I'm going to miss this place. Que sad.
Mireil's Post
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Hey guys, I want to ask a serious question. is Hyrule Encyclopedia canon? As far as I know its status is as not canon for the fact that it was wrote by people of the Nintendo Dream magazine (who to...

I'm ok tho.
So yes, I'm ok sfter Mexico's earthquake yesterday. I was super scared and all, but I'm ok.
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

So, yes, I read about miiverse ending around 3:00AM in the japanese nintendo site. I will let you know that I will be drawing on here until the end in both consoles, but first of all I really want ...
Hello! I use to draw about my favorite games and franchises. I draw Dark Link a lot. Sorry if my ...
Hello! I use to draw about my favorite games and franchises. I draw Dark Link a lot. Sorry if my grammar flaws sometimes, english isn't my first language.
¡Hola! Me gusta dibujar acerca de los videojuegos y franquicias que me gustan y suelo dibujar mucho a Dark Link.