I just want to say that it has been an honor communicating with you all! See you space squidkids.
Shamaar's Post

Tfw you want to screen cap your entire post history, but don't want to see your more... questionable posts.

Sometimes I forget that my Switch is hybrid console. I’m on my way to pick up Odyssey and I forgot to bring it.

Rule #1 of discussing Cuphead's difficulty: Make a sarcastic remark about the tutorial being the hardest part.

So I caved in and bought A Hat in Time recently, and... I came out pleasantly surprised. The game is still rough around the edges in some regard, but it was masked buy its tight controls "cute as h...

Not that anyone cares, but my Wii U GamePad finally came back from Nintendo for repairs and it works perfectly again.

"Someone disagreed with me on a controversial subject. Therefore, the person in question must be triggered!"

I'm sorry, but this direct was terrible. No Pokémon Channel 2, no Urban Champion: Switch Edition, no Bayonetta Kart, no confirmation of Wailord in Smash... Not to mention we still don't know jack s...

Mario Party: The Top 100 A.K.A. Mario Party: Time to Make Another "Luigi Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing" Video.

As soon that Dr. Mario costume was revealed, a high-pitch scream shattered thousands upon thousands of glass structures everywhere costing millions of dollars in property damages.
What is up, Miiverse community? My name is Shamaar, a.k.a. Neatfreax.
Welcome to my profile!
What is up, Miiverse community? My name is Shamaar, a.k.a. Neatfreax.
Welcome to my profile!
My current hobbies are playing video games, listening to music, and browsing the internet. I am interested in drawing, animation, programming, 3D modeling, competitive gaming, music, and bodybuilding.
I do not support ignorance, irrationality, fallacies, political correctness, and virtue signaling.