Users IS DarkPie Is Following
Kira Supergirl5555
Hello, miiverse fans! here are a few things about me: I'm 15 l have one cat and one dog. I completed ocarina of time, skyward sword, and wind waker. I'm working on twilight princess. l won't be on everyday.Thank You for reading.
geli miner02370
ジョンくん (JD) ILikePie888
#MiiverseIsEndingAndMyLife$ucks I'm an all Nintendo gamer. I love everything about Japan and plan to move there and work at Nintendo. I'd most like to be on the creative side of game design, making the characters, story, game itself, etc. I'm always myself, and I always encourage others to be themselves too. (Be yourself!) ^.^ R.I.P. Iwata-san
Norms Norms_Minions
You can find me on: ~Discord: Norms_minions#9108 ~4785-6039-8695 ~Clash of Clans: Mii Friends clan ~I'll be Norms_minions or Norms if Nintendo ever makes something like miiverse.
Pro E Gadd Matteoalt
The third alt of Matteo. Have fun!
Hello my name is Ben and welcome to my Miiverse page. I enjoy playing Splatoon, Legend of Zelda games, and Mario Kart. I also love to play baseball.
Goron Link KenBonePresident
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GhostEthan AffableMan
Hi everyone!LegendaryDodongoBuster here.I am LDS, aka Mormon.If you have questions about that, you can ask anytime.I love Miiverse because I love talking about my favorite Nintendo franchise, LoZ!I love Smash Bros, Shovel Knight, and Splatoon!I like Navi, so there.I missed opportunities for woomy times.See ya at the miiverse migration or at the Haven.Lets make the most of our time. *Playing BotW*
†TM βαгακ† Barak2005
Hi! Im Barak, also go follow Co.RL Sheik, and me if you feel like it, i dont care, im fine either way! Also join Twilight army/Team Midna! Im also the Founder and leader of the Splatoon 1 and 2 cland The inkling knites. (knights Spelled Wrong On Purpose) BYE! Barak - Sorry i couldn't keep it much longer, i'll put my it back later. Im talking about my you know what code lol
Unabi GabiUno
Edward EdwardK
I have many waifus including Callie, Rosalina, Zelda, Samus Aran, Min Min, Marina, Phosphora, Gardevoir and others. I consider myself a fan, so feel free to chat to me about what we love but don't expect me to follow the herd of haters. One other thing: I use a translator to try talk people that speak languages I don't understand. I hope I don't offend anyone with a badly translated sentence.
Nivea nivea.blackqueen
Ayo wassup
Sam Samuel12094
Hello Everyone! I'm Sam. Welcome тo my profile! I enjoy multiple franchises, but The Legend oƒ Zelda is my favorite. All the titles in my favorites list are titles I own. Also, I don't accept friend requests from people I don't know. "When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back!" -Cave Johnson
DracuLexi YooYoo446
Hey everyone :D hope ye having an awesome day! natewantstobattle is a great song artist
Link AKirbytotheLink
My alts are Triforce_hero_20, and Alinktothekirby2 I'm also known as RedUmbrella. I do video game videos. Also miiverse is ending uh...Bye?
Markus Meggiz
Hello my friend and welcome! ⇒I'm 15 years old, a big TLoZ-fan, and I like videogame-music. ⇒I am a happy member of the DQ-Clan! ⇒I also play other Nintendo-frenshises like Super Mario, Kirby, Pokémon, or Fire Emblem ⇒My hobbys are drawing, sports like athletics, I play the drums, and I like dragons and snakes! ⇒Two of my favorite games are Breath of the Wild and Ocarina of Time.
anto Soylunaeslindo
me gusta soy luna comenten yo y les doy un personaje
Alexis Alexisx123
Hi my name is Alexis. I love going on youtube on my 3DS and listening to music.I love fashion.I know how to do all kinds of braids to do on me and other people.I have a sister named Alaina and a brother named Paul and my mom's name is Jennifer and my dad's name is paul and my grandma's name is Lorraine and my best friend is Kayla Cuesta. I have 4 cats. Follow me and I will follow you back.
Hi!!Did thought that cats can talk?U are not wrong!!!(cuz i'm a talking cat!!)I'll introduce you to myself,*ahem* I'm: _ENERGETIC _11years old _Dumb...'-' _A VOCALOID FAN!! _born in April 17th I don't like: -Bad words -when someone is mean with me Ps:#save_miiverse!
fredeeeeee Fredhggyfg213
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....... Mysteriousreborn
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DarkLinkle akhter
I am Muslim.I LOVE The Legend Of Zelda!Wait, who are you!?GET OUT! Check out my drawings!If you like LOZ, anyway. I love Lindtt chocolate, especially their Lindor ones. I hate nuts of any kind. Chili Chicken is delicious.So is spicy soup. My favorite color is Cerulean.I have a tiny crush on Toon Link,(LIES)he's so cute!(TRUTH) He and Kirby are so cute, I could eat Kirby and kiss Toonie!
terri *^* TCA1131
i'm awesomely good at games☆★☆ I'm 14! I love Animal Crossing! I also love Super Smash Bros. Im the oldest in my family. I also play the drums! I'm pretty[most ppl say that i don't believe it] I love cooking bake goods. I'm a Christian[love God peoples!]. You follow me and i'll follow you back. :
Starkiller tk421luke
Hi everyone Starkiller some things about me are -A huge Sonic and Pikachu fan -Enjoys drawing and doing different drawings -I dont use Wii U Chat -Enjoys making friends with new people -If you follow me i'll definately follow you back unless i cant because of then the limit of followers Also feel free if you want to follow me if you want random drawings and posts:D and lastly Stay Awesome:3
Amanda Shmandy
James JoJoGreytail
Well Miiverse is going to end on November 7th well this is it and thx for 367 followers!!! :D Plus I like StreetPass. I can't believe I reach this much followers. Make sure to yeah my favorite post and have a nice day. You can yeahbomb me. I will miss you all.
Kara Calica540
Hi I'm Kayla, I'm a 12 year old girl who's part Japanese. I'm an emo tomboy. I joined Miiverse on 8/21/2014. I'm on here every day. I'm a part of IS(jeremy1994's clan). Leader of the Yan clan. If anyone finds my alt(anime555333nm), then it's not me anymore. RIP miiverse, I mόvεď łő çl0s3dv3rs3, I‛m The Dead Mystery, or őη îġ Ι αm xx__the_dead_mystery__xx
Rose Rose826
Jeremy Jeremysnew3ds
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Ghost Kara anime555333nm
Caris Stinkrott
AngelOfGod SeenyARTIST
Opal is a Birthstone/Jewel that represents Faith and Confidence its also my favorite birthstone. I believe that deep down everyone has faith and confidence some where hidden in their hearts and minds.☆˛★
Jerlina Truebluebeauty
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Hey there. I'm Dogamy. Dogaressa's husband.
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