I officially retire from Splatoon 1, to those I've played with since day 1 you have my gratitude. XD
アキバ_Akiba™'s Post

Sorry mates can't focus on battles lately the only thing thats on my mind is.... The Switch!! XD lol
Pokémon Sun & Moon Community

Imposter Ditto, Good or Bad?!
I caught a Ditto with the ability Imposter, I checked it's IV's and it said Outstanding Potential so my questions are; Is it good to have a Ditto with that ability...
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon

Trying to catch a Politoed but a shiny Poliwhirl showed up... what to do, what to do?! XD lol
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Community

Club Tortimer.
I've had this game for quite sometime, recently started over but I've never had/used Club Tortimer... So my question is should I get it?
Hey guys what's up!!! I'm Akiba (The Japanese txt is also my nickname but in Japanese) I love to ...
Hey guys what's up!!! I'm Akiba (The Japanese txt is also my nickname but in Japanese) I love to watch anime as well as play video games!!! I'm always cheerful (I've been know to be mischievous), I'm also a part time youtuber. I'm 19 years old
If you wanna play with me in Splatoon, Smash, Pokémon, or Pokkén then add me X)
P.S. I Play Splatoon more often X) I love Squid Partys!!! XD