Elstreem's Followers
Mimik bzzbzz3013
Bonjour à tous je suis Mimik le sous-chef de la team Wolf le chef est wolf1 abonner vous à moi et je m'abonnerais à vous. Comme vous le savez miiverse ferme bientôt et maintenant c'est quasiment la guerre sur miiverse. Abonner vous à mon compte miiverse, aller je vous fait de gros bisous mes licornes
Livvy OllieNollieLolli
So, you've found me... Classification: cookie loving monster Speed: 0 Fighting skills: so low it's embarressing Weaknesses: hah! like I would tell you that?!
09sharks ftttu3
yo yo yo wazap bro yolo. sorry got carried away. if you don't already know my name is 09sharks but call me whatever you want to :) :) favorite game = loz lbw favorite console= nintendo switch favorite youtube channel= studioc. i love RPG GAMES
Sebas sebas_rjs
Jay Dawg Jquan_Hood
THA SQUAD Jcoolwitty & Tizzin_Boss search it up. New account Fø Mø Mariø Maker. Thought I go for a cuter mii but hey what the heck do I kno. All I got is the world in my pocket. Its All jus Trail & Error, We live'N' We learn and don't repeat what Y'all 'ready Xperienced Quavo My HeadHoncho Samuel L Jackson My Dad R. Kelly My Brotha Rihanna My sista Madea My Granny Nicki Minaj My Momma
Anita AnitaEmma07
ciao anzi bella a tutti ragazzi ho detto così perché Favij ma anche ipantellas un saluto pantelliano è il mio idolo io prima di inziare un commento metto xaxxaxa ADORO NON SOLO QUESTE COSE ANCHE AZIONE HORROR e tanto altro mia madre si chisma su miiverse arimebella seguitemi e vi ricambierò (ovviamente io non posso farlo al momento) ho 12 anni e... BUONGIORNISSIMO CAFFÈ?!?! dai più seguaci c***o
SA DUDE baird1982
Hi there
Chee■★Moon KordWiiU
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is Chee■★Moon Fav animal: Cat Fav show: Family Guy Fav food: Spaghetti Fav snack: Cookies (Chocolate Chip) I really like powerade I don't care which flavor my friends always go to subway Oh! speaking of which my fav restaurant is apple bees and mcdonald's I like apple pie and cookies What's your favorite foods and restaurants? #SAVEMIIVERSE!!!!!!!
Hello, People of Miiverse!! Here is a little bit about me: My favorite games are Mario, Just dance and nintendo land I don't like wii U chating My best friends on Miiverse:Donlua77, Wiiu_Jake, bible47 and Lenix. My sister does most of the drawings. Thanks for coming to my profile!! Goodbye Thanks for everything :)
Toniet ToniYMarc
Hola soy Toni soy un niño muy divertido de 10 años si me seguis os seguire a vosotros #savemiiverse gracias por los 300 seguidores a ver si llegamos a los 500 seguidores creo que el boton de seguir esta roto dale a ver si funciona
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Pokemon y AmbushAshlynn
i like Zelda games,sonic games, fire embem, kirdy games, lego games and pokemon games.
Dragmire TheBookofLuna
JRabbit97♪ jessicarabbit97
Hello! Im here to make friends, post comments on games I play, and discuss topics on anything BotW or Zelda related. So if you'd like to ask anything Zelda related, let me know ;) and if you like the crazy antics I'll get into in my adventure through BotW, be sure to give them a yeah, who knows, you may get a laugh or two, or you may learn something new. (I also draw stuff from time to time) ϋ
rory aurora13jones
street fighta for life, im an aspiring artist, and hope to become either a trackstar or art director/possibly even a graphic designer or video game developer, since obviously i love video games. I am 13 years old.
mathys gabi16
Salut, moi c´est Mathys. Abonnez vous, liker et commenter.
Chris NetherFighter101
Ouch! Next time, please dont poke my face to hard! Anyways I am Chris and I like to play with freinds but sometimes I could get a little picky with players that fool around. I would love if you would follow me and smash the yeah button, but not to hard though cuz then your gonna break your WII U. Bye Enjoy Miiverse Games I Have: Splatoon Minecraft Super Smash Bros. MK8 (5.1k VR Super Mario Maker
peyton UofMFan6
deadpool deadpooldead
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Jay Elite Jcoolwitty
I.C.Y = Intelligent Cool and Young I be that Pretty Boy who gets along wit errabody. I'm Aka ( Also known as ) Dr.Love ~ I The Real O.G. Wit tha Hood. Gotta Bad day? I'll turn it around for ya, I Embellished There I'll turn it into a Square so I'm Always in yo corner. Pick Yo own Battle, I be that Gucci for sure 100/// I be in my late teens, Writen music lyrics and playin skemes. :)
Adelie ojosazules05
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LJB ZeldaGamer326
im 16 love zelda mario super smash #Darkpit ... games love to talk and get freinds been watching anime for as long as i can remember up for conversations any time nintendo for 12 years going!!!! im adding on to this i started ussing miiverse for real yesterday and in one day of useing it ive got 116 followers im so happy to see that so many people want to be freinds i want to thank everyone!!!
Sheik ocarinamaster456
Sheik's 2nd account.
Angry Joe opc1234
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Jule zelda_fanatic02
-Jule :) -Austrian Girl which is living in Germany, Sachsen -I'm a Zeldafanatic <3 -Favoritezeldas: Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild -Love you all <333
Mario crisguapi13
UBERCamWar EletricCameron
Hello my name is Cameron im 12 years old and I like videogames the internet party's outside and many more. I look forward to meeting new pepole and awsome friends. I will be turning 13 soon so im really happy. Also to all my friends on friends list ill follow you and you can follow me back. Also I would like to give a shout out to the clans RX, DK, and DW in ice station z for being great friends.
SkrubSikle SkrubSikle
' I'm an active member of the Overwatch community. ' - SkrubSikle, 2017 Greetings! I am but a 14 year old introvert who spends most of my time in my room with my consoles... So I have plenty of time for Miiverse! (^~^) Currently shipped with: Trainer Whitney Favourite games atm: Overwatch, BotW, Until Dawn and FE Echoes Started on 14/02/16 I will miss this place...
Gus Gus1350
HI! I'm Gus, 17 I really like to draw even though I suck at drawing. I'm a huge Legend Of Zelda fan!!!
jhoneGAMER johnygamer28
Demyx LazyDemyx
Name: Demyx No.IX Weapon: sitar Best known for his lack of motivation and easygoing attitude. When left with no choice, he puts his sitar and mastery over water to use in combat. "Lazy is such an ugly word. I prefer the term 'selective participation'" - khd
Zexion TheCloakedSchem3
Name: Zexion No.VI true name: Ienzo Weapon: Book of retribution An exeptional tactician, he uses his keen intellect and ability to weave illusions to manipulate those around him. an intellectual with no room for feelings.
Matthew StonewallJack06
Frazzlle Frazzle-Cochrane
Cуclonε LotadPlayz
Welcome to ! ┈┈╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▏ ┈╱╭▏╮╭┻┻╮╭┻┻╮╭▏ ▕╮╰▏╯┃╭╮┃┃╭╮┃╰▏ ▕╯┈▏┈┗┻┻┛┗┻┻┻╮▏ ▕╭╮▏╮┈┈┈┈┏━━━╯▏ ▕╰╯▏╯╰┳┳┳┳┳┳╯╭▏ ▕┈╭▏╭╮┃┗┛┗┛┃┈╰▏ ▕┈╰▏╰╯╰━━━━╯┈┈▏ Clans I'm in: MКЯ [ST] (Co Leader) λJ (Member) (R.I.P) ΣΨ [AI] (Co Leader) S☆Я ★¥ Mς★ (Co-Leader) Fя Λθ #SaveMiiverse PR★ λκ (Leader) ξJ My Community- 69-7846-7025-4622
nina clement0711
coucou c'est ★nina★ gentille ★★★★☆ méchante ★☆☆☆☆ gourmande ★★★★★ sympa ★★★★☆ tu t'abonnes je m'abonne pourquoi t'es là remonte t'abonner je suis fan de zelda et j'adore les mangas j'ai 10 ans je vais passer en CM2 et j'adore j'adore j'adore j'adore MINECRAFT merci pour tout les abonner mon objectif pour l'instant et de 150 abonner mrc mes abo
logen RubixCube16
hi im SS★logan loywl member of SS lets play im 10 im a boy
cara Claira11
My life verse: Psalm 62:7 In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge is in God. God is good. Jesus Christ is the way. I found a reason to live, to hope, and to love; through Christ. <3
dark wolf prr2015
eek my face! Hello peps! My fav character is Dark Pit... no suprise there (sarcasm is life) i like drawing and LOVE PUNS!! p.s. i love wolves (and dark pit as said before)! after mv ends you won't be able to find me T-T BENDY :3 im not too active anymore... T-T floor ice cream... it gives you health out of postsT-T() R.I.P. MII VERSE #darkpitsquad (for life) :3
Games are part of my mind castle :)
...I guess it's about time I added more info huh?
I'm a huge ...
Games are part of my mind castle :)
...I guess it's about time I added more info huh?
I'm a huge fan of Legend of Zelda and Pokemon, so most of the stuff I post is over there. Writing is my main skill, but I like drawing too!