~Mews~'s Friends
Ari Ari_gg
Beautiful day
OakTheWolf catmarshmallowz
hey guys, fyi i like to play minecraft and roblox and i like to watch and make youtube videos i also like to play super mario maker and stuff like wolf quest, wolves' life and furana, Welp thats all for now folks :T see ya next time! :I
yoshi clanyoshi
hello this is my new account my old one was grey 81 i am friendly
hayko FocussedReyes4
juan gladiator018
Țśƒ∞エリック™ jarjar2
HULLO!welcome to my profile! I hope u yeah and comment visit my alt account nnid walrusvampire13 for more comedy and cool screenshots!
xXsunnyXx eriksoto0120
I 'm xXsunnyXx a trustworthy friend and great person I like playing tons of games specially racing and fighting everything I do in my life is naturous and peaceful ★˛★
maria splatgirl1268
HEYO WHASSUP EVERYONE! <3 (fave youtubers) -vanossgaming -jacksepticeye -markiplier (fave games) -earthbound -Game&wario -Splatoon -undertale -pacman2 -Fnaf (love the whole series XD especially 3) (please yeah and comment on my posts also dont be afraid to add me or fallow me) LUV U ALL♥♥♥
ЙΐЭКмςνηεσ galaxy654
DC -Nick-#2168 Am мςvÑÍÇĶ Am sill in мςν just so you know.I like to play Games am Great at them i got NEW3DSXL & WIIU & NS i play lots of Games And More! Am a ♂ Clans am in. -->,мςv,Neo★,ςр,Mr,Z¢ Note:You already know i think...lol News:Playing Switch 3dsAccount is galaxy6543 So thats all.I dont accept blank ƒriends Requests. Gamer★★★★☆ Friends★★★★☆ Nice★★★★☆ Funny★★★★★ Smart★★★★☆ !
★PKSONIC★ Thesuhan
Hi i'm ★PKsonic★ ^^ my favorite thing to do is play games,watch anime and rap just a guy who likes drawing,if you u wana be friends hit me up,if you wana play me in game go ahead (^-^) I play smash bros,splatoon,sonic games,mario games,and pokemon games. +( I got a 3DS) P.S i'm a friendly guy so don't be shy of me,I don't bite ;P *HUGGYYS* c(^^c)
Rojo–Lobo♪ Afurryonei3
I don't know what to write something here, so this is what I wrote. Hi to anybody who reads this & enjoy whatever game your playing :) *However a notable exception applies to Undertale, which has possiblely the most toxic fanbase that I've ever seen in all my years of gaming. Everybody is welcome to an opinion, but mine is that Undertale is a tumor to the industry... folks shouldn't support it.
s σ ƒ ι ♡ EnderK1ttyGirl
パチスの世界へようこそ! やαchι ♡ パチ マリオカート Follow this pure little kitten ♡ ♡ Kitten : babypaw ♡ "I wanna be a yo-yo man!" He cried. "Make me a yo-yo man!" But the yo-yo master did not answer. He just kept on yo-ing.
Neko Sarah andreascris
←CLICK HERE Name: Sarah Age:12 Nationality: Holland Fav Animal: Cat Fav Wii U Game: Splatoon (even tho i don't have it) Fav Wii Game: Super Mario Galaxy 2
~Divina~ Divinabug
Hello all! I am Divina or you may call me D I love art and playing video games such as Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Legend of Zelda! Please do not be rude,bully,or be disturbing on any posts. Thank You! :) :3
Old School Gamer Dad here. If your too young to remember cords between your console and your controller, don't fret when I don't accept your friend request. I game primarily on Nintendo Systems because I recognize quality. But I do not limit myself to only Nintendo. If your looking to game online hit me up. 3ds Players as well. Hit me up through Wii U to exchange ehem ehem....
Mrs. Tibbs achlys411
Playing video games is more enjoyable now that I play them with the man of my dreams. Let's see, stuff about me. I'm 27, loves to read, write, and play games. Any time you wanna trade pokemon, race, or smash just let me know. I'm always looking to make friends though I do prefer you to be over 18. I don't want any parents yelling at me. As of 6/17/15 I am engaged to the man of my dreams.
Andy BearBoxMediaAndy
I'm Andy Ford from Bear Box Media. I produced Internal Invasion, and currently have more Wii U games in development. Feel free to ask me anything about the game, and I'll do my best to answer you!
Matheus MathewBR
Hii I'm Mathew, a brazilian player. My favorite titles are Mario, Sonic, Pokémon and Animal Crossing!! Ohh and Smash bros for sure!!
~ζαdε~ Casper4216
Hey! I'm Jade! The part time → ♡ ~ ρrιηcεss~ ♡ I'm British, 18. I adore Cats, Japan, Soraru (Utaite), VOCALOID, Youtube, Yandere's, Rick and Morty + Game of Thrones Fav Game Series - Xenoblade, Splatoon, Tomb Raider, Project Diva Fav anime - Kancolle / Kantai Collection My Best Cuties ♡ - x-Kizu-x and Penguinexpert1 Friend Requests accepted but NO WII U CHAT! ♥ ~ Thank-you ~ ♥
Zanzona Zanzona
Proud Nintendo player! I love all Nintendo games, but right now, Mario, Zelda and Animal Crossing are my top spots. I love making new friends so don't hesitate to speak to me :) My other interests include - writing books, reading books ( mostly fantasy) and listening to music. Who wants to challenge me at Mario Kart 8? ;)
J.R. hubenerkids01
Hello people, my favorite game is super smash bros wii u. I love posting stuff for people to enjoy. Plz don't video chat with me. I will follow others who follow me. NO IT DOES NOT STAND FOR JUNIOR! I dont accept blank requests. Oh yeah and I am a believer of Jesus Christ.
Squilliam Squilliams_ID
Hi there, my fellow Miiverser! I'm now the proud owner of a Switch!!! To all of you who are also Switch owners: Please PM me to set up Switch things. I'm 33, so I limit my Miiverse friends to adults. I love the LEGEND of Zelda! I play: MK8, Splatoon, MH3U, etc. I am anti-reporting so you can be free to speak your mind around me. You're welcome! :D Cya round the 'Verse! <:D=
K9 MAXIMAX Maximus51
The time is drawing near so I must say I have had a great experience on the wii u. I am not sad because it is the way of life. The old must leave and the new will take over. I have equally been able to find other means to keep in touch with friends. Technology is advanced that there are ways to not loose friendships. Be safe, take care and our gaming together is far from over.
eileendica mordecruel420
BOW DOWN BEFORE YOUR PIZZA QUEEN Just a nerdy af amateur cartoonist who sets plants on fire for fun and profit ^.~ Mah Sploon oc's named Nora and she'll punch your teeth out ♥♥♥ THINGS TO KNOW: -trans gurrrl -pan & poly (♥Angel & Taylor♥) -too many cartoons -never met a pun I didn't like -biology yo -social awkwardness ftw MIIVERSE BFFS: -w.jmfkvggf (luv you babe~~) -Box -☆Ruby☆ -мςν☆phora
Quinton XxShadowCasterxX
Hi!! My name is Quinton Im 25 years old I love to play alot of music espically video game music. I play alot of Nintendo games especially the Zelda series. I do accept any followers and friend request at any time. ^.^ I am aslo a retro gamer as well. ^-^ My 3ds account is XxShadowMasterxX I do speak French+Spanish. ^o^ I love to travel and see new things. ^-^ My Birthday is December 31st.
AndyZero AndyRedZero
Hello everybody. My name is AndyZero (I'm 20 years old) is nice to meet you. I like playing with my brother (ID:IvanClash2), (Sometimes share the drawings) as a hobby. When making my drawings .....They are fragments of my memories, with my brother or friends(respected,honest,educated). I like walked every times (travel or exercise)[Find peaceful places of the world], cats (I loved ^˛^), and help.
Cristoffer Kuin_Sereniti
Righteous, honest and simple man. Obsessed with justice, fire and the law. Name: Christoffer Age: 28 Occupation: Job. Interests: Gaming, walking, forest, nature. Favourite season: Winter Books: Song of Ice and Fire (waiting for Winds of Winter.) Tv-series: Game of Thrones. My motto is "Give it time" My favourite quote: I will not become a page in someone else's history book.
Maurii Lackii
POWER ON, Mii! I'm an old school gamer from the 1970's whose been fortunate enough to own 1-2 home consoles since PONG. I now game soley on the Nintendo Wii U. Playing: Mega Man 9,Super Smash, Splatoon. Missing on VC: Kung Fu, Baseball Stars, Pro Wrestling. Other: Urban Hikes, Classic/Alt. Rock, Cooking, excessive contemplating. I GOT NEXT!
Mistress J Jbeanz121
<('.'<) (>'.')> Fuuuu... ^(-_-^) (^-_-)^ siooon... (>ö)> <(ö<) HAAA!! *I DO NOT wii u chat*
Kenneth KennethUSA
I'm Kenneth & i'm the Nintendo Wii U & New Nintendo 3DS fans. My favorite characters is Mario, Sonic, Wario, Yoshi, & Link. My favorite game on Wii U & N3DS is Mario, Sonic, Zelda, NES Series & Super Smash Bros Wii U & N3DS. My life is playing my Nintendo 3DS with DS & 3DS games. I love drawing things. I love Mario, Sonic & Cats plush. I love Cats, i love Japan & Anime too. I love Anime Neko Girl.
NYAN CAT!! ktatum3
konichiwa! I love anime and yandere simulator. I'm 100% percent weeaboo. My favorite games are color zen and edge.
bee brucej
★Dαякяαι★ Fastest
ωειсσмε τσ ★Dαякяαι★'ς ρяσƒıļε Here's the stuff about me... *Online (√) *Favorite Games: Splatoon, Mk8, and Smash *Favorite Anime: Squid Girl, Senran Kagura, and Lucky Star *Favorite Weapon in Splatoon: Heavy Splatling *Main In Mk8: M.Mario, Rosalina, and Link *Main in Smash: Shulk, Cloud, Exc And also I wanna Thank Y'all for 700+ Followers. Im really appreciated. ιηкıιηg Dαякяαι ουτ.
Jeremy JeremyJ12
Hello I am the great Jeremy! Here's some stuff about me! •Jigglypuff, Lucina, Kirby, and Ganon main •14 •I like cats •Follow some of my follows and friends! •I'm nice! •I am comedy. •I will most likely accept Friend Requests! Games I play: Minecraft, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Sm4sh, Pokken, Terraria, and MK8! I like making friends and using gamechat! Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!
DA Crow guidoc
Age:33 love fitness ^^ How to get the best out of your WiiU I know how just read my posts youtb News Channels my self The Crow Doctre81 Snorth93 Nintendo Fan Girl ThaBlackBaron Zelda Mario DK Bayonetta2 Devils Third! Xeno Blade! Can't Wait! Sure I like to draw Ill do a doodle some times to amuse you ;D Love Media share from PC to WiiU :D WiiU chat ... if I know Ü
George Luigi297
I'm a golf fanatic, but I can't golf in the winter in Canada. So now I play Wii Sports Club Golf and I love it! I enjoy playing against highly skilled opponents. I'm eagerly awaiting an official PGA golf game for Wii U. Hurry up, EA Sports!
ˇHiroyukiˇ llll33
Hai Miiverse users :o I liek anime ;o; •Practicing random doodles like furries and shtuff. Would like some advice ty ty~ •Needs to preorder MHGEN/X Naooo (′• ω •`) •I dun post much reallys. Sometimes~ •Unworthy of being in an any Artists presence (º′ ° `º) •[√]New Nintendo 3ds *Currently addicted to: ★ELSWORD ★MH4U ★MH3U ★League Of Legends Baiiiii (º′Д`)///
Lucy Lizzylouann123
I love CATS!!! and I love anime and I LOVE Fairy-Tail oh and Happy and Gray he so cute ! and i don't do wii u chats! and I'm a otaku and proud of it and i don't like it when people spell Fairy tail wrong !
miyamoto Trevlyn
Thanks for stopping by. I have been playing games since the c64. Aside from gaming I enjoy running, rock climbing, the outdoors, soccer and martial arts. Ps I hardly have my wii u online, so if you send me a friend request give me time to respond, thanks.
Babin DeMetto
I love rats and cats Systems owned: NES/Sega Master System/GB Super Nintendo Nintendo 64/PS1/GBC GameCube/Dreamcast/GBA Wii/Xbox 360/PS3/DS/DS Lite Wii U/3DS/3DSXL Top 3 Games Ocarina of Time Super Mario 64 MegaMan X
Sniffs BigDogD95
Howdy! My name is Sniffer! I'm Li'l Wolf's baby sister! He's been playing ALL sorts of games lately, and I've been there with him. He's been so busy with work that he let ME take over and play his games. If you see me, I'm probably playing: Smash 4 Mario Kart 8 Super Mario Maker or Minecraft Don't be afraid to ask if you can join! I love playing games with friends!
Squálli.P junus29
Hi! About my game preferences: I am a massive fan of platformers. Mario Galaxy & Super Mario World are very good examples. It is however the DKC series that has carved a special place in my heart. The soundtrack, visuals and challenge are what make it truly special. The Legend of Zelda series also deserves a special mention together with my love for racing games. Have a nice day!
pöisõnïvÿ TabithaLenox
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡ ♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡ ♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥ *Joined miiverse Dec 2012*
Andrew Nacho007
Hey everybody! I'm 25, and a Nintendo-maniac, always have and always will! I'm into all sorts of games, but The Legend of Zelda is my favorite franchise not only from the Big N, but out of any franchise in gaming. I'm a very knowledgeable gamer, old school & new, and am also into sports(NFL, NBA), pro wrestling, and comics. That about wraps up my info, chao! "Let's Play!" - Sonny (Mario Golf N64)
Rukiafan Rukiafan7
Welcome to my profile! 私のプロフィールへようこそ! Fave Games MH4U Bravely Second Persona Q Pokemon AS MH3U Golden Sun/The Lost Age Xenoblade Chronicles/X Hyrule Warriors Conception II TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass, Wind Waker HD, Minish Cap, Oracle of Seasons, & Oracle of Ages Kingdom Hearts II.5: Remix Ni No Kuni Tears to Tiara II Xenogears Rogue Galaxy Persona 5 Tales of Graces F
Scurge hates_trollmins
If you don't have Breath of the Wild yet, then something is wrong with you. XD
Raiden97 LuisMayen
Hey There Fellow Miiverse users, I Have grow up with Nintendo Games for a very long time. Im a Fun, Caring person to be with ^_^ And Have Great time with Friends. Also I Love Food and Drawings :P
Keeper Keeper1st
I've used the name "Keeper" online since 1985. I've played videogames since the '70s. Yes, I'm old! I've owned: Magnavox Odyssey, Atari VCS/2600, Atari Pong home console, Intellivision, Atari 5200, Vectrex, VIC-20, C64, Amiga, PC, Wii, 3DS, and now Wii U and Switch. 「とびだせ どうぶつの森」で、夢見の館アドレス4C00-0017-1F2Cです。デザインをどうぞ。←"Animal Crossing: New Leaf" Dream Suite Address. Designs available.
lisa yohomey101
heltodemon anewlight
I love sushi,anime,video games,loves variety of music,Marvel stuff, American animation,comic books, manga, Nintendo, and admiring the art of cosplayers. I'm really liking art after getting into anime. I guess you can say. I'm a super geek, super geeky. Also,I love writing. My all time favorite to write is gothic poetry. In my spare time I love trying to help business's out with limited income.
Christoph Linktheangel
Hallo dass ist mein Profil Meine Hobbys sind Videospiele, Fußball, Schach und Musik. Meine Lieblings Spiele sind Monster Hunter Tri Ultimat, Fire Emblem Awakening, Zelda.
Philly obed17
Can nintendo put a 3DS game card reader in my Wii U gamepad.
ƒļуηη kevtendodude
˜¸µ˜¸˜µ¸˛˜µ˜¸~˜§˛˜ųµ˜¸˛˜µ˜§˜¸˘¸µ˜¸µ / \µ~§˘˜¸˛µ˜ųµ˘~˜˛¸µ¸˘§˜¸˛µ˜˘˛§~˘µ˜¸ ♪ ▲ —– /___\ –— ▲ ?♥ ▲ ▲ Ťħę Nīηèτěεη / I \ £εġęņδς... ▲ ▲ ♡ ♥♡♥♡♥˜µ˘µ˛˜¸§µ˜µ˜µ˘¸˜˛§ų ?˛¸ ♥ ˜˜♪˘ µ˜§˜¸µ˘µ˜¸ų¸˜µ˜§˘♥♡♥♡♥ Ťő ςεε ßıφ άгț νϊεω ση ЩίίŪ All LoZs ply'd/doc'd in OTL order here
Chrissie nabbcp
My first Nintendo was a NES which I got way back in 1989. I've had every other home console since then with a Gameboy and Gameboy Advance thrown in for good measure. I think the WiiU is a great piece of kit, I just hope people start getting onboard with it more.
Zeromus Razengan
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Mckro3_YT mrkc03
Thwipshot Nerbguy
I'm just a random Wii U owner that plays games. MH3U is awesome!!!! On another note I play a lot of games and enjoy most of what I get. I'm not a huge fan of horror or super gory games but there are some I like. If you want to hunt with me in MH3U feel free to comment on my posts when I make one that I opened a lobby. G-rank mostly but I will help people rank up if they are polite about it.
ian♪ iancharles
i'm going to try and focus on improving my pictures. so many stellar, inspiring artists making up the miiverse, let's get drawing! and i'm still addicted to wii fit! love the fit meter, it's helped me lose soooo much weight.
DK RagingBananaDK
Shy Old Skool Nintendo Gamer 4 Lyfe !!! Started with the NES and been hooked ever since!! What a long history! I LOVE Zelda !!!! Also play League of Legends ;D Anxiously awaiting Super Smash Bros. U Add me to get some PC and Wii U multiplayer action happening!! Current games: Sonic Ninja Tekken Assassin Monster CoD Always looking for study buddies (Asian languages)
Donny TwilightDragon
J. Gibson SidiousStrange
Lifelong gamer and fan of all things Nintendo... I play on multiple consoles, but credit Nintendo with making me into the gamer I am today. My favorite games of all time (no particular order): Mass Effect Metroid games Zelda games Okami Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Metal Gear games Pikmin Elder Scrolls games Borderlands Batman Arkham Skies of Arcadia PinballFX Fallout 3 Destiny Starfox
Tibbs Tibbs316
I've been a lifelong gamer. Nintendo has had a huge impact on my life. Zelda and Mario are my favorite series'. Enjoying the Wii U and am excited for what will come!
joe billsarethebest1
Ascendant WiiLovePeace
Some of my favourite games: Xenoblade Chronicles, Okami, Arc Rise Fantasia, Super Mario series, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Mario Kart series, Legend of Zelda series, Professor Layton series, Pheonix Wright series & much more...
Joshua Mauddib1976
•No random friend requests! Automatic rejection! Only people from games or the MiiVerse that I know. •RIP §OS Clan •Artist, parent, fan of philosophy. •Favorite Wii U games, MH3U, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Rayman Legends (ranked 38th), ZombiU, Guacamelee (thanks Rob), Xenoblade Chronicles X, & Splatoon.
RaineHokan Raine_Hokan
I am a 43 yo gamer that has been playing since their inception. I played Pong in the arcade when it was first released, when arcades were mostly shooting galleries and pinball. I like platformers and puzzle games, and am an "Animal Crossing:New Leaf" junkie. So far I own Nintendo Land, Trine 2, Little Inferno, Assassin's Creed 3 & Zen Pinball(PvZ table). Let's play!
Pascal U Darth_Pascal
Super fan de Mario! Propriétaire d'un mini musée Nintendo. J'ai toutes les consoles Nintendo avec la boîte... sauf une NES Top Loader.
Nin Neko ☆ jb3777
★$èáñ★ sean2000
Hey I'm Sean Im a huge Mario, Donkey Kong, and Smash fan. I even own every Mario Kart game in the series. Follow me if you want!.
ChrisTop Chris_SNK_Fan
I am an older gamer from the NES days to today and I always love my Nintendo systems. I love to collect handhelds too. Grew up with Sega on the Genesis, 32X and finally the Dreamcast... I miss when Sega wasn't the awful Sonic company they are today.
Environ Environ
Hi there! I've been a fan of Nintendo games and the experiences that accompany them since the NES era. I'm elated that I can continue to share my passion for gaming with my family and friends. NOW PLAYING: Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle, Breath of the Wild, Splatoon 2, Shantae & The Pirate's Curse, and Pokémon Shuffle. Improve your social quality of life with Streetpass and Miiverse!
Sivle San SivleSan
Hi, My name is Elvis, I'm puertorican. I love nintendo and I'm loving my Wiiu! My favorite genres are Rpg's action adventure, fighting, survival horror and platformer! ZELDA is my favorite series of all time, I also love the Dragon Quest Series! mario, metroid, smash bros, all of it! my fave wiiu games are Pikmin 3, zombiu, Mario 3dWorld,Fire Emblem Awakening,Trine 2, WWHD, W101, Bravely Default,
Chocorider chocorider
Lil Devil Magic.Mushroom
i enjoy music,art,video games.mostly stuck with Nintendo through the years,although some of you may know of my love for the Dreamcast (: the wiiU is the most enjoyable piece of electronics ive ever owned.and that says alot as im somewhat of an electronics junkie,ever since i was a young lad,anything i could get my hands on that i could pop batteries in and do something cool with made me happy :)
Letsee meow~i'ma 36yr old Male Kitty & Mews haz two Clawesome Cats named Panda & Piggy! =^.^=
Letsee meow~i'ma 36yr old Male Kitty & Mews haz two Clawesome Cats named Panda & Piggy! =^.^=
Fave Animew ~Azumanga Daioh~
Fave Manga ~Dramacon~
Please Play Nice & Be Respectful Meow
Got a Nintendo Switch & like Cats?
SW 3343 0498 1223
(You don't actually have to like cats. But you should! hehe)
~Have a Mice Day!~ =^,.,^=