Ferenc's Friends
yanes mexico45
hi am mexico i love tacos and a mlg player in call of duty infinite war i best with djlinker in ps4 in you have ps4 send dj a message:-): do you have a wii u be a buddy les play heres some ''THING'' about me 1. iam a youtuber with live stuff. it a secret 2. i need friend to put them on my video, LIVE!
zImFxnley zImFxnley
RJ reggiepierce123
hi guys i have bad news and good news the good news im back the bad news is im probably going back with the id because my other id didn't probably this id im using now is not going to work follow me like always and friend request me like always thankyou and have a great day
jonny2.0 5.5.0ko
ich liebe minecraft und spiel gerne mit freunde
jMoney$$$$ lakeishachapman6
deerhunter WonderfulNoah
im good at mario kart 8
Isaiah if95655
thinking of new comment for my profile
PowerRanga Yo123Omg
Hello.:]to freind me type in freinds Yo123Omg
DanielLP DanielLP2003
Hay ich heiße Daniel und bin 10 Jahre alt.und bin ein Griefer.Aber ich griefe KEIN BESTEN Freunde von mir. Lieblingsspiele:Minecraft,Terraria. Lieblingsyoutuber:Logo. Beste freunde:OlliPvP2003,CriticalPinqu. Mein aller bester freund ist OlliPvP2003 schikt ihn eine freundesanfrage. Das wars erstmal.Tschüüü ..... geht auf mein neues Profil Zocker_LP2003
★☆ιεδ☆★♪ iluvhacking
MC'Chaeter Feuergurke
Danke das ihr auf meine seite gegangen seid. entschuldigug wenn ich was poste und komisch namen gebe usw, mein Gampad war kaputt . ! zu eigenlichen Tehma lieblings Spiele: Mario kart 8, super mario maker und splatoon. wäre cool wenn ich noch ein paar freunde kriegen würde :) Euer Mc'cheater :) :) :)
gabby damp_puggy
._. rylie_the_pro_99
нı, ıм гγιıε, ı αм 18. мγ fαν gαмε ıς; ςυρεг мαгıо мαкεг ı δοη'τ ιıκε ςραммεгς ı ιıкε ριαγıηg мγ ωıı υ! αηδ ı dοη΄τ υςε ωıı υ снατ βγε!!
glori imnotcutewoo
★∞☆ιεσ★∞☆♪ iHaveNoPremium
Spiele die ich besitze:Super Mario Maker,Splatoon,Nintendo Land und Mario Kart 8 Games that i have.Super Mario Maker,Splatoon,Nintendo Land and Mario Kart 8 ^_^
rosebook dragonking2017
cici schruff
über freunde würde ich mich freuen hobby reiten und zocken geboren 25.08 meine lieblings youtuber julien bam ,dojo's spie....
jayden snoek26
Austria★FS Wufi2003
Hi, ich komme aus Österreich und mein Lieblings Lper ist zurzeit MrFeuerstachels. Schaut bei ihm auf jeden Fall mal vorbei. Ich spiele sehr gerne Splatoon, und würde mich freuen wenn wir mal gemeinsam zocken könnten. Schickt mir einfach eine Freundschaftsanfrage. Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen. :3
hado plutoandmario
hey dudes! it's me ( a simmler form of hado da g and created by hado da g) I will be making more super mario videos (and yo-kai watch ones) around the end of the summer holidays! so please leave a like or subscribe to my channel and follow me on miiverese and mario maker!
IK vince☆ vincent72320
Aleda AkiseAru00
Ja Ich Weiß Es ist nur.... Oh Sorry Hi Leute Ich bins Euer Toad♥ Ich Hab Was vor mich gequasselt ich Entschuldige mich nochmal. Wie Dem Auch Sei. Das Miiverse Macht zu :'( NEIN Ich ♥ Das Miiverse......Jeder Mag Es Hier Hoffen Wir Das Ein Comeback Kommt Und Die Wii u Besser Wird :) Aber Trotzdem DANKE♥♥♥
matt5246 matt57628
FabioYT N-Player2.0
Hi! My name is Fabio and I live in Germany. I like to play Super Mario Maker and it's one of my favorite Wii U games. In general, the Wii U is a great consol with many fantastic gemes like Super Mario 3D World or Mario Kart 8 for example. Of course I'm a Nintendo-Fan and I hope, that you'll enjoy my Levels in Super Mario Maker! See you, guys!
Peter Grif Hamburger223589
Hi guys Chris here i want to say some things about me; i hate superballonpop Games i play; Mario kart 8 Mario maker P. Mario color splash (sometimes) Pokken Tournament (acosnally) Terraria And Yoshi's Woolly World MK8 vr; 3016 Im 12 years old and love food bye... you can leave leave i said bye... bye?
carlos carlosjkiio
Hey i want to become 100 Friends before Mii-Verse Die :(
JeremyG7 watsit2u
Hello guys! my name is JeremyG7 :D And i like to play videogames online.One off my favorite games are Super Mario Maker!! If you want to be my friend send me a friend request and i will asept your friend request. :) Im 13 years old, By:JeremyG7
Glitch88 Mariomaker789000
Hello, I'm Glitch88! Welcome to my profile! Be my friend! I have Mario Maker, Minecraft, MK8, NSMBU+LBU and SM3DW. Well thats it for now! See ya later! P.S. Check me in SMM. Thanks :-) Also, be my friend and follow me! Thanks for Viewing! Bye!
★☆☆★★☆☆★★☆ Rndm-LP
mat cmachado1974
olá meus eu chamo-me mateus,quere-me conhecer? eu gosto da cor azul,e tenho 7 anos e tenho o recalbox (es){rasberypi] JOGOS ★★★★★★★★★★★ INTELEGENTE ★★★☆☆ JOGO FAVORITO super mario maker BRINCALHÃO ★★★★★
joel mastershow
Hey Guys!My name is Joel and I live in Germany.
PnB Breezy BlacFunky
Air Jordan 7
M.Misi M.Misi
Hey everyone! I'm from Hungary. I'm a 15 years old boy, who plays a lot with video games. I love specially Mario Maker. You shoud try my courses, if you like those courses, that have some good ideas!
lol djndzdemaree
here are some facts about me name: derek age: 13 years favorite games: smash broes wii u / mario maker gender: male relationship: single favorite game to talk about: undertale hates: um... idk? Wii U chat : no crush: none oc facts: favorite food: hot dogs, pizza , and since he's a half reptile sometimes rodents
aleksander aleksis10
hi im a 12 years old my game favorite games: splatoon super smash bros and minecraft [NL] hoi ik ben aleks ik komt eigenlijk uit polen maar ik woon in nederland al paar jaar mijn lievelings spellen zijn splatoon super smash bros en minecraft
passi p11p2l
Hi Leute ich bin der Pascal und komme aus Innsbruck möchte jemand mit mir Wii u freunde sein
Zach Nerd456-Hi
Fieti fiete11
Maxi geniusmg
My name is Maxi. I am 15 years old and I am a big Nintendo fan since the NES!
だい18 あやと aki0833
こんにちは。ミーバースが終わってしまう~! 静岡県に住んでるあやとです! いつもWiipartUで写真で一言をトピックをたくさんやっています。 趣味はゲームとテレビを見る。 好きな食べ物は チョコレートいろいろです!! あ、僕が超大嫌いな相手がいたらブロック!!!!!!!! 好きなキャラクターは、マリオキャラクターです!! 得意なゲーム:マリオパーティー10 好きなゲーム:WiiPartyU 楽しいゲーム:マリオパーティー10 誕生日:8/26 目標: ホンキ度:6.0でクリア ステージをコンプリート オールスターをクリア 日付で使うマリオキャラクター: 10/2~11/7 ロゼッタ 僕は、11月8日 午後 02:00 Miiverse引退します。 今日もよろしくお願いします!!\(°∀°)/
♪★Miki★♪™ yoshiistsuesss
♥Hey guys, nice to meet you! My real name is Max and I'm 14 years old; my favourite games are Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8; I'm happy about new friends but write a reason, why I should be your friend, otherwise the request won't be accept. I like playing levels from everyone; I hope you'll like my lvls. At least, have fun with my levels at Super Mario Maker!!!♥ See you, my friends, your ★...
Gisella ginaca001
Last Mii lauriandtodd
I'm inspired by MemeSenpai. Nintendo is cool and very rad! Really i'm the same person. I will give yeahs to you. So is that cool? CYA later!
nathan nathan021702
★MMP★δшεл RussellFamilyCPK
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answer friend reqestes! my levels are very fun i have over 1k stars! feel free to friend me and/or follow me! by!!!(: ●¬● (^^) (^-^) (^o^) ^●^ ^o^ *_* ^_^ o_o =] :-> +_+ /_\ "." =_= -.- '_' :/ ?_? !_! \_/ :) ._. -_- :-: )( &_& $_$ #_# %_% @_@ (._.) -.- 7.7 \(^o^)/ {*-*} I DON'T DO WII U CHAT!!!![][][][]
hulk cacamouchezet
j'ai 11 je suis en 6 eme j'aime les jeux vidéo j'adore guillaume et kim et abonné vous gentil pro gammer je peux vous aidez si on attint les cent abonner je fais furuse jumper sur minecraft s accepte tout le monde
noa BG YTB deborah80650
This user's profile comment is private.
YT_BlueX2 YT_BlueX2
Hi. Dies ist der zweite Miiverse Account des Youtubers BlueX2. Ich let's playe hauptsaechlich Mario Maker. Hier spiele ich ab und zu Mario Kart. Evtl. seid ihr ja dabei :) Bis dann und ciao, euer BlueX2
Yann yann_gomes2009
PT:Olá sou o Yann i sejam bem vindos o meu péfil i os Favoritos Youtubers:Wuant,Sirkazzio,D4rkFrame,Gato Gálatico,Malacueca,Windoh,Pi i o Nuno Moura. i o meu hobby:Brincar,Dancare. i Obrigado ke vóces berou o meu péfil ciao. Ehm PARA (-_-)
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
Andrea AndreaErnst99867
Holla ist Lieben sos ich freundlichen zweifel freunde zurück durch allerdings
anthony$$$ tomy973
slt j'ai tout terminee splatoon je suis niveau max j'ai toutbles armes tout les linges et tout
Luca LucsmanLP
Pat GLITCH Roidadidou2002
Nathan Suegghb
hi everyone tell me about any games you recommend and I will try them hope to hear from you again.
Penny4434 super653
Hi, I'm Penny4434 and I'm 11 years old! My name is a reference to that episode of Spongebob where he breaks his butt! I own: a Wii U, a Wii, a PS4, a PS2, a 2DS, and an Amazon Fire HD! The games I will be playing on the Wii U are: Splatoon, Mario Party 10, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Maker, NEW Super Mario Bros. U, Wii fit U, (don't ask) and The Avengers: Battle for Earth! Don't be afraid to join!
Rj YvetteMack
Hi I am Rj, I love to play video games!. And I wish to be a youtuber.
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
UT★Phantom jose877
hola soy phantom no vayas a ver lo de abajo pls Que fue lo que te dije? no vayas abajo
wyatt gunslinger336
LastJorji 18franco1975
This Miiverse account is no longer updated, thanks for everything and thanks for support me over the past 3 years. Thank you all!
siw13 PiiiT-DooG_94
johnny Amanda59427
sup guys
Schelly FrankPriebe
Hi ich bin Jonah Bin 11 Jahre alt und spiele hauptsächlich MarioMaker hier ist ein Keks ->● Kein WiiU Chat
Berni Berni1304
Hello. I'm Berni, 17 years old and I live in Germany. I'm friendly and nice, but I'm a little bit crazy too. ;D My favourite games are ☆Super Mario Maker☆, ♡Splatoon♡ and ☆Mario Kart 8☆. I wish you all a nice day and maybe we will see us in Splatoon or Mario Kart 8. :D Bye, Berni
Flex-D Flex-D
Freerunner, Traceur, und Xenoblade Chronicles Experte,
Julian UrsonJr
Hi everyone, I'm a Mario Maker addict from Germany. My name is Julian and I love making and playing levels
TSMN-Kasim Kings555
nicholas nick123400
ok I am from new york,like to play super mario 3d world,like wii u chat,i can only accept 1more request because i'm 99/100 friends until its extend it to 1000/1000 just like following and i'm play mario games and i'm go at the old games of mario so please friend me and follow me remember i can only accept 1 more request because i'm 99/100 friends so let's have fun with miiverse and let's go play!!
ug gts6010
Playing original Nintendo games since 2011 with Nintendo DSi XL, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo Wii U. I like using level editors, and my dream job is designing virtual worlds. My favourite software are widely ranging from the most popular titles to hidden gems. I am happy to try any platform and genre, and competing with other players. I also research game experience as a psychologist.
XxashxX cameronmonk
your XxashxX? yes do you draw? yes on a scale from 1-10 how do you rate your drawing. 6ish and 7ish. yeah plz follow me and yeah thx MemeSensi and MemeSenpai for the yeahs and friend me if you like minecraft
Lea LeaMichi
Hi :) bin 21 Jahre und komme aus NRW ! Meine WiiU Spiele sind: Mario Kart 8 Game and Wario Toads Treasure Tracker Super Mario 3D World Zelda the Windwaker Pikmin WiiPartyU Nintendo Land Super Mario Maker New Super Mario Bros.U Splatoon Meine 3DS Spiele: Animal Crossing New Leaf Pokemon X und Y OR AS Mario Kart 7 Super Mario 3D Land Professor Layton Tomadachi Luigis Mansion
Mommy mandk128
The name is mommy. :)
Raidman Nindoten
I'm a true Nintendo gamer since the NES era. I've played NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, WiiU etc.. My favourite consoles are N64 and the WiiU. WiiU is on my favourite list, cause of Super Mario Maker. SMM is THE BEST GAME ever! I'm a very passionate and dedicated Mario Maker. Feel free to check out my profile on mario maker if you have the opportunity. Thank you for gaming! :)
NGW Wolf TerraWolf82
Bin PS3, PS4, 3DS,WIIU und Switch Zocker. Super Mario Maker ist seit dem ersten Tag aber mein Lieblings Spiel. Wer mit mir Level austauschen möchte, kann sich bei mir gerne melden.
iBlali YT Schlappeseppl
Hallo ich heiße Max.Meine lieblings Spielarten sind Zelda,Mario,Pokemon und Mario Kart.Meine lieblings Spiele sind Ocarina of time und Mario Maker. Payback#forsundiego
This user's profile comment is private.