Jeremy's Yeahs
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

In case anyone hasn't heard, the NX Preview Trailer will be revealed at 10am EST. Thought you all should know.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community
In case anyone hasn't heard, the NX Preview Trailer will be revealed at 10am EST. Thought you all should know.
Hey! I'm Jeremy, and I'm a Metroid fanatic! Of course, I love most other Nintendo franchises, too...
Hey! I'm Jeremy, and I'm a Metroid fanatic! Of course, I love most other Nintendo franchises, too! So in addition to Metroid, expect to see Zelda, Mario, and even a stop or two at Animal Crossing! I'm an F-Zero racer, and a Pokémon trainer, a Star Fox ace, I'm all over the place!