♪★Ůηκиοω★♪'s Post

Question: Choose one of these choices for QUIZzz: Which Suicide Squad character are you? or... Which Superhero are you? Let me now it, if you now it! If you can't write a comment, write your answer...

What is your Element soul?
What is your Element soul QUIZzzz!!! - 10 questions - You have about 10 seconds - To answer each questions choose: A, B, C or D, and count all your points! - Spea...
Ιм γøυг QUIZzzz мαςτęř
I♥ βεατβοχ
I♥ τнε ωοгιď
I♥ мγςзιƒ
Ιм γøυг QUIZzzz мαςτęř
I♥ βεατβοχ
I♥ τнε ωοгιď
I♥ мγςзιƒ
ģοοďβγε мίϊνέřςέ΅