☆ Nεαεг ☆'s Yeahs

Comment on ☆ Nεαεг ☆'s Post

☆ Oггγ ☆

5 hours ago

You might not care for me anymore. But just remember me as much as I remember u.

In-Game Splatoon™ Community


2 days ago

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1 day ago

stay with us

Drawings Animal Crossing: New Leaf Community


2 days ago

New Super Luigi U Community


2 days ago

Guys, since Miiverse is basically ending and even tho I said goodbye before and then I came back a few hours later, I think I might actually leave this time so, bye... and stay on topic...

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2 hours ago

The NSLU community died...

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


1 day ago

I guess it’s finally time to say goodbye… This day came faster than I wished, but I just want to thank everyone I’ve come across here. I never expected to get over 1,300 followers! I’ve made so man...

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19 hours ago

Farewell Anju, I hope to get to talk to you again.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Thank you all for making my time on Miiverse fun and special. I'll miss you a lot, and I wish you all the very best on your Journeys. Farewell, my friends.

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12 hours ago

I hate goodbyes.. Farewell ..I'll miss you

In-Game Art Academy Community


1 day ago


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7 hours ago

あいりさん、ご挨拶が遅くなり申し訳ありません 長いようで短かったこのMiiverseでの活動のなかで あいりさんという素敵な絵師様に出会えて本当に良かったです 可愛らしくも濃密な絵の その線一本一本に愛情を感じておりました 海よりも深い愛に感服いたします(*^^*) 絵しりとりでも本当にお世話になりました あんな楽しい企画に参加できたこと、 とても嬉しく思います そしてスイッチご購入おめでと...

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

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10 hours ago

*Considers adding you*

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Have they still not made a ruling for Nintendo vs. Gamevice?

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New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

This community has just become a desolate wasteland.

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Discord Bot...thank you SO much for making Miiverse better. (sarcasm)


1 day ago

Discord bot is actual bot, and why not be amazed at this and not so uptight?

New Super Luigi U Community


1 day ago

Play Journal Entries Mario Kart 8


1 day ago

Alright everyone. This is going to be my final post on Miiverse. It's been an absolute pleasure meeting each and every one of you and building these friendships for the past couple years! I can't...

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4 hours ago

Thanks for being such a good friend Slip! Without out, I wouldn't have had the passion to play Mario Kart 8 religiously. Hopefully one day I'll be able to meet you face to face.

In-Game Mario Kart 8 Community


09/24/2017 9:18 PM


Play Journal Entries Minecraft: Wii U Edition


11/02/2017 4:35 PM

Well My Friends We Have Came To An End, It Is Time For Me To Say My Last Goodbyes. We Have Came So Far With 665 Followers, That's Nuts As I Never Thought I'd Reach That Much. Thanks For All Your Su...

In-Game Splatoon Community


11/02/2017 6:23 PM

i going to miss you guys and all other people and post when miivese is gone

Play Journal Entries Splatoon


11/02/2017 7:15 PM

I'm going to miss ALL of you when Miiverse shut down for good, except GrapeSoda and DR.Pepper. They may not be friends with me anymore, but... I don't care. On May or June of next year, I'm gonna s...

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2 days ago

just join my normal game then

Play Journal Entries Mario Kart 8


11/02/2017 10:45 PM

Adorable >:3 XD

Play Journal Entries Minecraft: Wii U Edition


08/31/2016 7:37 AM

Ever Since the new mini game update Minecraft has stopped working properly D: