Users jonathan Is Following
Bryatron bryann142
poop boy sock22
AJBLASTOFF jrendon3rd
Hi AJBLASTOFF's awesome fans:O!!!!!!!!
conk conker05
Bye Everyone
jr. JuJuNJoey
TS☆Chrome 44lookppouibb556
Owie owengoose
ben amby28
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cedrik assasin2929
•★€няί§2 SMM-Chris
Hi im SMM-Chris! Welcome to my profile! Want to know was ↑ on it? Just keep tuned to it! Stay Fresh #Herobrine_Is_Fake_In_MC! B y e !
Michael MichaelHer
whats up im in the clan KS the best clan in the world also i play minecraft and splatoon and more see you all
Damian Dmnluna
hi my name is Damian I like Dantdm. I have minecraft pc edition.I also have a Xbox1. I love star wars. I have trials fusion. also i have sklanders imaginators. I am 14 yrs. old
Rock4God rangerrepforce9
Wuzzup guys.Im a proud Christian and a musician.I play my ps4 more than my Wii U (Sorry).
AleFGoku55 alejandroo8686
Hay picastes mi cara eso debio de doler :( bueno Hola Me Llamo Alejandro Pero me pueden decir Ale o Alex Mi pokemon favorito es Charmander Kawai (♥-♥) ok Vivo en Mexico Ablo español y ingles miren ¿you speck spanish? Bueno pueden ser mis amigos Si quieren Aunque nadie quiere serlo Bueno tengo 13 Años y Si tengo Novia bueno Y ya es todo Sobre mi Chao (^-^) ste men se leyo Todo sto :v
[ラスク]わっふる kaolin5
プロフィールコメントは、スタッフが美味しくいただきました。って・・・、んなわけあるか! ・・・スベったぁぁぁ(#´・ω・`) ども。わっふるです!! スプラトゥーンで、いろんなエリアを塗ったり、 マイクラでいろんな建築物を建てたり、 たまに絵を描いたりして投稿しています。 フォローしてくれた方、ありがとうございます!! 出来るだけ返します! 趣味は、YouTubeを見ることです。 (ポッキー さん、大好きっ!!) 好きな曲は、「六兆年と一夜物語」と「太陽系デスコ」です。 最後までプロフィールを見てくれてありがとうございました!! 皆さん、よろしくお願いします(°∀°#)/♪ ~よく遊ぶフレンドさん~ りんご さん・しょうた さん (2017年7月3日更新)
SG•ƒεя Fer.Gamer767
Rip Wii U (2013-2017) Ya sé que se lanzó en el 2012, pero yo puse 2013 por que ese fue el año en el que adquirí la consola, sólo que inicié con otra cuenta Nos veremos en Nintendo Switch, eso espero. Fue un placer haber compartido todas mis experiencias de juego
toñossj3 Toniossj3
hola como estas
Dawn princessbunny67
These are all my games for wii U: minecraft, disney infinity (all versions), splatoon, + lego batman 3 My nintendo 3ds games include: animal crossing new leaf, animal crossing happy home designer, + disney infinity (toy box challenge)
Tyler Andrea646
Hello Random Fellow Person From Earth! I am Dark! I will NOT accept blank friend requests! Sincerely: Dark
LOS Bradyn bradfinn
hi I'm Bradyn you can call me B my favorite games are minecratf, splatoon and lego marvel avengers I got this wii u about two years ago but pick a game and I can beat you at it look out ultron here I come!!!! if you like my post please tell or ask me something i will probably answer in 6 min.please follow josh, morgan, and smash so stay fresh and I'll see you later B out !
This is Nathan. My wife, Kerri, made a new acct since she got a new 3DS with Disney Art Academy. Birthdaybear01 You will find mostly drawings on here from me. Some MiiVerse, some Pokemon Art Academy. I enjoy stuff like Legend of Zelda, Marvel, RPGs, LotR, TMNT, etc.
little bro jbriancelsor
i love games
ROMAN ruiz0418
KentroWiiU zinney
Hey guys this is me. Call me by Zinney. (zin-E) That is how zinney is pronounced. I play all sorts of offline and online games like minecraft terraria & mario kart 8! I play lots of nintendo games! EVEN THE ONES FROM 1986! Wii U is a great console! It deserves more buys!
Evan clarizioevan
Hello. I am Evan i am a HUUUUGGGEEE Gamer and love any kind of Multiplayer. I Usually Prefer Teams Over Fighting Friends! Gravity Falls is the best TV Show Ever! I'm a Toys to Life Video Game Fan and DONT GIVE A DARN ABOUT MINT CONDITIONS. I ACTUALLY PLAY WITH MY AMIIBO
jako-bonne kirk1704
hi im iggy im sometimes crazy and funny and a lava freak pet chain chomp and IM NOT A NERD
fam pureenergy187
Alex Basement158
azavier hayes08
derpro6754 calebglover
geoff millieclyde123
Jaden dawda1234
Hello Everyone! I am Jaden (dawda)! This is really cool that they have miiverse, so I figured why not give a try at doing this. At the time I'm writing this, I am 14 Years old, about to be 15 Years old. I'm going to high school after the summer ends which is a big deal. I own a Wii U, A Nintendo 3DS, And a Switch. My dream is to be an actor, and that's all I want to be. So this sums it up much.
blake blakester410
mike Johnbowen1
FR samual LionFancy
MetaKnight ivan2213
ςς☆Dakota Gr33nmoomwolf
Hello, my name is Dakota! I've been using Miiverse for a little over 3 years. Just an anxious kid is all. I'm still learning and practicing drawing and art, and I've started drawing on Miiverse! (It's kinda hard on a touchscreen) Extreme Zelda fan!!! I also love the Xenoblade series, Splatoon, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, and well basically all of Nintendo's games! I'm 15 as well. Thanks!
DUDE bulkhead808
Hi I'm an ok gamer who loves Superhero games and Nintendo games! All my friends say that Nintendo sucks but Nintendo has awesome games and has been around longer! Splat to that!
ameen praisetoallah
Hi! I'm Ameen and I love Marvel and DC superheroes. My favorite superheroes are Spiderman and the Flash. I'm 13, in 8th grade, and I'm Indian. I like to read a lot and love the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings. I also like 60s to 90s music and action movies like Mission Impossible. I have a 3DS and a PS3. I really like LEGOs and LEGO videogames. I am also a serious science nerd. Good day to you!
Funneh Dyaneisha
Hi my name is kimberly I want to have 100 friends so I need to be your friend forever!!!!
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