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Super Mario World


10/12/2017 2:26 AM

And so ends this play-by-play, with Luigi getting the shine. Thanks to new followers, as well from followers from times past, glad I could make a small part of your day. I appreciate all the 'yeahs...

Super Mario World


10/12/2017 2:06 AM

There was a legend of the caveman known as Oktar, who was a hero of dinosaur world. The only records that remain are a reimagining of him teaming up with the Mario Bros, a yoshi who talked in 3rd p...

Super Mario World


10/10/2017 2:52 PM

We're now in a different area. Parallel world, alternate timeline? Whatever the case, this cheese bridge is moldy and should be condemned. It is not fit for consumption, or travel.

Super Mario World


10/10/2017 2:37 PM

Hmmm...Looks like its not ripe yet. I need to balance the diet, mushrooms, flowers and magic stars don't have all the vitamins and minerals a princess liberator has to have...I'll come back...

Super Mario World


10/09/2017 2:25 PM

When asked where do they wind up, this bullet bill said "As long as I can get to fly, that's what matters. If I hit my target, that's cool too." Bowser could not be immediately reached for a comment.

Super Mario World


10/09/2017 2:12 PM

A rising tide may lift all cheep-cheeps, but did anyone ask those cheep-cheeps if they wanted to be lifted in the first place?

Super Mario World


10/08/2017 10:13 PM

While there are concerns about a yoshi's appetite for...well, almost everything, that concern is unfounded for ingesting these cactfiends. They're a delicacy to their kind, all the way around, no p...

Super Mario World


10/08/2017 9:57 PM

Ahh yes, the jumping cheep-cheeps. No explanation is given (Some say none is needed) as to where they come from, or how they're able to jump so high. Magikoopas deny any involvement, stating this w...

Super Mario World


10/07/2017 8:31 PM

Contrary to the memes, there is getting off of whoever's wild ride.

Super Mario World


10/07/2017 8:17 PM

Your coach isn't good at training drills. You need running room if you ever want kick that ball any significant distance. Let's get you down from there...

Super Mario World


10/06/2017 1:33 AM

These note blocks look awfully familiar...oh yeah they were props for a stage production we did not too long ago. Good times, lot of work though. 8 acts, so many scene changes, it was not easy to s...

Super Mario World


10/06/2017 1:16 AM

Just where do these pipes go? They didn't teach this back in trade school. I'll have to ask around, get a name of the master-at-tools. Just thinking about it makes me want to get my wrench and plun...

Super Mario World


10/04/2017 3:26 AM

This was supposed to be another sanctuary, on the serene, celestial star road. Away from prying eyes, and murderous feet. Too late, the serial koopa killer always gets his shell. Always.

Super Mario World


10/04/2017 3:20 AM

Wow, no wonder lakitus never leave these clouds without a fight, this is really the only way to fly. Though I guess it wasn't meant for portly Italian-American plumbers so it won't last long, won't...

Super Mario World


10/04/2017 3:15 AM

We've heard of how deep rabbit holes go, what about undersea key holes?....The next level you say? Do I get a choice of a red mushroom or a blue mushroom when I get there?...The blue mushroom is in...

Super Mario World


10/04/2017 3:04 AM

Pro-tip: If you want to keep yoshi on Star Road 1, just have it close by, then spin jump back to the general vicinity. You'll now break blocks with yoshi on it!

Super Mario World


10/01/2017 8:23 PM

Larry wanted a pinball deathtrap, but nooooo, he got a hand-me-down lava teeter-totter. Well Bowser will have to accept hand-me-down results...

Super Mario World


10/01/2017 8:08 PM

While some are told to kick rocks, chargin' chuck just digs them and lobs them lackadaisically.

Super Mario World


09/30/2017 8:29 PM

Hey look, we're like the red koopas, just going back and forth all day. Wow, this is so easy, why didn't we do this sooner? Can't help it, we can't fly/leap anymore, right? We'll just be here and c...

Super Mario World


09/30/2017 8:17 PM

Hold on, I forgot something back there...I keep looking up, but I'm not going through the hall. Great, that prototype bomb-omb I've been carrying is going to blow in a few days. At least its all bo...

Super Mario World


09/30/2017 3:41 AM

Don't know if this is a surreal concept of an ant farm obstacle course gone horribly wrong. Could be worse, there could be a giant magnifying glass with a light and heat source behind it. Good for...

Super Mario World


09/30/2017 3:25 AM

This super mole was surprised at mysteriously being shut in all of a sudden. "I was doing my rounds, these yellow blocks came out of nowhere." It would later go on to say that maybe wearing sunglas...

Super Mario World


09/29/2017 2:37 AM

Bungie-less koopa jumping never made it past the 90s. Paratroopas would just laugh at their wingless brethren as they plummeted to a sickening thud. Bowser put a stop to this once he saw his koopa ...

Super Mario World


09/29/2017 2:26 AM

Wendy's take on whack-a-koopaling fared no better than her brother. Its times like these she wished she had a sister to talk her out of this and do something else, like a collapsing electric ceilin...

Super Mario World


09/28/2017 2:21 AM

Ahhh, the ol' 3 Stooges defense formation. Shame I have no seltzer water, a fruit pie, or shock buzzer; the comedy routine would write itself.