Melvnstein's Followers
Blake ReglaPeople4
Just a Nintendo fan, Amateur Pixel Artist, and Composer. Please do not repost or reupload my art to other Sites. Only Follow/Friend Request if you like my content, and if I like yours, I'll accept. Breadit and WhyTea: AnonyMorshu I like: Anime FNaF Homestar Runner Minecraft Nintendo Pixel Art PvZ Portal SiivaGunner Undertale Vinesauce YTP And much more! Motto: Strive for perfection.
Ûmbrian Kæ DarkLordofFood
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ScareLance RossRossityross
I does is Lance. AAAAAAA LANCE SEEN A-A GHOST BECAUSE IT HALLOWEENIE My brother name Mail. Waahoo. I sometimes have save Aster from Beansauce evil. Inspireds: Weeg, Lugnut, Loogie, SpeedLuigi, ect. Mail taught me how drop And Stuff and I guess, him thank.
Mehbee coolagent1012
Heyo itz Velven Korazuki (my real name not my fe one) I have been called a kawaii muffin once, it was weird. I like Fire Emblem and Games that include Miis. Never call me cute. People say I would look good with neon red hair... hmm... OH! Bye then...
joey rinzsuk
i like to play games most of my time so im pretty much a big gamer:) (if you follow me i will follow you)and remember SAVE MIIVERSE
Brandon gagebr
Miiverse ends today RIP People I'll miss: Jos DerpJacob Kyle Venoct Laurzy Daniel Mii King Moon Little Bee Greenvolt and much more. Check my following list if you want to chat on a cord.
MegaAndrew MegaAndrewIsBack
RIP Miiverse. If you wanna see my stuff, I'll be on here until Miiverse closes and I'm thinking about getting a Closedverse account. (Same NNID and Mii)
beccy bexmob
hello everyone! :-) Marie = Edgy User Btw Things about me Age:Unknown Favourite food: Pizza Waifu: waluigi Favourite drink: Unknown Rival: Toby fox job: Memez End (Not kidding) MM57
Starkiller tk421luke
Hi everyone Starkiller some things about me are -A huge Sonic and Pikachu fan -Enjoys drawing and doing different drawings -I dont use Wii U Chat -Enjoys making friends with new people -If you follow me i'll definately follow you back unless i cant because of then the limit of followers Also feel free if you want to follow me if you want random drawings and posts:D and lastly Stay Awesome:3
C Meister foxylegend
Open your fears, I'll be there. Open your eyes, I'll be there. 3 days and I come....
Jοςнυα G. LuigiFan304
Cassie charasLOVE
Admin: Female/13 Fandoms (so far): Mlp, Pokémon, Fnaf, Undertale, Dhmis, Tattletail, Batim, Nitw, Eddsworld Hiya! I'm a Pokémon and horror fan at heart. ^w^ My top 10 Pokémon! 1. Alolan Vulpix 2. Sylveon 3. Scyther 4. Absol 5. Porygon-Z 6. Tirtouga 7. Primarina 8. Mimikyu 9. Joltik 10. Kyogre
ΞNicoΞ NicolasCharette
If you're here to block me: "Aww, did I win?". Hello! My name's Nico, I'm 14, and I love Nintendo! Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is my favourite game, alongside Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Just a simple memelord from the NSLUC. Room 7 GRAND DAD in Hotel Bigley Chuggaaconroy fanatic I hope to be a YouTuber Closedverse ID: "NintenDank" "I'm so unoriginal, I steal my own memes."
Alanna jelloandmilk
Hello, I love Law a lot, & I tend to talk about him daily. Oops MV is ending. Friendos check my 4 latest follows *tumbles & falls* preciousheartboi *writes on a watt? A pad!* PotatSINZ *blue bird tweets* SmolLawnna *DAnces* pudding-n-jello Blox oneechanplz
Hamiltrash happypusheen660
I make NON-STOP Hamilton refrences Pronouns: She, her INFP-T, PTSD, Anxiety :) I love fictional characters more than my family tbh Go follow Neb, koolaid|-/, Ellie and haley. They are the best :y I also like Camp Camp, Broadway Musicals, and Gilmore Girls Drink the rat poison kool-aid, children
Hoxtatron itspayday
Well, I'm back. Roles: NSLU Spammer AMRA Member Roleplayer-ish Drama King Memelord Hoxtilicious Hoxie El Hoxo Hoxton
j SackBoy01
RP Part 0 (newcomers.)
jazael ninjago6647
i like playing with you guys in minecaft
☆ƒαźξζιдй☆ BeefyIsHere
It is I, Leaf, but since my shirt is brown, I become my original character (and my alt.), BEEF!! Doughnut steel. Name: John. Age: 14. Gender: Male. (Levitating Attack Toaster) Likes: NSLUC. Dislikes: Emojis, and people who say that the Sun is not a plANET SCREEEEEEE- But still, just follow my main account. This one doesn't really matter. But if it (somehow) becomes popular, I will post more memes!
Sheepdog samollam
Hoi Hoi Meh Peeps I Iz Sheepdog Da... Well Sheepdog I Make Posts And Play Gamez Like u!
Lugnut EaglesPeace
In the Army
Jaden GrainedCargo192
...Ahem... Welcome to my profile! I do F4Fs. Try my puzzle RPG, Escape! Product ID: 2mtp854x! §f§k§a§b
Hi! My Name Is Dj And I Will Do -Minecraft -Splatoon -Lego Dimension -MarveL's Avengers -More Minecraft!
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
HamOfTrae traeofham8
Hey bois Oh sorry I assumed your gender. I'm just a simple dude that has a strange obsession with Zelda, Lord of the Rings and music I also like Minecraft?? I know that's socially unacceptable at my age but I don't build the stupid stuff and I try to stay away from the screaming 5 year olds. But yeah I like bands like Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Sublime, and Foo Fighters. All that stuff K bye.
Boo! I'm make scare of you? Happy halloweens time.
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Boo! I'm make scare of you? Happy halloweens time.
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