Ninten★Sam's Yeahs

Conservatives: Makes the poor 'poorer' and the rich 'richer' Labour: Lets us vote at age 16+ but are somewhat pro-immigration Lib Dems: "Ok, so we're leaving the EU but are going to still have trad...

Well this is another good way to start the day. Get 25 backward notifications. Surprisingly the first one was Tim and Seth.
Ninten★Sam's Nintendo 3DS account! As you know I'm the leader of the NAS, or the Nintendo All Sta...
Ninten★Sam's Nintendo 3DS account! As you know I'm the leader of the NAS, or the Nintendo All Stars★ If you'd like to join show me a Super Mario Maker level and I'll decide! I will post all of the members soon! If you want to find my WiiU account just search alisonbench1, hope you enjoy my profile!