Pördy's Friends
Klassik G ClassicGamer30HD
Marx marimarc
Keno Lp_Pizza
Hi,ich spiele gern mit leuten,Splatoon oder Super Smash bros for Wii U,auf der ps3 bin ich auch Online unter:bis-bald-stev zocke aber eh nur auf ps3 Minecraft Schickt mir ruhig Freundesanfragen auf der Wii U und ps3,bin sehr aktiv
Phillip XxPhillipo3dzock
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jBL00D justin.wallace
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krakatau krakatau2
immer fürs zocken da
Maxtendo★ Blackstar1312
Hallo u. danke das du mein Profil besuchst! Mein Name lautet Max (18 Jahre jung) und ich zeichne gerne! Zu dem liegen meine Interessen an Kunst und mit Freunden die Zeit tot schlagen :) Und zudem bin ich sehr glücklich vergeben seitdem 27.07.2015♥ Ich bin zudem mit Nintendo aufgewachsen! Meine Lieblings Games sind: Super Mario Maker Art Acadamy Atelier Minecraft Wii U Edition Danke fürs Lesen!
Ecke roffell84
bflorestal evilmanbryan
VICE~ Hospital91
Smash paris
Karim Valentina24.09
Mal 2OP4Sm4sh
SwagRanger hashim6
Hey dudes im ä 16 yr old smasher i want to become a professional smash brothers player and my gamer tag is gr8fairy. I enjoy making combo videos and i am a huge fan of the legend of zelda. link is my main and also one of my favorite characters. PLEASE BUFF LINK
Frode Ragezor
Everybody has lied at least once, which would mean anyone could lie to you anytime. Trust no one.
Dankú SimpleScience01
Knight of the Cosmic Traveler.
Stelli Targoor
Leidenschaftlicher Gamer mit cirka 15 Konsolen und ungefähr 400 Spielen
ξγίŁ КΐЙĞ GreninjasSensei
Number 1 POKEMON MASTER SINCE 1998 Fight my Greninja if you dear! (add me GreninjaSensei)
Koen Teverpegel
P3rvyXX P3rvyXX
Send me a friend request and we can play smash4!
Bear TheBig_Bear95
lilium Sally.Crouch
Niki LeNiki
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Darksilver Darksilver77
Flex-D Flex-D
Freerunner, Traceur, und Xenoblade Chronicles Experte,
GenG GenG_G2
Kaina Philomele
Magξ magier91
My Youtubechannel: smashmage
MrRiku363 MrRiku363
Ich bin ein GlücksSniebel der Sniebligkeit
Alex Ktalyx
Rocko Meylah
Mako xSalamanderman
Brellow BrellowBran
Miranda Mirada_Tasmian
Chris Tithenion
James silvRboLt1995
● I've been a proud Nintendo supporter since '97. ● My favorite Nintendo home system is Nintendo 64. My favorite game on that system is Mario Party 2. ● My favorite Nintendo handheld is 3DS XL. My favorite games on it are Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and TLoZ: A Link Between Worlds. ● I'm always eager to make new friends. Don't be a stranger! :)
Gonzalo GonzaloMcBread
Hi there my name is Gonzalo :3 I like video games in general and i think the console wars is stupid. I hope we can play together sometime Cheers!
Another IIAngeLII
Últimamente he estado pensando en ti y en mi. En lo que nos va a pasar al final. “La Broma Asesina”
Marzell bigzipper64
I'm a frosty person. I am a super smash fan hardcore all I want is a challenge. So friend request or follow me and give me that challenge. I'm 25 yrs old. I like everything that to do with Luigi. If you want to know more about me just talk to me. XD
234Glenn 234glenn
Hello My name's Glenn, 20 years old. I like to draw, and I love gaming, especially platforming, which is why I play Nintendo now, even though it's not where I started my gaming history. As of now I'll no longer accept blank friend requests, since more are coming it's harder to tell wether I know you from some community or not (Facebook group for example.) Please leave a message with your request.
GaMbLe AM_GaMbLe
Eulises Technicolor42
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Phili Phili42X
Link XyDarklinkyX
I love The Legend of Zelda since i start playing Videogames.
PaprShrimp papershrimp
Denny Iwashiro
Buchenherz Buchenherz
Hello, my name is Buchenherz :D I dream to become a competitive SSB4 player and I want to be your friend ---- Currently playing: Shovel Knight SSB4 (Melee / PM) A lot of piano Mario Kart 8 --- Hoping for a Wii U metroid game
JanerN JanerN
Daniel Mihawk95
Brother from Andiworks, the Leader of the Gaming-Community 'Children of WiFi' and Team-Member of 'Retrodox'. Member of the Feros-Clan on XBOX360 ---» FeRos X Destiny Ultimate Gamescore–Hunter Member of Children of WiFi on Facebook
Hey everyone in the Miiverse! How's everyone doin'? I'm a 27yo gamer who started on the the SNES. Ahh good ol' Dk Country and F-Zero, good times. I'm a tabletop game designer, but I also love video games! Anyways... Game on! WoB
Checker Checkerkrah
Bin ein übelster suchti und großer Mario Fan egal auf welcher Konsole.Ich hab sie alle gespielt wie ein Verrückter. (gaming for ever)
Craig mathwiz86
Hi, I'm Craig Williams! I've been a Nintendo gamer since 2005. I'm always up to play a game. Unless I have homework...
Jorge DeathHead
Ink-browny 7_FapyN_7
I really love Splatoon, but the server needs some serious updates ;( Languages: english, german
tearecks tearecks
S:p:o:r:n Scorpion-86
Andi Andiworks
- Leader of the Gaming-Community 'Children of WiFi' since 2006. - Team-Member of the Retro-Page 'Retrodox' since 2014. - Cameo-Master in the german N-Zone Magazine I'm german, born in 1986 and Hardcore-Nintendo-Maniac! I've all Handhelds and Consoles from Big N in my collection (+ Virtual Boy and iQue). I'm Fan of all Nintendo-IP's, but Zelda, Mario and Super Smash Bros. are my favorites!
Chao Eindless
The Losis shindarkchild
I Love Video Games!!!!!
Cryojin Cryojin
I think the time has come for F-Zero Unlimited or UX or whatever it'll be called. 10 Years is long enough. F-Zero for 2015
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