jackwire's Followers
Julian julianleary1738
Leah 2 singleleah
I Love Mario Games I am a very Fun person Also I am very competitive.
Hannah GyroForSupper
I kinda don't know what to put here, so... here we go! I really DO NOT what Miiverse to end.
Wisteria WisteriaMoon123
Hello, everyone! ^^ I'm an extremely awkward and cringy teenage girl from the United Kingdom. (No Racist Criticism Pls.) Anyway, thanks for poking me! - Slowly pokes you back - Ehhhhh... [ … … … … ] What do you want? A cookie? Alright, you can leave now... peace out.
Ryan FrostbiteRyan2
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Maliki jr. Bluefucious
hola amigos.. homitas y homitas.. yo quiero jugars... es yo el bluefucious 187 ent ja ja es se lo que se homiboy y aki es simon puro animos mwajajaja tener a bom dios todos el mundo pazzzzzz :]
jahnasia Mookies07
Princess of the house
NeuerNemo ValuedSumo6769
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Zane billwii15
hey join my server in minecraft
Ryan FrostbiteRyan
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lilo 123john123.o
lets not let nintendo shut down miverse
Bryce & mrsyana38
I LOVE DETROIT! IS LIT! R0AD T0 4OO F0LL0WERS! Shoutout to: ★LEA★ AMBER PENNÐΞ Didi Reinider Farty 2 ninja jerz David Everyone who knows me! ★LEA★ Your Profile Picture LOL 10/27 11/27 or 26 Happy Thanksgiving!
stanley stanleybayarde
I want to play minecraft and Sonic the lost word with you!lets play together :p Minecraft and Sonic the lost word. :~)
Frank Frank134
Braedan BKS-Pets
Hi! I'm BKSPets Faves: Game: Tomodachi Life Favorite game console: Wii U Why: It has really cool games Favorite Computer Brand: Mircosoft and Apple Favorite Video Game Console Brand: Nintendo Pet Peves Bright lighting Favorite Friends: Sunset9016! Haedan Leo Great Gran Somethings you need to know: Love Minecraft Have fun in games Have fun on my user! Bye-bye!
Kip Kipperoo123
People of Miiverse, we must stand together to stop the closing of Miiverse! We can't let Nintendo do this! We must stand strong! Join my rebellion! Follow everyone you can! We must keep the one place where we can express ourselves! Join me, Miiverse! JOIN ME!!!
ABE Abe5Gomez
DioriteFTW DioriteFTW
I am new to Miiverse. Some of my favorite Nintendo games are Yo-kai Watch, Super Mario 3D World, and Super Mario World (mainly for the music). I hope to have a lot of friends
aaron TeamAaron03
hi i like minecarft
Ashleigh:) gasoccergrl21
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Austin 0austin901
My name is Austin (but you can call me The Banana Wizard) and I love Pokémon! I can play violin and am decently good at it.My favorite game is Pokémon and my favorite Pokémon is Machamp. Just remember this, if you always look on the good side of things, nothing bad can happen! (Just some life advice)
Emerald EmeraldGamer129
Hi kids!And what it is,people!Welcome! The clock stopped ticking forever ago.How long have I been up I don't know!I can't get a grip but I can let go.There wasn't anything to hold on to though!Why can't I see all the colors that you see.Please can I be colorful and free... Help. Also: Ingore that,but enjoy your time fam!Make sure to always be cool,and we will be good friends! ([*.*])
Sonny SonnyCos
Hi i am Sonny. How are you
Εκλειψη Commin_2_get_u
Yeah, I have a weird name. (It's actually Greek for Eclipse) Ohey, I'm Skoto. Greek, again. My Solgaleo team tho Wish special mons were allowed @ battle tree, but that'd be to easy. Moon IGN: Michaela, my sis' user. Eeeyy Co. Leader of Eclipse clan!
WaterMelon Watermellon1216
Lisa RainbowLisa
★Hi, and welcome to my page! Pokemon Trainer, Mayor, Artist, and more! I love being my weird and crazy self! 10 year old gamergirl. I'm 5'2" Harry Potter and Percy Jackson fan for life! I love Unicorns and the color Purple. A proud Hufflepuff! I have 2 and a half friends at school.... I have another account:MinecraftGirl130!In FriendList Part of the Nintendo Squad XD
Anime Adam adamwiiu123
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Heather Pokegirl1220
Things about me: Fave game:Yo-kai watch Fleshy Souls and Pokemon Sun Age:10 BIG YU-GI-OH FAN!!!!!!
Becca MarioGirl104
Hello! I'm Becca, and here are facts about me: -Also known as Artist-Bec, Artist Chan, Rebecca, Bec-Chane, etc. -I'm kind of a smol bean (5'2 and a half.) -I'm in many fandoms -Savanah, SMV☆Lucy, Kade, Ava, Flamie,ToxicApple/TiffAny, Glitchdraw, and CosmicGem are my Miiverse Fam. -I like to rp and make many OCs -Leader of the Star Heart Eevee Trainers ☆<3 -Started Miiverse on: 4/10/16.
hmilla143 THoughton143
Hi, Im Hailey, I Am 20, & I Like Nick Bean, Kylee Renee Clark, Bea Miller, Jake Miller, Tiffany Houghton, Mike Stud, & Sammy Adams
Ms.Deer xblade1234
The truth is that you don't know how much you miss someone until they're gone forever... Like that one person you hate or even that person walking by saying hi, and if your a bully, the person you bully... So don't be rude, spend time with family/freinds often because you never know when someone can pass away...
josh loldabber69
You dont want me yOu dont want me yoU dont want me you Dont want me you dOnt want me you doNt want me you donT want me you dont Want me you dont wAnt me you dont waNt me you dont wanT me you dont want Me you dont want mE
steven pancakes7675
genche mizow21
strahany baileestrahan
Hi im Bailee im 11 years old I love sport this year I got champion boy for year 5 sapphire thats my faction team [2016] I love SPLATOON its the best paint game ever made on nitendo I also love minecraft and mariokart 8 best games ever feel free to freind reqeust me or follow me i will sure to accepted it Thats all so see you soon
Trey TMman1
Hello! My favorite Nintendo game is Ocarina of Time. I am currently playing through Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker.
Griffin☆▲☆ pichu326
POYOOOOOOOOOOOOO! HI! I LIKE (GAMES) M@LDT, PIKMIN 3, KMA, NSLU, PAS, AND PIXL CROSS! (CHARACTERS) TEMMY, DREAMBERT, LUIGI!, NYAN CAT =D, STARLOW, AND KIRBY! I LOVE DOING ROLE PLAYS! Join my Pokemon rp! PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS IN MY Q&A POST! 100 Followers! aiming for 150 Followers! I try to make the people who don't get noticed by others noticed. Follow the people who follow me! AC
DarkDarla marlua
Set out to destroy Miiverse I got captured again but I'm back but it seems I'm a little too late.What will I do now? "What they don't understand, they fear inside, what they don't understand, they try to hide"-You can't hide from us Shinies I'm looking for:Finneon, Bagon Clans or teams I'm in: team shiny(leader), Rebel-born(clan member), First order(clan member), Team mew(clan member)
menuito erikaca
kaicon BuckitHunter
FaZeAdapt Keakea08
Shout outs: everyone who follows
buddy buddychooch
This user is back. Z: Hello the rest of the oc's are back too.
Tyler TylerByers44521
I'm a Pokemon Master and I join RPG's on Miiverse. RPG names 1. Tyler (Team Leader) 2. Iris (Tylers Partner) 3. Lunar (Team) 4. Dai (Ryuu-Shin/Team) 5. Dawn (Team) 6. Blue (Team) 7. Claire (Artist/Team) 8. White Winter (Elemental/Team) 9. Arc (Expert/Team) 10-12 Kurtis, Pika, Miles (Team Guardians of Hope) 13: Wyvern (Team) 14-16: Avis, Rodney, Shiny Gengar (Team R.A.D.) 17: Ciralyn (Team)
Heyo random person im Jack and i like pokemon, memes, minecraft and smash. and go check out Ryan ...
Heyo random person im Jack and i like pokemon, memes, minecraft and smash. and go check out Ryan (Ryan Frost)
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