEEDRUN)
* FAST Racing Neo
* NES Remix
* Splatoon
* Mario Golf: World Tour
* Super Mario Maker
-YouTube- NewMasterA1