Shamaar's Post

In-Game Splatoon Community


53 minutes ago

I just want to say that it has been an honor communicating with you all! See you space squidkids.

Play Journal Entries Nintendo Land


2 hours ago

Well fellas, it's been a wild ride. What I expected to be a small distraction turned out to be something more. I had so much fun in this site's many communities! I'll never forget all of the wonder...

Ren Roc

2 hours ago

I think Nintendo land was a lot of people's 1st Miiverse post. One of many great communities !

Play Journal Entries Miitopia


9 hours ago

Here lies my hopes and dreams of defeating every Miitopia monster and 100%-ing the game before the Miiverse shutdown.

New Super Luigi U Community


12 hours ago

Oh boy... Some of those pro-Ridley posts I made back in the day make me want to slap myself.

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10 hours ago

I'm not proud of my earliest Miiverse posts.

New Super Luigi U Community


12 hours ago

Tfw you want to screen cap your entire post history, but don't want to see your more... questionable posts.

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5 hours ago

I don't see anyone like that. Send me an FR on there.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/27/2017 9:02 PM

Sometimes I forget that my Switch is hybrid console. I’m on my way to pick up Odyssey and I forgot to bring it.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/27/2017 8:50 PM

Welp, I’m off to get Super Mario Odyssey.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/26/2017 7:51 PM

Rule #1 of discussing Cuphead's difficulty: Make a sarcastic remark about the tutorial being the hardest part.

Play Journal Entries Miitopia


10/17/2017 5:20 AM

Never seen that before.

Play Journal Entries Miitopia


10/15/2017 5:16 PM

It's over. The grind is finally over. All I need now is 2 quest-only monsters for my journal and I'm done with Miitopia.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/13/2017 3:34 AM

So I caved in and bought A Hat in Time recently, and... I came out pleasantly surprised. The game is still rough around the edges in some regard, but it was masked buy its tight controls "cute as h...

New Super Luigi U Community


10/12/2017 8:16 AM

Rule number 1 of reviewing indie platformers: Always bring up Yooka-Laylee and Mighty No. 9.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/07/2017 4:41 AM

Why be productive when you could just daydream instead?

New Super Luigi U Community


10/07/2017 12:48 AM

Unpopular opinion just because.

New Super Luigi U Community


10/05/2017 7:21 PM

TFW a tropical storm is en route to your area.

New Super Luigi U Community


09/22/2017 1:36 AM

The name "Octoplayer Traveler" sounds like a single-player stage in Splatoon.

New Super Luigi U Community


09/21/2017 3:47 PM

Not that anyone cares, but my Wii U GamePad finally came back from Nintendo for repairs and it works perfectly again.

New Super Luigi U Community


09/13/2017 7:56 PM

"Someone disagreed with me on a controversial subject. Therefore, the person in question must be triggered!"

New Super Luigi U Community


09/13/2017 7:23 PM

I'm sorry, but this direct was terrible. No Pokémon Channel 2, no Urban Champion: Switch Edition, no Bayonetta Kart, no confirmation of Wailord in Smash... Not to mention we still don't know jack s...

New Super Luigi U Community


09/13/2017 7:07 PM

Mario Party: The Top 100 A.K.A. Mario Party: Time to Make Another "Luigi Wins by Doing Absolutely Nothing" Video.

New Super Luigi U Community


09/13/2017 6:57 PM

As soon that Dr. Mario costume was revealed, a high-pitch scream shattered thousands upon thousands of glass structures everywhere costing millions of dollars in property damages.

New Super Luigi U Community


09/03/2017 1:12 PM

3rd Splatfest loss in in a row. Let's keep this streak going!

New Super Luigi U Community


08/30/2017 9:57 PM

It's very nostalgic seeing users I'm following who haven't signed in ages comment about recent events.