Mikey's Friends
Cloud main Combomaster123
passisthis passisthis
Joaquin LinksD20
KingMenma KingMenma2
Umbreon blackbeartic2
Zay ZayXTheSmasher
Check following list Thx for 4 amazing years here
Muska RealKongXL
Hi, i'm KongXL the Dedede player.
King KingxAlpaca
Porcupine Porcupine_x3
Nate Dogg Erasures455
GettingHyp ImGettingHyped
Emmett shadowmario57
FVS|BSP BasedClanForever
Nick Cloudazed
dank memes and smash | cloud n robin main dont judge fam
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Ian Hecox bryjon74
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david David_almanza12
grvty Destroyer6592
GanonTwo GanonTwo
diego jose drzebra.tv
hola que tal soy el drzebra y esta es mi cuenta de miiverse sean bienvenidos n.n/
MisterG&W DannySmashFan12
Hey everyone this my 2nd Nintendo Network ID since my first one was hacked anyways my name is Danny and i love enjoying video games. my favorite video game series are Rayman,Raving Rabbids, Smash Bros, Mario, Metroid, Star Fox, Warioware, Wario Land and more. add and follow me and i add and follow back. i wii u chat also so you welcome to. Am also looking for smash bros players so let me know
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GO64 basedGO64
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McDamage McDamage
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Ginger TrueGinger
was gucci o3o
Danbop Danbop
mike dedenne27179
Tony mariomariocool
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Ruben SinsOfTheFather
Reed Supermariobro52
Blake ItzBlake
çнąόš Kladman
Klad's the name, Smash is my game! I've experienced with tons of games and a big Sonic fan!
Dan Mark_Schmidt1989
Blingottm Bleezyy
Tre Tres_3
MLZX MegaLucarioZX64
Vote for zero for smash 4
Thug Nasty R0cco_Siffredi
Yez YezKun
◆°Nατςυº▼☆ carlosingold12
Hello I am good at games especially fightin games
MrKarotiko MrKarotiko-LP
HiD Silver SilverSag3
Taylor Haecceity
Goldie ganonslayer58
Yo, what's up, Goldie here! Just a casual pokemon and a competitive Smash 4 player.
Ace DonPatchio
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WAR Turtle RetroTurtle
Campbell ProfesorChaos37
Erica ericaxxrose
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someone Link121314
No MrHollywood2
AlanTracey Alanator0112
I play Smash and Splatoon. I'm open to friend requests!
Narwelch Narwelch
l animate and play games. Aren't I so interesting?! No? Oh, okay...
Nash77 Nash77tee
Danny 679832
Hello Everyone, I'm Danny and I just play games. I also like movies, TV shows, and animation. However, I'm not into anime as other people are. Currently, I play Anther's Ladder to practice on Smash 4 since For Glory is not good. Also I am disappointed with the Paper Mario series right now.
Mr. Googly GooglyEyes75
splat man javian10
Noe noefletes
"All about spreading those positive vibes" XD
Grant GrantandGarret
Jack The_GSD121212
Zach Kaigzz
MCrossfire WizardValkoor
Miiverse admins ban me for using loopholes that are in no way innappropriate
Manifest Manifest1
Eddie StickBeholder
Krispy Nint.Krispy
Scoot MGDedede
Hey there, lad! I'm Mitch! I play some video games on this here Wii U (and 3DS)! Here are some of my favorites: -Mario Kart 8 -Animal Crossing New Leaf -Smash for Wii U/3DS -Majora's Mask 3D -EarthBound/ EarthBound Beginnings (favorite)
Cynos Cynos_Gohegdae
CGames on Twitch Visor, Glasses, Shirt-man | Smash 4 enthusiast and Bowser Jr. main | Twitch streamer | Songwriter / Rapper | @GohegdaeCynos
Carlos LuigiBTDDKTails
Danny Earthboundian
I've been a Nintendo fan since the NES. My all-time favorite series is the MOTHER series.
Morgan Morgan10
Metallia ChaoticCrunchii
Crunchii ~ The Only and Only
Chet ChetzWii
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This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Ya'll mind if I hit this uhhhhhhhhhhh