NLM★Mαłł's Post

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


05/31/2017 4:09 PM

New level! As usual, first clear gets a shout-out.

New Super Luigi U Community


05/31/2017 3:12 PM

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


05/13/2017 5:01 PM

lol wut ...

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


05/13/2017 4:25 PM

Open Closed

I'm back!

Any new updates since I was last on 1.40?

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


05/13/2017 3:35 PM

When u back after almost a year and yo homies welcome u back

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


04/29/2017 2:46 PM

The Death Run (3633-0000-0328-5B20)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


04/29/2017 2:13 PM

I Think This is easy? (942B-0000-0328-5872)

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


11/12/2016 12:45 PM

gooba ship (4B1E-0000-02BB-8800)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


09/10/2016 10:57 AM

Hello! Due to high school and football practice/games I will only be available on weekends. American football, that is.

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


09/05/2016 2:47 PM

Hello Miiverse! With me in high school, I haven't been able to play on the Wii U for a while, but I am happy to announce that I am back for today and possibly tomorrow!

Discussions YouTube Community


08/09/2016 8:44 PM

Open Closed

Nintendo screwed up its system.

I have been false reported so many times. So have my friends.

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


08/09/2016 11:14 AM

Yoshi Only Door (For ♪Rose♪) (3826-0000-0281-4C5A)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


08/07/2016 4:09 PM

♪Rose♪ makes a lot of levels about small tricks you can do in Super Mario Maker, such as passwords and slopes, so I made this course for her!

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


08/07/2016 4:00 PM

New Upload! ID in the screenshot! Enjoy!

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


08/05/2016 1:07 PM

Open Closed

Play Exchange

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