Noah's Followers
·βгί· bri334
I WANNA BE HEARD AND I WANNA MATTER TO PEOPLE!!! Im Bri. Im bisexual and Im 15 and love video games. Some people say im a tomboy but only when it comes to games. I love pokémon and everything to do with it. I also love to draw. Thats mostly what I do in my free time. Im a very chill person. Sometimes i say stupid things but don't really mean them. I care about everyone.
beven cece613851
I am 15 and I love life
Pax squinkle397
Hi, I'm Pax TOP 5 VIDEO GAMES 5. Mario Maker 4. Minecraft 3.Animal Crossing 2. Luigis Mansion Dark Moon 1. Super Smash Bros. Hobbies: video games, drawing
Kirah bertrandGirls
hi follow me !!!!!!! my name is yahkirah have a nice day
jesus yourjesus
just a 14yo lewser with no life...i am THE jesus tho, just so you know... #votetidetatoes2k16
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Heidi Comtesse-H
I love many kinds of games and have been playing since the NES days! I love Mario, Zelda, DK, Pokemon, and many others. I LOVE Ace Attorney and Professor Layton! Tales of Symphonia is one of my most favorite games EVER, and Kratos Aurion is one of my most favorite characters ever!
LlamaLove nathan505
My dead miiverse account. RIP. Thank you all for the memories. It's really been fun.
Brian DeckDecks
38-year old desk jockey trying to keep Fit with my Wii U. Also into Mario, Disney Infinity (R.I.P.), puzzle games, and StreetPassing with my 3DS. 171,230 in Luigi Bros. Not bad for a game I haven't played in a long time.
turkey turkeygiblets123
Austin J. austinjolly10
Currently-offline Hey, if you what to challenge me at Stell Diver: Sub Wars or MARIOKART 7, come talk to me and we'll set up a time, and I know things that will have higher posibltys of getting in the same room. If you tell me were you live. I'm also the leader of the clan NEWBE§T comment and leave your battle record on one of my posts (with no comments) if you want to join.
Kevin20 HappyPerson9
loverboy2 SplinterCell02
loverboy3 SplinterCell03
Jason SuperJet3000
I like to capture screenshots to share with commentary: most funny, some discussion, and occasional achievement.
Satan EvilLittleSatan
Just a nerd who loves Anna from Fire Emblem: Awakening and Fem!Morgan belongs to Lucina. :'D ♪♪ But if you must know, I'm a short twenty three year old. I only have this profile to fangirl over Anna, both Morgans, and tips on making a stronger team. :'D Currently playing: Fire Emblem: Awakening. Waiting For: Fire Emblem: Fates
I'm just a guy who loves Nintendo! NOTE: In the future I will be using an account with the NNID JinjirDog15
Edit jaketastic123
I'm Jacob I just bought this Ds and hope that It was worth the effort, I look forward to meeting the people who have already followed the previous owner. I am a ninteen year old man whom has a job at a cracker barrel.(really good) and a girlfreind named Elisha (what wakes me up in the morning) looking forward to playing some games... yet I waste my time writing this
Prince Link104
Hello! Welcome to my humble profile. I enjoy discussions, theories, and showing my progresss in games. I love Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokemon, and Mario. Follow for a follow, I'll accept almost any friend request as long as I've seen you before, and I don't do Wii U chat.
Smackin sugarshaneo
If you're cute, follow a brother. I'm 28, casual gamer, great lover. This is my old 3DS. Upgraded recently to the new 3DS. I still play Mii Plaza games, Shovel Knight, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Rabbids Travel In Time, and Kirby's Dream Land. If you're interested in my other mii, comment on a play journal, especially the ladies. :-]
wham217 wham217
Casual gamer nowadays... 32 year old medical school student. Still try to keep track on what's current. Also into Playstation and PC gaming!
Rachel explosivo25
I love video games, as well as books and animation in general (both cartoons and anime). My favorite game series are Professor Layton, Pokémon, and Animal Crossing.
Marcus MagicMarcus
My first game was pokemon and kirby. I loved games like them. I always do my best at them and some times over train. When I got my hands on a nintendo 3Ds my gaming life truly began.
Leito LeofranGGi
Psycho B BaronDigitarium
I'm gaming for life! I also love graphic novels and mangas. I like music of any genres as well. And i often go to the cinemas to watch it in 4DX version. Let's be friends! (^^)
Snoshap Snoshap
Oh. Hi there. I didn't notice you. I'm Gabe a professional video gamer. I enjoy games from a huge number of franchises so I can't decide what game is my favorite. So here's a huge list. Mario, sonic, banjo kazooie, mega man, pokemon, samurai warriors, smash bros, splatoon, minecraft, final fantasy, legend of zelda, infamous, street fighter, kingdom Hearts, xenoblade, fire emblem, metroid. *GASP*
Miguel childofmadness
I just love playing videogames
Snivy Actionsnivy
Hi my name is Snivy, I'm a very artist person I play Pokemon, Zelda, mario, and Sonic games. Currently playing: Earthbound, A Link to the Past, and Twilight Princess HD on Wii U! Pokemon Omega Ruby, Yo-Kai Watch 2 Bony Spirits, Pokemon Sun and Moon demo, and Animal Crossing New Leaf on 3DS!
Nathan Megacraf
its me! Nathan ci7es!
Issi☆ NightFuryMidna
☆I'm The Twilight Princess Issi☆ Farewell Miiverse! Check out my posts! 600 Followers, thanks everyone! :D My favorite anime is SAO. I'm a sηίper in Splatσσп >:] Midna is the best TLOZ character! My favorite Zelda games in order: TP, ST, OoT, WW, SS, MM. ☆<~KoB~>☆
AHA Stranger-Things
I'm an old dude. I play mostly RPGs, Turn-Based-Strategy, and Fighting games, the latter of which I (laughably) compete in at local and major tourneys. Otherwise, I'm a writer, editor, and graphic designer, all of which I am equally terrible at, but I am quite good at deflecting attention from my flaws by utilizing abrupt changes of and hey look at that cat, wow that's a huge cat.
William Zeusbrain24
I am just an average 18 year old gamer who enjoys Game Theory, Jontron, and more :) Team Professor Layton or Team Phoenix Wright? I am undecided ^__^ yeah bombing should be expected. If you yeah bomb I am fine with it :)
gabe iiiiiiiiipiiiiii
Hi Peoples
hunter cabs00
wx3 reubengaming
Playing: Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, MH4U Next games: Codename S.T.E.A.M., Story of Seasons
Joey typhlosion88
Azalea LevelUpMLP
i sometimes say uwu Wii U: crystal_beast777 alt: XYcomicsHunter_Y read backwards drocsid: mcreploid#0135 +elgoog: Hunter Hikari (Just Monika.) rettiwt: @mcreploid let me know you're from miiverse yo
art artera2013
JohnnyTLP HyrulesFinalHope
It's been fun, Miiverse. Allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to all of those that have yeah'ed and commented on my posts and articles. Thank you to all of my friends, followers, and fellow gamers for the amazing memories! To quote Fire Emblem: Awakening: "May we meet again in a better life."
mitzoken AwkwardMage
Playin' games and posting dumb stuff c: •Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate •Pokemon XY/ORAS •Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS •Animal Crossing New Leaf •Tomodachi Life (lol) •Majora's Mask 3D
Invega Invega
I have schizoaffective disorder. (I thought the Rapture had happened.) I was born, raised, and currently live in Las Vegas. My mom is white and my dad was Taiwanese. (He died.) R.I.P. Miiverse.
Zackary Marxsoul98
I love video games and anime. I will usually play Animal Crossing New Leaf, Ace Attorney, and Smash Bros. I'm 18. I'm also a huge band nerd My favorite animes Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Death Note Hetalia Code Geass Attack on Titan Lucky Star Pokèmon Space Dandy more to come
Time Guy 0172thetimeguy
I love gaming, music, and the Seattle Sounders FC. Currently listening to: August Burns Red Currently obsessed with: Dragon Quest VIII, Splatoon 2, Metroid: Samus Returns, Breath of the Wild, FIFA 18 Currently on hiatus: MH4U, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Yokai Watch 2 (BS) Currently looking forward to: Super Mario Odyssey
Brianna Brianna1581
Hi people!
I am an 20 year old college student from Rockford, Illinois. I frequent many Miiverse communities...
I am an 20 year old college student from Rockford, Illinois. I frequent many Miiverse communities daily; because, this is the biggest part of my social life. I endeavor to yeah any good posts to encourage good content on Miiverse. I don't post myself often, but if I get a new game it will be chronicled here.