-Théо-'s Followers
jed kkkjj008
Friend code:SW-2507-2149-6020. I'll miss Miiverse and everyone on it. It was the first social media I ever had. It helped me through the thoughest of times. I'll be here all day tomorrow, even at school, I'll use my laptop to go on Miiverse even though it's against the rules at school. I'll use my Nintendo Switch after Miiverse ends. For everyone who will miss Miiverse, it is now time to move on.
MV★Aπdrew Andrew173
SW-5639-9164-9787 nin.andrew22@gmail.com Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.
›Margaret‹ nerdyneko113
This is ☆Margaret★:Margaret-003's Alt. trash account most of the time I use my Main account and this one is just used at random cause why not...or IF the Main account gets banned.
Ant:) lucca0712
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ROSIE rosiemaris
mi name is rosie im10 follow me i follow you ill probably follow about 28 people and 4 people are following me come on we are team maris bro lets do this if i can get 40 followers in 3 weeks before i go on holiday ill follow 50 of anyone and probably more we can dooo this !!!!!!!!!
¤→Maria→→¤ shria12
ωειсоme to my t®ach →Age:13 →Indian →sèlf t@ught α®тìşł →©hèè®le@der&Dάn©e® →→»»»»»←←←«««« I am a Cheerleader but i don't BITE #FOLLOW4FOLLOW→→→↑¶¶÷§=§===§§ I AM A Yeah bomber...so BLOCK ME IF YOU WANT TO →→→→→ğéł őųł→→→→→→
Laurzy LaurzYetAgain
My good bois and grills, thank you. Awesome people list (in no paticular order): Tucker Orion LukerGMRZ. Steen DerpJacob Brandon Daniel Jammy Hadouken Janoah GWAHrfield Beth Ad Trashbot Dillon PaperMario Everyone else (not me) I'll never forget you, guys. You were all awesome. See you soon, I hope. I'LL ALWAYS BE A SAVAGE
Queendiva yahmya
BONJOUR!!! Salut!!! Comment ca va? Jemappelle Jhamya! Ou habite tu? je suis new jersey. Quel age as-tu? jai treize ans. Mon anniversare le septembre douze! oui im a virgo!!! For all my english speaker im jhamya im from new jersey my age is now 13 my birthday is september 12 So yes im a virgo baby!!!!! LOVE YOURSELF DONT BE AFRAID TO BE YOU!!!!
Walid lilou332
salut tout le monde j'ai 9ans et demi j'adore Mario kart 7 kirby et Miitopia objectif 130 abonner!! rageur:★★☆☆☆ geek:★★★★☆ gentil:★★★★★ passioner:★★★★☆ reveur:★★★☆☆ surtout n'oublier pas de vous abonner.
Si 579ZtF286
Hello humans! Tis I, Bee Queen! Im just a 6 ft. tall bee flying around Miiverse, that's all. I like to talk about bees. Alot. Out of Posts: Nope :D I currently claimed the B3 Gaming Expo for Bees Community. Also, I'll be making a series in Scribblenauts soon. follow me to become part of the hive. Bye!
Optimize supersegakid
Hi guys it's me Segakid. And I like playing games like Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, Sonic, Minecraft, Splatoon and all great games. I'm also pretty good at video games and it will be great to meet you all. Best friends: awesomeroxz Xmaster1 ˘\(^♡^)/˘ (·˛·) (îσî)
ηγα~‹з xXAngel-KunXx
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ мεω~‹з its your favorite κιττγ. ωнат a рυггfест taste you have since you're on my profile. мεω~‹з admit it you know I'm the cutest cat you seen~♪ Nya~‹з Oh how I wish someone would adopt and take care of me...its not fun being cute if nobody acknowledges it. ‹(–з–)/¯ <ςаςςγ κιττγ is best κιττγ> I don't play ηιсе unless your my friend~<з ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
turkeybird chris9712
Hello, I am Turkeybird, you can also call me Turkey I like coloring, art, drawing, YouTube, wolves and FNAF. My favorite pastime is listening to music. My favorite pet is cats. And anyone willing to be my friend, go ahead friend request me. I do not video chat friends And any rude or innapropriate comments will be deleted
DarKino DarKayno158
Bonjour ! Moi Cest Darkino n'esite pas a me demander ca me ferais plaisire ! Objectif : 100 precque trop facile ! Jaime Beaucoup Splatoon! D'ailleurs pour moi les meilleure youtubeur de Splatoon son: EvilSquid Octoboy Et encore plein d'autre !! Abonne toi ! ca me ferais plasire A+ !
WhatisaWii sadmanwithabra
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Detruse AlexandraTonkay
Ravioli Stravaganza Henlo, I am your worst nightmare. I'm what the cool kids call "Cringey" ;) They/Them Im love you all
Leo yanchar8
CursedKing WolfKing329
No blank friend requests. All blank friends requests get ignored for 30 days. Time for phase 2 >buy a pineapple I like Digimon, Data Squad is my favorite season and Dusk my favorite game. Most yeahs: 19 Most comments: 41 please leave all criticisms on favorite post.
mario swagmariobros66
48 more days till Nov 8th
βιαскθясα★ Hitsugaya2001
Hey! Moi c'est βιαскθясα★! Bienvenue sur mon compte Miiverse! :D J'ai 16 ans,grand fan de Nintendo,de manga,de musique, de parkour,complètement taré et très sympathique,avec moi c'est que le bordel! x) Jeux favoris: FinalFantasy KingdomHearts MagicalStarsign Bayonneta NinjaGaiden Mangas favoris: TokioGhoul BlueExorcist MiraiNikki SaintSeiya Naruto Abonne Toi! (je rend) Chacha my baby ‹3
Viola Eade FlareonFireStone
"BOSH!" I draw things mostly related to the talented Peanut, Daisy Ridley, Chaos Walking, Murder on the Orient Express, Star Wars, a BIT of Tom Holland, Nick Jonas, Little Mix and/or books which I write on W@ttp@d. I'm a Peanut, Jedi, Goulddigger, Marooner, Little Black Star, Geekette, Chaos Walker, Little Mixer, Lovatic, Linkin Parker, Panhead Yus, I'm Pansexual. So what?
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Gludeoooon BeyBonelessBizza
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ςς☆Royce Tagalong_81
Kon'nichiwa!! Hello!! You found my page!! Here's a few things about me... - Do not accept blank Friend Requests - Favorite Color: Rose Gold -Clans: -ςς(Co-Leader) ~ςн(Co-Leader) ~КΆ ~ ςςκ ~ƒτι(Leader), ~HL ~CC ~ив(Co-Leader) ~★\Splats/☆ ~ςρт(Co-Leader) ~ωω(Co-Leader) -I can speak fluent Japanese and english - I love watching Anime especially Naruto, DBZ, and One Piece. Well bye now. Mata Ne!!
mom Babyj3030
Hi guys This is not my main acc Stickman is mine go check it out
Jayden Jayden08q
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Overscore™ rilesjrfam
(>●•●)›––★•:˙º·.▲◆▼ ___________ Overscore ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Greeting, It is I, Overscore! Lol Hello users of miiverse. I'm a very i n t r e s t i n g (not) person. So if ya' like watcha' see, don't hesitate to S M A S H that follow button! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ • Skeppy is best MC Ψoutuber. •Learning Japanese (J•υ•)J •I mainly post In NSLU. ____________________ Thanks 4 your time! (ÔωÕ)/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
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USB ★ Nato Agony17
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Αgеnt 7 urquhart9
WHAT'S HAPPENING im agent 7 A.k.a. MMT cho cho Best friend:OL◆Sniper◆ Age. 14. favorite game: splatoon. rank was: S+ 30 are wii u started all OVER :| now lvl: 10 Rank: C- 60 Main weapon's: (luna blaster) (custom e- liter scope) (CRB) favorite food is PiZzA
Leo LegoGuy777
Why do I have 250 followers?
I'm Théo, your typical French-Canadian-Acadian user. I'm a mutant mi...
Why do I have 250 followers?
I'm Théo, your typical French-Canadian-Acadian user. I'm a mutant mix of the NSLUC, YTC, Mario Maker, MK8, Smash and the old PINCH50.
My peeps:
No one because I have no friends. :"D