Users Mr.Turner Is Following
あきねこ・д・ JSQARMY
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Jordon JordonReturns
OH HELLO THERE! I'm Jordon. Here's some stuff you should know about me: Born in 2005, yet a huge 90's kid. Loves Nintendo with a die-hard passion. EarthBound and Mario are my favs. I also like Smash, Kirby, Metroid, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, Splatoon, Yoshi, and more. Also likes Rayman, Rabbids, Sonic, Pac-Man, and Minecraft. That's all. Bye!
Steve DorianGabe
I am The Nemo Kid! I know that wii u is fun! My favorite game is on Nintendo Switch Super Mario Odyssey. Thanks for following and playing!
S•ÂαгøиЖЗ obyonek
Evolution of my username through Miiverse AaronX3 DemonX3 S•DemonX3 S•SantaX3 S•2Ø17X3 S•B-dayX3 S•AarønX3 ST S2 X3 S•ÂαгøиЖЗ Remember to eat your water World Time: Central
lightghost Jsparrow6
hey i'm light ghost. im gonna try and put up comics starring the kid devil. you can do charter reguists if you want. i like roleplays sometimes a just follow you because i really like your artwork and want more of it! :D
C Meister foxylegend
Open your fears, I'll be there. Open your eyes, I'll be there. 3 days and I come....
ßastion BastionTheBean
♀♂?(GQ)/Pan/No Pronoun Pref. Hi my names Bastion, but you can call me Bas- Furry/ Pro-LGBTQA+/ Pokemaniac/ Gamer/ Person Taken by Lux, my good boi (gabribeco) Upd8: New desc. :000 () No Posts
Brandon gagebr
Miiverse ends today RIP People I'll miss: Jos DerpJacob Kyle Venoct Laurzy Daniel Mii King Moon Little Bee Greenvolt and much more. Check my following list if you want to chat on a cord.
james oncey101
hi everyone im james and my favorite anime is noragami yona of the dawn and i love the legend of zelda and i don't do WII U chat but i like too play mariokart 8 even though im not good at it and i love too whatch movies im 18 years old but i still like cartoons and video games and i still like too be like a kid i love botw and my best friends are koala and king spicy and campbell
wait what? Silverlugia707
Alola, fren. I'm somewhat of a bittersweet human. I like video games (woah) and being salty. Bye. I'm ☆Beans☆'s (ID: Corgi_Muffin) alt. I don't do much on here. ★No WiiU Chat ★No blank friend requests Sono chi no sadame JOOOOOOOJOOOOOOO
Minecraft2 FL45H24
my real name is cristian my profile says i don't have a 3DS my favourite friends wwcoolrly cool_alex pinksheep brodyzain potters kyle lol p.s. friend me
DONVITO DonVito2468
26 and still playing zelda.. i need new hobbies ha
carlos carlos30000
i have a 3ds i have a wii u and wii im 10 and i like kirby & pokemon & toonlink my favorite video game is kirby triple deluxe my birthday is on may 11 and check out my brothers miiverse chris my favorite character is mostly kirby
Aidan aidan_doyle
Sup. Please support operation westbound, which aims to make Mother 3 available to americans, legally Favorite games to the left of Mother 3 are ones im currently playing Note to anyone who friend requests me: I usually don't accept Wii U video calls, mainly because im in the middle of a game Follow me & I will follow u :-D
HyliaPlayR stephenhalland
Hi! The name's Stephen. Favorite Games: Paper Mario, Splatoon, The Legend of Zelda (BotW), Mario, Super Smash Brothers, Just Dance, Cuphead for XBOX, ect Likes: Nintendo Switch, Youtube, Just Dance 2018, Ninjago, ect
lilise liliseyo
Salut ! Je voudrais (svp) que vous vous abonné car ... - Je suis sympa, cool, gentille ... - J'adore dessiner (par rapport a mes dessins sur miivers je dessines beaucoup mieu). - Jadore les mangas et imaginer . Et je vous adore !!! Merci d'avoir lu et abonné vous !!! ^^
quick man frankthecoolguy
i got a wii u on 12/25/15 and i own a NES and my cousin owns a SNES my favorite game is pixel gun 3D and im addicted to games and i love anime and i broke my ankle 5 years ago. ok stop... stop go away... I WONT TELL YOU MY SECRETS I KEEP GETTING BLOCKED FOR NO REASON PLZ STOP... >_<
G&K-Noemie NonoBZN
Hello les p'tite Licorne . Prénom : Noémie . Âge 12 ans . On n'ai 200 Licorne sur mon profil . . . MERCI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ps : Aller vous abonner a ma chaine youtube Nonoo Crossing . Leo :3
Terrence SpeedyTC
I'm Terrence and I have super speed and I like Sonic The Hedgehog and Star Force Mega Man and i'm a fan of Bayonetta and I love her and I like Panic! at the Disco, My Favorite suit is the mii gunner dragon armor and a star force helmet just like mega man and I wield the Ultima Weapon that I got from Lady Palutena and I like RWBY and my favorite characters are Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang
UL♪ topFD² Marevaponipokete
salut j'ai9 .jadore comme jeu splatoon ♥♥♥♡♪yoshis mes mailleurs amie Ulrillck ul Lolo ul Milan jador la team FD er la team UL . merci pour les abonner .svp des match privé ou pro moi jador les matche classique et privée.jentille oui méchante pas beaucoup amoureuse non merci pour les 551abonné♪
Rubin RubiconFTW
I like games like color switch and splatoon!
just enjoy justeenjoy
salut tous le monde j'espère que sa va,en tous cas moi sa va.Appeler moi just enjoy je joue a minecraft je suis assez forte maintenant je sais accès les bases si non je suis super forte a mario kart 8 et j aime beaucoup splatoon je suis aussi forte a mariotennis ultra smash et tres experte et super forte à zelda breat of the wild .je vous adore depacer les 700 abo svp c est mon reve♥ABONNÉ VOUS!
HIIW♂C.J. pratherazcane
cuphead Clowncatfish
hi i am a fan to wii u an i hope i have a fun life with the wii u company my mii is bowser jr i have the games super smash bros. an super mario makir an super mario bros. u + super luigi u i hope iL mete new friends in wii u i 1 of tham is omar i olso hav the amiibos mario bowser kiby R.O.B mr game an watch an duck hunt and toad my sistums are only DS i my birthday is aprol 13th i olso bie miis
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Akira12 masterbuilderjp
I'm a young Japanese/American lad who's got: -WiiU -Switch -New 3DS XL -2DS -DSI -DS Lite -No Life Yeah, I'm nerdy. . . Don't blame me. My drawings are pure rubbish, I'm a NSLU poster and a cancer survivor (brain tumor), and I'll talk about my misfortune a lot... Again, don't blame me. Thanks for 214 followers, you can refer to me as Napkin.
Rachelê Recefe
Mii Queen maxFTW
eeeeeeeeee Lykarii
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Cudlsworth LukeLatios3
I'm Cuddlesworth. I mostly just do Splatoon art and comics here on Miiverse. I also have a Splatoon fan-fiction called 'Overtaken' but I can't tell you where to find it because of the miiverse rules. Search it or something, I guess.
Hello My name is Timmy's dad, I am the father of Timmy turner and sadly the neighbor of DINKLEBER...
Hello My name is Timmy's dad, I am the father of Timmy turner and sadly the neighbor of DINKLEBERG! Anyway, I love eggnog and I would put a trophy on my case........ IF I HAD ONE! I have a second account name bananagram.
Joined miiverse 2013
retire from miiverse when miiverse ends
Dinkleberg is B O N E L E S S