Nishman235's Followers
Mystic Gamesling11
Hey. My name is Messiah. I love anime and video games! I love school! I got best friends! Squad!: These are my best friends from school! Jayden Alexis Angel Internet Best Friend: Joshua More about me: Gender: Boy Favorite Anime: Naruto,Naruto Shippuden Wii U Games: SSB4,Splatoon,Minecraft,Lost Reavers,and Mario Kart 8 Favorite Wii U Games: ALL OF THEM That's it.
Ezekiel herewego123456
Just A dude who loves Nintendo. My favorite franchises of it is Mario,Zelda,and Super Smash Bros.
Kever KeverMontoya
Hi my name is Kever and its my first time using miiverse
InstantBan OhlookabanTS1
Profile comment hidden by admin.
SmashBroXD hayboycookies
#JoyConBoyz!!! Yo I'm SmashBroXD and I'm here to make you smile! Age: 14 My Crew: Bryce Bandit88 Jojo Eli AG★SMPB Play me in: Smash Bros / MarioKart8 Gaming Skill:★★★★☆ Friendliness:★★★★★ Drawing Skill:★★★☆☆ Coolness:★★★★☆ (Update on me: Ever since I got my Switch, I barely use my Wii U anymore. I'll still post, but just not that often.)
DeMarko mazatleco
Hi im DeMarko i love to play games, play sports, and my younger sister too. have a nice day ^_^ p.s idk y it says my birth day is 2/05 @.@ its 6/28/2003 13 years old now yyyaaa!!! :D
shadow1997 123471DC
Welcome to my profile, feel free to look around!I've played video games since the mid-80's.The original Nes was my first console.The Legend of Zelda was my first video game!I have owned The Nes, Super Nintendo, N64,Wii and Gameboy systems.
Misael DrAgOnDuDe19
Vulcan¯mii Star-Wars-fan777
I Want to thank you all for everything!!! You all are truly amazing and I bid you farewell!!! May God Bless ALL of you and i am gonna miss all of you!!! Live Long and Prosper ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
Exception Excepticionist
Hi Excepticians! This is the Excepticionist!! I'm on YouTube, if you want to check it out! Ask anything you want and have fun amigos! Also you can stalk me (^-^) Why are you still here? Stalking me? Well I wasn't serious about that...Someone save me... please...
~Yulie <3~ Yulie12
Owwww!!! You hit my face!!! But since ur here how bout tht follow button also friend me Welp... Fav Games : Splatoon, Just Dance (any of them), Any Mario Games etc. Fav Songs : I like a lot so I really don't have favorites Follow 4 Follow :] I Have The Nintendo Switch Now!!! :D Welp its nice to meet u :) ;) BFF(s): ♥~Hannah~ ♡~Glaceon~ <3 ~Jalen~ xD ~Joseph~
jonathan TURTLE45yt
Aidan Aidan12435
If you reading this, you probably saw a post I posted and are seeing my profile without me knowing. Well, I love MH4U, Im Silver Crown G Rank in it, I also love smash 4. Yeah.
Mr.Turner PacmanRules
Hello My name is Timmy's dad, I am the father of Timmy turner and sadly the neighbor of DINKLEBERG! Anyway, I love eggnog and I would put a trophy on my case........ IF I HAD ONE! I have a second account name bananagram. Joined miiverse 2013 retire from miiverse when miiverse ends Dinkleberg is B O N E L E S S
brian superbusinessguy
hi mi names brian i like supper mario 3 i like powr puf girls teen titins go nintndo land and lot of games and tvv shows follow mi or i block u >:((((
Cyrus CyCy12
Fav Game: SMASH!!!, Undertale, Splatoon & Mario Maker Fav. Characters:Ike, Shulk, Dark Pit & Mario Fav. Youtubers: Cobnermani456 & GameGrumps Check these Good Miiverse friends: Shawn= marioluigi4100 Cecilia=RosieSnowflake Pri (Chris and P.C.?!)=SplatoonGirl1113 On Mario Maker TRY my levels, please/thank you.Also have 2DS with different ID,sorry, derp. If u want to know Im 13 Update later ons...
Cyrus MyyNameisYoLo
My name is Cyrus FAVORITE GAME:Smash bros. SEC. FAV. GAME:UNDERTALE & Mario Maker FAV. CHARACTER:Ike SEC. FAV. CHARACTER:Dark Pit & Shulk My Wii U has a different account if want to see it I followed it. Hi Update later on...
Chexman95 Chexman95
Uncle Qrow yo_boi_edwin17
"Video games are meant to be just one thing. Fun. Fun for everyone." -Satoru Iwata
Sonído Bman1K
What's up peeps! My tag is Sonído and I play Super Smash Bros. competitively. Been doing so since 2010 and I love it! I started out in Brawl and now I play Smash 4 competitively. I'm a big Sonic fan and he's also my main in Smash! Send me a request if u ever want to play sometime.
PD scooterbug
MarioFan23 CarsonWilliamson
It's been great times while it lasted. Thanks for all the good memories, Miiverse! I've joined Miiverse since January 3, 2015 and had a lot of great times. I've sure miss this... Farewell, Miiverse... T_T
Meninblack Gabrielose5e35
Hallo ich bin Gabriel und bin 10 jahre alt. Bin mario und pokemon fan. Wenn jemand bog hat MK7 online oder Luigis mansion 2 online zu spielen schreibt´s in die Kommentare. P.S. Ich heisse als cooler junge MIB ”Men in black„ nennt mich bitte so.
★Zéÿťùś★™ TYSONizzRAW
Nappy LightGhostCharge
If u wanna have fun or just see funny posts of Kirby,Jigglypuff,Link,Toon Link,Megaman,Falco,fox,bowser jr.,mario and more friend me. I'm always looking for a new person to fight so if its a challange i accept
adam Geekus_Maximus2
Caleb CalebCox
Just TRY to beat me in a video game! I'll always win... unless I unexpectedly lose. Anyway, I'm a huge Nintendo fanatic. Need tips on a level or want info on upcoming games? Just ask. *Interesting things about me* • Collected over 80 in the box amiibo. • Submitted a winning entry in the final Smash Bros. photo contest. • Thinks Ridley should be in Smash Bros. • Nursing student.
Cheshire Cheshire-yartS
Hi I am Cheshire. Fav Nintendo games: M●THER trilogy, Wario Land 2 & 4, Tales of Phantasia, Clocktower, LttP, Super Metroid, Zero Mission, Sweet Home, Mega Man & MMX series, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy I to VI, Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong 94, the first Mario Vs. Donkey Kong, DKC series, Mario & Luigi 1 and 3, Mario Bros. to NSMBU, Mario64 to SM3DW and nearly every Kirby game. I don't do Wii U chat.
bounaob sonicknukle84
Kaylynn Funners
This user's profile comment is private.
TMNTJaren TMNTJaren64
sup guys tmnt here and my games are awesome anyways subscribe to my channel MikeyBoss64
ms.sara olafwashere
4694323229 kik _SOCCERISLIFE_ facebook. kathya quintanilla instagram kathya_sarai_
V Spirit77
★Ryán★ RetroBoy92
First & Last Name: Ryán Hamilton Nickname: Ren Birthtday: 12/12/1992 Age: 24 My Collections: *Retro Games *Future Games *Amiibo Figures *Skylander Figures *Disney Infinity Figures *DVD Movies My Favorite Food: *Pizza *Cheeseburger *Doritos Playing Online Games: *Super Smash Bros. *Mario Kart *Mario Maker *Splatoon *Playstation All-stars *Puyo Puyo *Skylanders
jonny Liljonny510
AC :D 8bitguy-82
"A true champion battles other champions, takes losses and reasserts his/her dominance." -Alberto Favorite Games [NES]SMB 3 & 2,SMB,Mike Tyson's Punch Out,Contra [SNES]Mario Kart,Mario World,Yoshi's Island,Ghouls N Ghosts,Donkey Kong Country [N64]Goldeneye,Mario Kart 64,Super Smash Bros,Super Mario 64,Mario Party 2 [GCN]SSB Melee,Double Dash,Metroid Prime,Mario Power Tennis,Super Mario Strikers
Davi 7 davi_cal
I can't wait for Smash Wii U to come out!! I just got the Wii U just for that game.
Kody kodyjet
I'm JC Penny and someone stole my clothes.
Sniper Intoawsome
Hey it's detective here i am here to find strange mysterious things on any game any region any community pokemon mysterys are my favorite if you have any information on any mysterious things in pokemon omega ruby or alpha saphire or x and y let me know with the hash tag #detective. thanks and i got a new detective to help me out my wife Zero suit samus *LoL* Samus:Hey guys.
For tips, tests, challenges, drawings, glitches, funny posts, Super Mario, Sonic T...
For tips, tests, challenges, drawings, glitches, funny posts, Super Mario, Sonic The Hedgehog, Kirby, Donkey Kong, & more! I love to complete and speed run my games 100%! Follow me to victory if U want to ;)
YTChannel- Nishman235
Competitive Smasher