Naraveth's Friends
Tommy Snakacon.3
walter thugmuffin666666
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Valen567 Undertale-o
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AsianBoi iAsianBoi
Rouya Spitzazoed
Hello there its nice to meet you all!. My Name is Jordan but you can call me Rouya. I am a Furry and proud to be!. Personality traits: I'm Funny, Caring, Loyal, Honest. I'm not afraid to speak my mind. I can get irritated easily so try not to tick me off. I'm like a shooting star, my youth will never die.
Lucky SebasBP
I love Fire Emblem!!!
Jessica JessMarie191
My name is Jess. My favorite games are Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros., Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Only games I've tried so far, but hopefully more to come! :)
Vegan KiKi KikiRay777
PlantbasedPrincess friend to animals child of YAHWEH PLEASE LOVE YOUR EARTH AND GODS CREATURES THEY ARE YOUR FRIENDS NOT FOOD GO VEGAN if your curious or not sure and have questions PLEASE feel free to ask me in a message!
Cray GUy Cray_Guy
Jake Jacobmh419
Cheza ButterCup546681
cheza is the name *20 *like to draw *love the Legend of Zelda and really old games ^^/ i love to talk and mack friend. if you wont to know more just ask
MagicMan MainMagicMan
Zarcinus Zarcinus
Thorett Thorett
kyra * andyzelda0001
sup, weeeeeell ..... my name is Andy , I love wolfs..... what else ... I like a lot gore and dead..... that's it , now go away .... stop there's nothing important down there , so stop ..... you continue here ? go !!!
Dillon WteChoclate
yahir J.J.yahir.G.S
Yvy Yvy777
Ryu DragonSlayer312
:3 hugomonster0
Doge ☆οωο★ OmNomSuper
Hey! I just love meeting new people! I can't wait to meet you in-game! ☆★furry!!★☆ ☆★pokémon trainer★☆ ☆★Doge specialist★☆ I appreciate follows òωó I'd greatfully accept art and drawing tips~ follow 4 follow c: ♥undertale♥ ♪loves music♪ °³° bored often.... quite often °³°
lone Lopez999181
hi nice to meet u
Goseigh Zerokingrhyno
●Wassup, im Goseigh and Im a GAMER! ●My favorite game on the wii U is Smash bros ●Im willing to play with anyone (just ask if I have that game)
DarthVader weric36
mason mabest1234
l love video games COD is da best movies are cool and i love the fast and feriuos movies a lot! I have a lot of older syblings I have wii u 3ds and wii love anything to do with guts and gory/guns! AND HUNTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and also love to shoot guns!!!
Sammi DougR2014
Wolffang Wolffang4G
LoZ fan. Artist. Minecrafter. Super Smash Bros fan. Anime lover. Wolves are life to me. :3
Micky wmichael12
hello everyone my name is Michael i am 13 (right now) and welcome to my profile i keep no secrets so stay a while to find out more about me :) -8/25 1:25 pm
Hammer Hammer-d91
Mave Maveh84
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Sebastian DatUli
Hallöle :-D
Tobias rathalossable
tmx Lonelyb0t
chris wolf hungrysloth
hey just another furry gamer my name is chris wolf welcome i can be nice and friendly just don't get on my bad side i enjoy making my friends laugh i try to be nice and kind to people on here but that doesn't work some times... but yeah i hope if anyone of you out there want to be friends with me just send me a request btw im a music lover *wags tail happily* have a FURtastic day you beautiful~
артем cula1982
Faceless UR-801
I think it's time... I'll now be returning to my hunts, city hacks, and whatever else my games have to offer(this does include head shots and investments)
barexwolf3 sethbudstep4545
yo sup im barex the proud gay hybrid ^_^ that loves his friends mv is ending but im happy that i found my real friends like omar yogurt triple d and wolfrith.i learnd so much from this place i hope you have to makeing friends is wat mv is about it where you find friends that you cand trust and love for ever i love you all so vary much ♥♥
Hey :) I'm 21. How old r u? :) Sendet mir ne Freundschaftsanfrage wenn ihr wollt ;) You can add me if u want ;)
chris insertnamehere4u
Chandler ToonLink444666
Hello, world! My name is Chandler! Favorite game is Wind Waker! Toon Link is BAE! Im a music lover! Tyrone and I will make sure you're happy and loved! Plz feel free to follow me! It means a lot. ^\\\^ NO WIIU CHAT UNLESS I SAY SO PLZ Follow my BFs Misha, MiltonWolf, Selena, Wolf B., Aaron, Thunderψ, Big Boy, and DaHuskyGuy! Thank you! :D TERAFOX IS MY BFF ♥♥♥♥
Nirvana Inparadisum
#1 basic niggi
Bean behnstein
tempi temprance
Daichi DaichiStoneBash
Dominic craptainhero
I like purple moo cows that quack like snakes.
Connor karatekid311
Hello, my name is Connor. I like to play video games (obviously) and I like to draw.
Rae immortalrae
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Pinkuu Pinkuu
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Autumn Darkblaze3
I'm a 24 year old hard-core gamer. relationship: ask
Cyclops BrandoLc
Zelda ▲▲▲
Guillaume Guillaume1987
Hi, I live in Quebec, Canada. I am looking for friends to play smash with and people for pokemon battles 6v6. For those who wants to see me on the 3ds, use the national dex and find the numbers for those pokemons: Pidgeot,Venonat-Nidorina,Cloyster-Onyx,Vulpix
Lucario Justin256
Hello, my name is Justin & I watch Pokémon Animations, play Super Smash Brothers for Wii U & for 3DS & Pokken Tournament. If you want to Friend Request me, thank you. Also, I turned into a Fire Lucario.
Nick mocuevas
Tony olrappy
AlphaTweet Shizimiru
Hey there im Alpha! I love making friends and playing games like monster hunter and super smash with them soooo if you are ever up to getting to know me and becomig friends just ask! ill always welcome you with open arms! Pleast note, i am 28 years of age so know im looking for people near my age to talk to and play with, thanks!!!!! Also.. POKEMON FOR DAYS!!! <3333
god damit! my mind is blink. dont know what to say... Hmmm lets
Ed nosille
Looking for people to play MH3U with, HR doesn't matter
•♥•ŞØŁIÐςнΐƒτ•♥• Hardcore-shmardcore. I play because I love vidjah gahmz!!♪ I also love to doodle! I usually doodle my Sonas, Rhмıяα, who is a Dutch Changling Imp known as a Шıςςεıκıηδ! Jσshυα BıИX who is an Σvσ-Cγвσяg!♪ Oh! And \/| α βιευ Сσυğαя! ıƒ уоц ιıκε му δооδιеς γου ςнόύϊδ ☆ƒοιιοω мз☆
Wolfie iWolfieSan
Hey everyone I'm Wolfie! I live in the states and enjoy gaming very much, I tend to get competitive but not aggressively xD I also love to draw as well so hello to all you fellow artists out there!
The Judge the_judge_of_all
Just ask. Questions will be answered on a need-to-know basis. Proud member of Sinister Saints. Waiting in great anticipation for the following games; Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Dragon Quest X, The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. 4, And any Metroid game they announce. Also, anything Fire Emblem related. I'm also on 3DS.
Nintaibo Nintaibo
Hey there' Welcome! I'm here to enjoy some games, befriend & play with fellow gamers everywhere! - yes, you included! :) Feel free to give me a shout if you want to play a game or two (or challenge me) online - even if it's on another gaming system' Cheers' Did you say Smash? Mario Kart??! Bring.It.ON!!
steve creatswag
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Yo! Names Nanok, nice to meet you all.