Ruby's Followers
Kookie Fox 1112obiwan
Hello! Thank you for the many happy times we have all shared! I love you all so much, and wish you the best. :) And I would like to say thank you, to all the Miiverse staff, for making the experience fun, and exciting!!! We love you staff!!! <3 Happy trails!
SoraWonder Soragirl20
Welcome I am Storm aka - Sorathewonder in other places Please be Kind, friendly and treat others with respect Be you and only you for that is best person you can be Have a GREAT LIFE Hugs you like a warm blanket right out the dryer♥ I wish you all the best in the end. May the GOOD of miiverse live and may the BAD fade away
★◆♪ humzah007
lollapalooza i need lollipop
laura™ chouchou4310
bjr je suis nouvelle demander moi en amie est abonner vous temps que vous le pouvez
Chuy thelolmen
hola me llamos chuy we :v soy bien pro y a la vez noob we :v edad:777 :v, mejor amigo:pollo1966, tekilex 45 y alexysiandre117,novia:no tengo por que soy forever alone we :,v, skin favorito: enderman, y shuy guy, Lugar favorito: la tiendita de la esquina XD :v . juntos podremos jugar grandes aventuras papu :v , y si no lo haces, un negro de dos metros ira a tu casa y te ara cositas
#miiverse tezi2008
Hola... soy teziri... y seguramente sabes que llega la trajedia... sabes de lo que hablo? no? baja↓↓ todos nuestros amigos solo seran un recuerdo y quando cierre ya no existirá... Que? haun no? mira↓↓ hablo de miiverse, faltan pocos dias para que cierre quiero que sepais que os quiero a todos muchísimo y no os olvire, dia 8-11-17 RIP. MIIVERSE :( #SaveMV
maman 1987vane
me mialivingstone
★Ruby★ darga15
Hey! I'm the new Ruby on Miiverse, and... "I AM AN ETERNAL FLAME, BABY!" -Keystone Motel Episode Oh yeah, and before I forget, visit these peeps: ☆Sapphire☆ (Go there RIGHT NOW) Blaze Taco-san Meow Rinku InkЖ Mugz Yuki-Swan .ºEthanº. "...don't look at me! Just go away." -Jailbreak
Carmen ThatOneCrazyGirl
Dear friends and other people that follows me Miivers ending soon i cant talk to yall anymore so this is a good bye note i love you Max Autumn Alyssa Keira Luna and *Airplane* good-bye ='C i love you
super supermetalghost
[Céléstin] celestin69360
yo moi c celestin je publie toujours des captures d'écran sur super mario maker et minecraft
PhinisBlu FabulousCatsxx
Hey, my name is Pheonix but my friends call me Phin im a bit quirky and strange but that makes haha i love the amazing community here well heres some info about me: Trans male Name:Phin age: 13 My internet is so bad! i love drawing and anime Cookies and cake Peace Out! Ps i rp as myself
SW¹Yaya doudou18soso02
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Mel melanie1298
Hi my name is Mel (obviously) and im 16. I love video games and drawing if you have any drawing requests just ask
Crispy swagmaster297
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にゃーなです ケモナー&ドララーの人です。ケモノは描けるけどドラゴンがあんまり描けません(泣) 主に、オリケモ、けもりゅう、ポケモノ、ドラゴン描いてます 人間描け卍 ケモケ6行くゼゼゼ ケモノ、ドラゴン描いてる方無言フォローするかもです ちょこっとプロフ ケモナー歴3か4年 ドララー歴2年(((じみにみじかい まだ小学生です アニメも好きだけどマンガの方が好き! 最後に一言 ケモノ着ぐるみがほしくなってきた(((ホスィ あと、マルチライナーも
(`∀´) aripei2002
フォロー絶対返します。こんにちは、オレンジジュースのいとこ歴バリバリの17年です あ、今日の天気は晴れです
emi 116☆… alejandro.zarco
quien es de México
VerboseDra WooshSploosh
Hello. My name is Verbose, Dra, or any nickname will be good. Basically, I talk way more than need be Please, don't feel hesitant to talk to me. I‛m here and I'm as friendly and understanding as can be. Go Llamas
nemac agarz222
que paso
olobac olonemac
jay dragondog22
happy days and everyone is awesome and amazing
Piggsfly piggsfly567
Young self taught artist →I'm kind of awkward← Romance and Shouji anime Hi my name is Jada and i love Pokemon. My favorite pokemon is Goodra and i have an all dragon type team. I recently decided to draw my OC.I will be drawing Pokemon fan art!! →13 yrs← →I DON'T FACE CHAT← If you'd like me to Draw something specific request it in one of my post Don't 4get 2 follow me [ Desperate]
A+J Hrvy AJHarvey365
our brother and sister account One loves games,the other loves art ~you can follow us individually: gameboy89 and piggsfly567 Come get to know us, i don't know how we get along.
BG NOËL ★★ Ninou43120
cc qui veux venir dans la team bg si vous vouler ve nir dite le moi dans ma discusion
Nike√B34T Eldo24
I am B34T
げんちゃん END12346O
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Hallo Freunde Ich Mag Euch :) Und Ich Mag Auch Animes Und Ich Mag Video-Spiele So Wie Donkey Kong Castlevania Pokemon Mario Sonic Spyro Skylanders Zelda Starfox One Piece Dragonball Z Animal Crossing Yoshi Kingdom Hearts Luigi Power Rangers Spongebob Super Smash Bros Metroid Yugioh! Digimon Batman Superman Ironman Spider-Man He-Man Harry Potter Und Filme Mag Ich Auch Und Ich Mag Meine Freunde ☆
Dragon NightmareMewtu
Hallo Ich Mag Pokemon Und Donkey Kong Spyro Skylanders Und Starfox Und One piece Und Auch Naruto Und Dragonball Z Und Sonic Und Super Mario So Wie Metroid Das Sind Die Spiele Und Animes Die Ich Mag Und Ich Mag Auch Meine Freunde :)
Isra_Kurdi 991992ak
★★★★★★★★★★Hello★★★★★★★★★★ My name is {Isra} and my nickname is {Isra_Kurdi} , i'm born in {Erbil} in {Kurdistan} and I'm {Kurdish} , {Erbil} is capital {Kurdistan}, and {Kurdistan} in {Northern Iraq} , and I'm {Muslim} and I love {Allah} , I love {Peshmarga} and I love {All} Thanks for follow me and I will follow you back , Thanks for ((700+)) followers* ★★★★★★★★Goodbye★★★★★★★ ( ^-^ )*
Oxygen ramenisgoodokay
i like to cry in trashcans if i let u down pls dont get mad im onlyt 13 i also likew pokemon and splatoom i gues i h8 coloring colorin iz stresful 4 me okayt tysm 2 peoples followin me raisez my selfg asteem a lil also pls coment construtctive critisyzism pls it'l help me a lot tysssm I know how to use proper grammar I swear-
エデン´¶`アポロン fuucham978
ユザネとMiiを変えました!! 課題が一向に終わる気配がない……どうしよ(( 最近はDBと遊戯王の創作系ばっかり現実でかいてる。夢とかもうバッチこいって感じです!! (もう少しでフォロワーが150越える…だとっ!?) 無言フォロー大歓迎です^^(こっちが無言フォローすることが多いですケド) 私はバリバリの腐女子ですが、なにか問題でも?(THE・真顔)
Target: 400 Left to go: 10
Senpai: Choco♪ and Sapphire
Im really strange......
Imma gemini. I ha...
Target: 400 Left to go: 10
Senpai: Choco♪ and Sapphire
Im really strange......
Imma gemini. I have three birthstones believe it or not.
Fandoms: 2 many