Devlin's Yeahs

Comment on nishi's Post


09/30/2017 1:26 PM

wen meinst du

Comment on nishi's Post


09/30/2017 2:25 PM

Wer? Ich? Ich meinte Thorben. ^.^ Falls du das erwähnte Zitat meinst, das stammt aus meinem eigenen, vom Admin gelöschten, Beitrag. ;-)

Comment on nishi's Post


10/15/2017 7:16 AM

Mit wem Nishi sich 'abgibt' musst du schon ihr überlassen, das hast du ganz gewiss nicht zu bestimmen. Nur, weil du permanent mit mir nicht klar kommst, kannst du nicht ihre Entscheidung damit absp...

Comment on nishi's Post


10/15/2017 3:10 AM

Ist vergebene Liebesmüh sich mit Matti abzugeben, Nishi. Seitdem er und ich uns einmal gestritten haben verfolgt er mich unter jedem einzelnen Beitrag und versucht mich bloßzustellen. Funktioniert ...

Comment on nishi's Post


10/30/2017 10:01 AM

leuteleute streitet ihr euch über mich

Comment on nishi's Post


10/30/2017 10:02 AM

thorben wie alt bist du denn

Comment on nishi's Post


10/30/2017 11:03 AM

Ach Thorben wollte dir nur verbieten das du mit mir schreibst, weil er mich nicht mag. Aber mit wem du schreiben darfst hat ja nicht er zu bestimmen, sondern ganz allein du selbst. ;-) P.S.: Thorbe...

Comment on nishi's Post


10/30/2017 2:44 PM

danke matti:*ich will das miiverse bleibt:(

Comment on nishi's Post


10/30/2017 3:07 PM

Ja, das will ich auch. Wär echt schade, wenn das Miiverse zumacht. =(

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


10/28/2017 9:45 AM

Everybody’s Message Community


10/11/2017 9:05 PM

Comment on Sakobro's Post


07/20/2017 7:43 AM

I don't have any other console to play the game on. I basically only play Nintendo consoles. Reasons i hate Sony: 1. They LOVE to copy both Nintendo and Microsoft whenever they make a new inovation...

Comment on Sakobro's Post


06/08/2017 6:35 AM

Mega Man Legacy Collection is what made me love such a kick butt franchise. So i would love to experience the last 4 games in the original series. I feel betrayed, stabbed in the back. I'm sure man...

Comment on Sakobro's Post


06/08/2017 6:29 AM

The reason why is because they have fanbases that don't care for the franchise. It might sell well on Steam though, but that's not the point. The point is that this game is coming out on every plat...

Comment on Sakobro's Post


06/08/2017 6:23 AM

I'm pretty sure that at least most of Mega Man's fanbase are people who play on Nintendo consoles. Why would they betray us like this? What makes it worse is that MM7 is exclusive to the SNES, MM9 ...

Discussions Minecraft: Wii U Edition Community


09/13/2017 6:28 PM

Open Closed

Minecraft available for the New Nintendo 3DS!

Minecraft and Nintendo are excited to announce Minecraft for the New Nintendo 3DS! We are hosting a livestream from our partner studio Other Ocean on

Drawings Pokémon Sun & Moon Community


09/13/2017 7:36 AM

Comment on Raymundo's Post

Some Nerd

02/21/2017 8:49 PM

You know how our character barley moves his/her mouth. Lillie: "Oh, it started to rain" Our Character: :] Hau: "OH NO TEAM SKULL" Our Character: :] Luismine: "HAHAHA BEAUTIFUL" Our Character: :] :...

Comment on Raymundo's Post


02/17/2017 10:25 AM

@datboi the avatar doesn't react to ANYTHING, probably so you can read in your own reaction (a blank face would've been so much better for that though) most of lillie's dialogue with selene/moon is...

Comment on Raymundo's Post


02/17/2017 9:49 AM

Ur character didnt rlly care if she liked u or not but shes pretty hot 4 a Probably around... 14-16 but I guess ur around the same age range. If I could see u draw an actual pic of Lillie kissing ...