ďąгķęąğļę†'s Friends
Dylan SirSideBurns
i am 14 and only play minecraft and stuff
James James77521
Hi my name is James.
wizdom2537 santi2033
hey my name is santi if u can friend me (^-^) im a nine year old likes:minecraft pokemon super smash bros terraria (if u know what game that is) mario kart 8 and did i mention minecraft? (lol) so thats all i like
matt sk8rm8
chris chrismm25
hi i'am christopher my favorite games are splatoon mario party 10 super smash bros super mario 3d world super mario maker paper mario color splash yoshi's woolly world mario kart 8 and iam a big fan of super mario
wolfgang wolfganglobofiel
hola estoy emocionado por breath of the wild
jacob jacobpeterlarsen
Manraj4DS MoJaHeD2005
Yo wassup miiverse? I'm your #1DJboy here! Oh wait i'm not! I'm Manraj and i'm 11 years old! I love to play Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Blacklist! I like to watch youtube! My favorite Celebrity is Ben Affleck! (not sure if i spelt it righ but i don't care OK!!) Be sure to follow and friend me! and by the way if u follow me i follow u back! OK OK OK! MY FAVORITE SONG IS JU-JU ON THAT BEAT!
Gary GaryAlv
Soi jaker pro en maincra :v
juan david shinigamy1993
zero X YT ZeorXYT
hey guy i just try make my youtube channel by leave any suggested or i can play with nintendo switch and leave any game that i should play
Hey guys and girls of Miiverse i have good news and bad news. Good news I'm coming to Crowley. Bad news my dog Royalty died yesterday she got of the house and got hit by a car and now I'm sad.
Mewdo mewdo007
Hi, im someone who likes undertale,pikmin,pokemon and lots more
Vee21 Sarcastic_Ice21
Jasper Jasper_Jasp13
Minecraft. Yo Kai Watch. Pokemon. Roblox.
Julie Sniper_Wolf_Vll
I was born on the battlefield. Raised on the battlefield. Gunfire, sirens and screams... They were my lullabies
Elidope13 esmocombe
ûnîçôrn <3 Acrobatcat11
I like chicken nuggets
Gabby GabbyGaming
Komichiwa! My name is Gabby! I have MC, POKKEN, SSB4, SM3DW, MK8 This page is cancer so i would suggest leaving... Oh, chu are stubborn... Fine, take dis heart ♥>//~\\<
Schmitsch ZoeZeu27
★Sρiгitχ☆ DarKShad0W1639
XT300 ayyemari
For the lolz
wilson felizyes
marikart 8
Becca ShinyBecca
I looking for a person to play minecraft with
Derpninja★ LIL-LIZARD101
iron man cjstrickland0608
wat up folks
doggy kristenedburg
hey random people i dont know and never will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
vincent victoy3149
splatoon is the best.stampy is my favorite youtuber.my favorite color is all the colors in the rainbow
GG☆daniel yolloboy89mc
Hi I am yolo and i post daily on mii verse so stay tuned for interesting content favourite games : terraria,minecraft things im starting a terraria world and a minecraft minigame map
kg kalebluvslizards
hi i like splatoon and mario kart 8 and a youtuber and LOL FOR LIFE STAY FRESH add me on xbox one GAMERLOLTHEBEST
Kendal ZachScottlin
I am Kendal but my names Zach I like alot of things Pokemon,Anime,mario,Undertale,Super Smash bros but what i really like is Pokemon and Undertale.Anway Short story I Come from SC to make Friends See ya in the Future :) -Zach (Written with Determination)
jordan15 jordanelijah
Samuel L JackBurtonX
hi do u want to have a bad time?
cesar the_sheild_420
be happy world make friends and place on earth yeah !!!
Silvie pikagamer59
I love assassins creed
wulffrith wolflover15
my name is wulffrith meaning wolf of peace anyone is a friend to me & is very important to me i'm a very peaceful loving wulff if you need help ask me ill be there for you i am also a proud furry & supporter for them i accept them all for who they are & what they love remember feuding will get you nowhere never betray your friends & always take care of your loved one for life
red redphyco
Jack jprice77
hi join me
nate deadpool189
jackson jackson04042
i have a ps4 if anyone wants to add me and i have a 3ds and a ipad my favourite game on wii u is splatoon on ps4 is tom clancys rainbow six seige on ipad is youtube and on 3ds is tomodatchi life
marlon Marlonlong123
hi im marlon im 11 and im super smart my favorite game is five nights at freddys im a huge fan of it be my friend if you are too
cupcake cup900iscool
NINTENDO FORCED ME TO CHANGE MY PROFILE DISCRIPITION THIS IS JUST WRONG. I guessing because of not having the right to use another companys title. So Hi give a friend request gaming is "life". Not really after nintendo killed my vibe.
Kamari KaniShun
Hi I Am Kani Sun www.Youtube.com/Kani Sun. I Been Gaming Sence 2005. My First Game I Played was Mario Part 7 Then More. I had 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. My Birthday Was April 16. Sonic And Mario Was The Real Deal For Me I had all sega consoles and nintendo. My Brother Brought Me To Gaming. Long Story. On Nov 18 2012 I Saw People Playing Wii U and I Was mad because i di,nt have one any way Thanks You. : )
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junior mommynana
i have minecraft for the wii u
Jåÿ HappyFace101
I speak the following languages: English, Spanish, Russian, Italian, French, German, Lithuanian, Greek, Swedish, and Slovak
JX_THEBEAR jx_theBear
ISSA israelcarballo
who wants to play minecraft add me
kuk ronaldoC1
salve a tutti ragazzi . ho conosciuto la nintendo grazie alla DS ho la wii . i miei personaggi preferiti sono : torcibruchi , larry ,tipo timido, link e skelobowser . i miei giochi sono: nintendolan mario kart 8 E e super mario bros U assassing crev iv blak flag , just dance 2015 , zelda wind waker hd, E MOLTI ALTRI (giochi sulla wii ) . GRAZIE PERCHI MI SEGUA . NON PRATICO WII U CHAT .
Gracegirl selenagrace
Im a Gamer: RNG SuRrO (Xbox one / 360) Im a Youtuber: RNG SuRrO Im a Rapper: J_suhpreme Clan: Rebel Nation Gaming Anime ★★★★
ToBi StonesTobi
Hi, i'm tobi, i like playing, drawing, writing, reading, watching anime, listening good music and travel. I'm from México and i can write in english, but in process jo! but little talk e__é and... i challenge you to play smash against my! n__n If i win... you give me tacos jeje. Hola soy tobi, y te reto a jugar contra mi en smash, :3 si gano, me das tacooos!! jojo
David DavidDAP
Hola, soy de México y me llamo David, tengo 17 años. Amo los videojuegos de Zelda, Mario bros, Sonic, Resident Evil. Me encanta el deporte. Y ahora espero SSB4 y demas juegos de Zelda :D Hablo si me hablas y sigo si me sigues :)
Ace Hunter2442
Violeta RiverPandeska
♪☆Konnichi miau.☆♪ †Violeta.† †México.† †Lv. 21† †Zeldera de kokoro.† †Amante de la musica y los videojuegos.† †Waifu de Lars.† †Amor alocado por las papitas.†
beman headhunter205
Creepblook TeddyBearlove2
Hi! i am a human combination of Minecraft Creeper and undertale Napstablook!
Werewolf useyoursnipper
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Hey guys!My name is Mike and I will accept all friend request!!!!!!!!So if you want a friend on your friend list,i'm there for you!Need help with homework,l've got you covered!My dream is to be the best gamer ever!!!!If anyone wants to support,there's nothing stopping you!!!Post yeah or just yeah this comment if you're with me!!!!!!!!
★KILLISTA★ samanthasal.1031
heh well, hello earthlings im sam.I love steven universe and star vs. the forces of evil. some bands that i like are TØP,Panic at the disco,Green day,and etc.im a lazy couch potato like your everyday weirdo
hugo gabah26
Teddy quackycheese12
Kaylee.00 fishback00
Hey im corn freds girl so please be nice
flicks Flicks1999
WATS UP VIEWERS im 17, ive played games since i was 4. my favorite series are zelda, pokemon, kingdom hearts, super smash bros, mario kart,and any nintendo game i can get a hold of.i like to be on miiverse, so follow me and please friend me! p.s single and straight. p.p.s im a misanthropist so i dont answer calls unless i feel like it. p.p.p.s im not always here because i go to my dads every month
GzR∞drue 2 kilolim1
Lord$carfy kolefarris
hi my name is $carfy games i love. minecraft donkey kong mario kart animal crossing conker's bad fur day banjo kazooie star fox halo old time 007 games from gamecube and back spyro crash and many more. im 22 and yes im a furry. thanks for poking my face and droping by. so you heard theres rumours about a secret place in my minecraft. i have never heard or seen this place. OR HAVE I.
andre jk369258
i love video games n football
vini viniciussouza
sou brasileiro, e essa é a minha conta americana. gosto de muitos jogos e de jogar online. gosto de jogos como: mario, zelda, resident evil, assassin's creed, zumbi u entre outros
Monty MontyTheMan
"Not on my watch"
xdanielXD daniel1000000000
soy gamer y tu?
Wolfgem Wolfgem
Profile comment hidden by admin.
FleSh Ratz andrew213
What's up guys DeFaLT or Andrew Games I have: Black Ops 2 Minecraft Watch_Dogs Gender:Rat So you still here? Come here often? Bye.
Liquid-Sun Liquid-Sun
Not only I'm a Nintendo enthusiast, but I am an artist as well as a fantasy writer! I like to write my own stories and anime-style illustrations to tell a tale. I get most of my inspirations from Nintendo games, especially Zelda and allow my imagination to roam free. I hope to play with you all soon, my fellow Ninty fans! :)
Drew ShinigamiDrew
The time is now!!
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
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