Recent Play Journal Entries
Open Discussion

Who’s your favorite character in the video game Undertale?
Hey guys please write me "Who’s your favorite character in Undertale." I’m waiting for your favorite character.Bye
Heya punks,I’m the undying Undyne!Welcome to my page!
My favorite YouTuber: Stampylongnose,Capta...
Heya punks,I’m the undying Undyne!Welcome to my page!
My favorite YouTuber: Stampylongnose,CaptainSparklez ,DanTDM and NewScapePro
(Stampylongnose 1# favorite YouTuber)
My favorite video game: Undertale,Minecraft,Halo,Thief and more...
My favorite film/series:How to train your Dragon,Pokémon
My favorite colour:blue,orange
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See you later punks!