Nintendoer's Yeahs

Comment on Stagger's Post


2 days ago

Heh, I already started checking the electrical current path ... looks promising, by a slim margin. Those coins are a hindrance to doing as the Tostarenans suggest and shaking it.

Comment on Stagger's Post


10/06/2017 12:46 AM

I got the screw attack without the gravity suit just fine, but I cannot seem to figure the south western Metroid out. Any tips other than jumping/bomb jumping, Nintendoer?

Comment on Nintendoer's Post


10/04/2017 10:33 AM

After long consideration and losing my wifi connection, I'll go with Gage's wish so TP-2!

Comment on Nintendoer's Post


09/27/2017 10:57 PM

@Mac: Developers have confirmed in interviews that the two are separate continuities. Arguing w/ them is pretty silly. Furthermore, to my knowledge there is not one piece of music in SR that origin...

Comment on Brandon's Post


09/20/2017 1:09 AM

It took me a bit to figure out what to do too man. A subtle nudge, or would you rather figure it out? Might have said too much already. (saved screen)

Comment on Brandon's Post


09/20/2017 1:12 AM

I actually had tried bombs earlier and didn't think they were working. Thanks for not putting that in spoilers. I didn't want to figure that out on my own or anything...

Comment on Brandon's Post


09/20/2017 1:20 AM

I don't see a question mark in there.

Comment on Nintendoer's Post


09/15/2017 1:15 AM

Ahh. Weird. Only timeline I remember was pre-Corruption. I forget if Hunters was set between 1&2, or 2&3. The one nonsensical complaint I have is, what's the reason to continue using Prime's name i...

Comment on Nintendoer's Post


09/15/2017 1:03 AM

BACK into the timeline?! They were removed? It'll indeed be interesting to see where 4 goes.

Comment on Blake's Post


03/02/2017 11:31 PM

Now I'm wanting to play Chrono Trigger. But I can't. It's BotW time... I've noticed that all of BotW appears to be part of the gathering phase. I think that's going to end up being amazing.

Wyoming Club


03/02/2017 11:24 PM

I'm leaving Miiverse ... for Hyrule. :p To my Nerds and other friends, see y'all in a couple of weeks or so. :) There will be a Straggler Switch playstyle post, but I won't be on w/ my main account...

Comment on Blake's Post


03/02/2017 10:29 PM

Straight to Hyrule Castle? And spoil whatever evolving atmosphere the narrative holds? No sir. I'll probably do what I did on XCX: pick a direction and run, inevitably getting hopelessly lost and s...

Comment on Nintendoer's Post


03/02/2017 10:37 PM

I also really like that the sages all have distinct personalites. Irene was definitely my favorite with her slight sass.

Comment on Stagger's Post


03/02/2017 10:05 PM

dungeon to follow came back to me as I went through them. Good times. What is the crazy creature at the end of the Tower of Winds btw? Pretty unique if unfortunately unthreatening boss battle ... R...

Comment on Stagger's Post


03/02/2017 10:03 PM

That's a fair point 'doer. My reasoning is based on hindsight and extra materials Nintendo has provided outside the source, the games themselves. I still feel LttP's Ganon not being one previously ...

Comment on Stagger's Post


03/02/2017 10:24 AM

TP was a game, so you can't fault me for not associating the mirror in FSA with the mirror in TP. :p I never really refined my theory after TP because I later forgot most plot points in FSA other t...

Comment on Stagger's Post


03/02/2017 10:22 AM

I don't really remember the dialogue since I haven't played this game in over a decade. But my reasoning for placing it before LttP mostly just hinged upon Ganon seeking out the trident. I also fig...

Comment on Stagger's Post


02/16/2017 11:37 PM

... Link is never scared!