Marc's Followers
Dylan josdyljer2015
Hola amigos
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
braian braianmartinez
Zurix Zurix_Maker
Hello Guys!I'm Zurix I live in Germany.
partime partime140
Every day is a day nearer destiny
Mr MLG galacticcooldude
hi my name is mr mlg and i love video games
Link jugurtha1289
MRyoshi sofiane123lol
salut a tousse cest lasalle faux bon en se moment je vendn juste de crée mon ulistrateur je joue beaucoup a mario kart je cest déraper a coi ser les piece bref je vas pas fair de spoil cest interdi par exemple vous vouler que je vous spoil undertale commme par exemple .................. je nai rien écrit pour ne pas spoil bon bay jai un jeux a terminer.
Rj YvetteMack
Hi I am Rj, I love to play video games!. And I wish to be a youtuber.
mug man Djkadabra
hi im a cup head fan im a sweetheart and i dont like being reckt so pls dont if you follow me id love it! bye got to go!p.s im a girl
Martin Martin1479
Mein Lieblingsspiel ist Yoshi's Wolly World für die Wii U und ich spiele gerne Splatoon, Mario, The Legend of Zelda ect.
GranTort GranTorten167
celestine celestine2007
Reid707 Reidy1205
hi my name is reid and i love playing nintendo games
Nico pixler2008
suuuuuuuuper maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaario broooooooooooos uuuuuu
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
norman Normancalcaterra
Hi my name is norman end i pley games like super Mario Maker end zelda the legend of breath of the wild end Mariokart 8 end just dance 2017 die end
Kenny 1ChineseBoi
My whole world revolves around Nintendo, I hope you like what you see here!!! Oh by the way I'm a "Yeah" bomber (it's simple you yeah my postings and I'll return the favor for you!!!) FYI: "Please don't send Wii chat request I wont accept them if I personally dont know you" Happy Gaming Everyone!!!!!
Danny★X klmnpq
[Céléstin] celestin69360
yo moi c celestin je publie toujours des captures d'écran sur super mario maker et minecraft
♪cheyene♪ fraise52
Sam mazemaker
Hey Miiverse! my name's Sam My favorite video games are Mario Maker and MK8 :) SMM Achievements 5000 stars 9-6-17 regional weekly 10 medals! MK8 Achievements 5000 VR! Thanks for reading! & R.I.P miiverse 2017
KD☆wøιf«● bozoryer
hey why did you touch my face so hard i am a yeah bomber are you still there you can leave now i also cant follow anyone because im following 1000 people my goal of followers are 450
***** Bernsie
Hello! I'm just an average joe who has one these cool Wii Us! (No that wasn't brownnosing, (I think)
grabriel pt_ranger
helo my name is gabriel im portoguese joponese:☆☆☆☆☆☆ espanol:★★★☆☆☆ inglish:★★★★★☆ francies:★★☆☆☆☆ ↓ ↓↓↓↓ ↓ ↓↓↓↑ €€€€ #100
Mitri Neen1971
friend me im a youtuber
NGW Wolf TerraWolf82
Bin PS3, PS4, 3DS,WIIU und Switch Zocker. Super Mario Maker ist seit dem ersten Tag aber mein Lieblings Spiel. Wer mit mir Level austauschen möchte, kann sich bei mir gerne melden.
Hola me gusta Mario Maker
Asia baybayan123
StuPie BluemoonStu
Geeky guy who loves gadgets and gaming. From UK, North East. Have fun peeps!
jaiden Kreaves03
here is what i like playing on my tablet. roblox ★★★★★☆ but i dont play it alot. minecraft ★★☆☆☆☆ madden ★★★★★★ fnaf ★★★☆☆ dont play alot.
mommy aparker
Patoro PatoroIG
~Zelda ~MarioKart
masterwiiu diego171108
Let's Play: - Minecraft: Wii U Edition - Super Mario Maker - Mario Kart 8 - F-Zero - Mario Party 10 - Mini Mario & Friends Amiibo Challenge - Super Mario RPG: The Legend Of Seven Stars - Super Smash Bros For 3DS/Wii U - Wii Party U - Dr. Mario - Dr. Luigi - Super Mario 3D World - NES REMIX AND 2 Good Lucky In The Game, But Your Play PS: My Favorite Game Is Super Mario Maker Bye Bye
◆røi zebru SeigneurSkull
salut c est clément j'ai 11 ans je suis en 6ème j'aime les console jeux vidéo les dinosaure les animaux les véicules je voudrais avoir maximum 30 amis et objectif 480 abonnés je fait parti des teem ◆ et røi (la miene) gentil★★★★☆ méchant★★☆☆☆( sauf si on m énerve ) humour☆☆☆☆☆ pasian★★★☆☆ intelligence★★★★★ amitié★★★★☆ bizare★☆☆☆☆ drôle★☆☆☆☆ stupide★★☆☆☆ voilà vous savez tout sur moi
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
fuuma fuuma7-74
フォローされたら100%返します! 小学5年です!!同い年の人がいたらフレリクお願いします!! ずっとマイクラしてます!! あと...マイクラ部に所属しています☆ サバイバル等、ベットウォーズ等、鬼ごっこ等誘ってくれたら嬉しいです!! これからもよろしくお願いします!
Michi Sir_Joey_12