M.Maestro's Followers
Dylan506 dylanwelsh
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Spartak biryukov.spartak
Salut, my name is Spartak. I speak Russian but I speak English too! I have Super Mario Maker. I have a lot of medals in Super Mario Maker and I have a lot of friends here. Let's be friends guys! (^o^) I like Minecraft but I don't have Minecraft :-( but, i'm happy anyway! (^o^)
Joey SnowConeGuy05
Psst! (Are you actually looking at my page? Thanks!) I'm Joey, a gamer that stays quiet most of the time... Just stay quiet, and laziness won't wake up... Shh!
Tobias ben007mar
★★έήτει™★★ EnteiB
Bonjour à tous ami miiverse, je m'appelle ★☆εηțει☆★ ou ★☆Entei☆★, essayer mes stages de super mario maker, ce sont les stages de super mario 3D Land en 2D (Super Mario 2D Land) donc donnez des etoiles pour debloquer les autres mondes comme une démo car je ne peut pas publier plus de 10 stages. Au revoir et essayez mes glitchs.
Patrice Conducteur59220
salut à tous j aime la création de jeux mario
charly XxChArLyyxX
si tu as mario et sonic aux jeux olympique de rio 2016 alors abonne toi. de même si tu as (splatoon, nintendoland, super mario 3d world, the legend of zelda the windwaker, super mario maker, capitain toad treasure tracker) merci de t'abonner
nemo Nemonaattori
Jason LinkedToThePast
I teach composition at the college level at Florida State University. I focus on studying tutoring, multimodal composition, and gaming in rhetoric and composition. I love indie games and Nintendo games for their focus on fun, powerful experiences. I'm happily married to my amazing wife Emily and have a cute lil' pup named Fiona. Also, I'm addicted to Zelda.
Papa A Papa_A812
hi i am papa A, the father off Bram. When you like my games and give me stars. Please give Bram a star aswell. Hopefully he gets more stars then me..... greetings from both of us..
Drew W. Drew3475
Hi everybody! I'm Drew. Welcome to my miiverse page. I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, watching TV, YouTube, and movies, and reading books. My favorite games are Super Mario Maker, the Super Mario series, the Donkey Kong Country series, Advance Wars games, and Fire Emblem games. Favorite TV shows: Three Stooges, WWE. Favorite Movies: Jackie Chan Movies. Thanks for stopping by.
Jared Rubberfire_66
gerbil GebuND
Hello :)
Welcome,to my Profile!Account-2:l.Fab.l ACNLCode:6A00002E1B38 •«<мøδδεг>»• Fav. Games: TLoZ:BotW,TPHD,TP,ST,HG —ST was my first Zelda Game! Mario:Mario Maker and Mario 64 DS LEGO:CITY UNDERCOVER Pokémon:S,M,X and Ω Ruby Fav. Franchises: 3.Pokémon 2.Soka2n 1.The Legend of Zelda! Best Gamingsquadfriends: 5.jamie 4.PluendaWürstchen07 3.LolsID 2.Modz8055 1.N24Ham #TheLegndOfZela XD See ya in Game!c:
Alex 398371
Hi If you want to be my friend im really nice i try not to swear i respect others choices and i love meeting new friends :P P.S.#CrainerIsAllGrownUp lel
Adri anthy77
Bienvenidos! Si me sigues, puedes unir las produciones smash! Pokemon favorito: Pikachu (En pokken tournament) Me gusta cuando tenemos 600 seguidores. Las noticias se quedaran en los foros de abajo. Uneme y jugemos smash! >:) No juego pokken. copyright©smash productions™ 2017. all rights reserved.
ψ Val' CoxyCramer
Bomnboa Bomboa
hande Ville-Pekka
Elmeri vihetiel
Hi. I'm from Finland and like Mario games a lot. I have a Wii U, Wii, 3DS and PS3. suomeksi: Hei. Olen Suomesta ja pidän paljon Mario-peleistä. Minulla on Wii U, Wii, 3DS ja PS3.
superjope superjope
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Spellbound FIN-MyFate
j nicolas450000
Aleksi Butsutekkai
Jani Janttu
I've moved to Switch. Hey, nice to meet you all :). I'm a Nintendo only gamer since the NES days. The Legend of ▲ ▲ ▲ Zelda
Vety Vety98