Mario! Save the people! (C792-0000-0366-16F9)
Patt Trich's Yeahs

Muchas gracias a todos, acabo de volver de un viaje de una semana, mañana me volveré a poner al dia con el mario maker. Thank you to everybody I return today from my holidays!

No problem Lorena! I always love playing your fun levels! I will make sure to work extra hard on the level I am makin for you! I jus need more time and this is a rare special moment with Miiverse e...

Merci à tous ! Glitchez bien ! Thank you for playing ! Vive Mario Maker ! Merci Miiverse ! Thank you Miiverse !
Bonjour je suis 1000ème joueur europe Smmaker, en attendant de trouver une solution!