Ninten★Sam's Yeahs

In-Game Tourney Community


01/09/2017 2:15 PM

Play Journal Entries Splatoon


06/02/2017 9:43 PM

that smirk tho

Drawings Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community


06/04/2017 7:05 PM

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


06/08/2017 10:01 AM

Lots of shooting with the fire clown car involved in my next level! Coming tomorrow!

New Super Luigi U Community


06/08/2017 11:35 AM

Conservatives: Makes the poor 'poorer' and the rich 'richer' Labour: Lets us vote at age 16+ but are somewhat pro-immigration Lib Dems: "Ok, so we're leaving the EU but are going to still have trad...

In-Game Mario Kart 8 Community


06/26/2014 12:39 AM

New Super Luigi U Community


06/08/2017 3:58 PM

Well this is another good way to start the day. Get 25 backward notifications. Surprisingly the first one was Tim and Seth.

Play Journal Entries Minecraft: Wii U Edition


06/08/2017 3:59 PM

Working on a fancy start/finish line, ala Mario Kart 8.

New Super Luigi U Community


06/08/2017 9:22 PM

Horton Hears A Who But He Never Hears The Flower And Everyone Is DED.

Play Journal Entries MEGA MAN X3


06/08/2017 11:54 PM

Yes! I got the first energy chip upgrade!