Tana's Followers
Link zeldarulz25
Favorite Series : The Legend of Zelda Favorite Game : Ocarina of Time Favorite Pokemon : Lucario Miiverse is Dead as of November 8th Goodbye everyone I will miss you
ayu mini1kawai
bonjour je appelle ayu et j´ai 14 ans
anatole anat1er
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Siг Rανεn 300Spartans
Hey, I will be drawing/tracing pics of the LoZ Manga Series randomly or a Specific Character. So there will be no credit source/author in each drawing I do. Pardon if my drawings are not that perfect for I am doing them fast. *I will not be replying much only if there is more than 5 comments or something of relevance. Instead,I will yeah.* *Not accepting drawing requests of any sort. Sorry.*
joey joeybyrd
Axel CreeperRealm
Roundhead RoundheadGamer
Goodbye Miiverse! I've created so many memories here! I'm going to miss you all.
Olivia iheartswagger
I am a Pokemon fan and a Selena Gomez fan!
Gage MuitiGamer
ayden aydenlalonde
I love to play sonic and mario games and zelda games and raceing games.I have a wii U now
-Théо- Meuh773
Why do I have 250 followers? I'm Théo, your typical French-Canadian-Acadian user. I'm a mutant mix of the NSLUC, YTC, Mario Maker, MK8, Smash and the old PINCH50. My peeps: No one because I have no friends. :"D
Logan LFields06
my name is logan l love the new nintendo 3ds because of the built it amiibo screen and other things l also love pugs l hope you follow me
Kewl kewlpixie
Hey im Samantha and im 12 years old. I have one brother and four sisters. I enjoy listening to music and reading. Hope you enjoy my posts and don't forget to follow too! <3
Kat SRA2003
friends who love me, check following list. :p ** = 61 you're my favorite potato. i love you. <3
piplupgirl Starrgirl8
u hit my faaaace why sooo il indruduce my self i love batim UT US and FNAF soooo im 9 in rl i dont have a wii u that stinks so,i cant freind u so dont ask i dont wanna get banned again would u like to hear a song? ok 1......2......3 ♪♭♭♪♭♭♪♭♭♪♭♭♪♭♭♪♭♪♭♪ bye p
Haley Doglover219
Hello My name is Doglover219 And here is a list of the games i play - Minecraft - Yoshi Wolly World - Super Mario Bros. - Pokemon games - Tomodachi life - Animal Crossing (all) And if you want follow me and or friend me Also check my latest or my old post and i got two sisters doctorwho219 and magicmaker219 follow them and friend them if want keep it up and read my post!(^-^)
Scott GoldTomahawk
Hey everybody! Welcome to my profile! My favorite YouTube Channels: Lordkronos100, BrawlBRSTMs3, MunchingOrange and SilentWeaponsIII.
Vladislav Mario903
This user's profile comment is private.
retroboy44 retroboy44
Greetings earthlings. I'm 18 and love to game. I love anime, metal music, and other fun activities. Feel free to friend me anytime you want and I'll accept. Not a big fan of the Xbox brand. Play Station and Nintendo are fine with me. I also love to LARP. I will also Wii U Chat anytime you want. I also want to go to Tokyo, Japan. I want my Switch. I got a new account Sonicbro69. Go check it out.
M.Kiragon ANTI-BOB
I am Mega Kiragon! I do Puzzle & Dragons Z & X themed stuff!(Pokémon and whatnot too!) I'm a light dragon who likes drawing and playing classic games! I try to use Wii U chat now that MV is ending. Feel free to message me on any of my posts. Currently waiting for: Gung Ho to announce a western release of P&D X Thank you, 2XX followers!
$$Alex$$ pwalker0863
o hai der ma name dabigderp My Bffs WiiuLucyBaxter1 oglana Superaxino termanater20015 about me i liek minecraft u can leave now
Hawk shaymin923
Orbulon 0rbulon
Do the Kirby dance! (>'.')> <('.'<) ^('.')^ v('.')v <('.'<) ^( )^ (>'.')> ^(^.^)> Stay tuned for more gaming randomness and some pixel art + Art Academy stuff every now and then. Things you can expect here: - Cartoon Characters - Ghosts - Kirby - Legend of Dark Witch - Paper Mario - Pokémon - Puyo Puyo - Shantae - Wario Land - WarioWare ...and some random stuff. 2nd account: EvilOrbi
Hayley hayleyphilipoom
Trevor is the best pokémon character. ( my 3DS account is: Hayley 2 ( poketeamyo)
Claire FNaFguardian
Hey, everyone! I love all FNaF games. I also like to roleplay with others. I also like Legend of Zelda, ACNL, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Super Smash Bros. I hope to make new friends. #peace out! (wait! no! not u, world peace! COME BACK!)(0_0)
°☆★Raph RaphaelBulger
why would you cause problems when there are so many people suffering out there. if youve got the power to make a difference, why not put it to good use? go help people! and dont be afraid to stand up for whats right!! mhgen monsters soloed: guild furious rajang event savage deviljho event alatreon event hyper gore magala high rank guild amatsu event hyper rajang event double savage deviljho
Esther SoyEsther
Hola soy nueva en wiiverse tengo 9 años pa 10 años y pa la comunion espero pasarmelo bien en wiiverse soy de 4º de primaria espero caeros muy bien me gustan los perros tengo un american stanfor es una raza peligrosa es hembra se llama Noa bueno... ¡ESPERO CAEROS BIEN!
The Killer marcel0077
boubou yoloboubou
yo tout le monde c'est ...Non ne te prend pas pour Squeezie!!Je jou a pokemon rumble world,mais je parle de tout et n'importe quoi.Bref,je suis avec vous!!
·βгί· bri334
I WANNA BE HEARD AND I WANNA MATTER TO PEOPLE!!! Im Bri. Im bisexual and Im 15 and love video games. Some people say im a tomboy but only when it comes to games. I love pokémon and everything to do with it. I also love to draw. Thats mostly what I do in my free time. Im a very chill person. Sometimes i say stupid things but don't really mean them. I care about everyone.
BRY fluffywolf7
HELLO, HELLO! I'm Bry...sort of. The truth is, I'm two people. I am both a 12 year old and a 16 year old. We use our dad's file because he has ID and we should not lie about our age to get free ID...because, that...that would be bad. So enjoy our posts and yeah them! You follow us and we follow you! Hope you like me...er...US!!! looba looba!
Red RedM92FS
Status: I'm Sad. Gonna miss miiverse. Doesn't Have to be good bye. You can follow me if you want on You tube. Name is Gun14Slinger. Also on twitter Im Gun14Slinger
Maple PrierCat
Thank you all,you have made my time on here a blast and a half,hope to see you all around out there on the interwebs!!!!XD
Lilly nekolilly
I LOVE ANIME watching SAO SWORD ART ONLINE and cardfight VANGUARD only on youtube finished : glitter force need to watch: fairy tail , black butler and much more
JPLMASTER chosmaster
Hey everyone JPL MASTER HERE! so this is my profile picture but anyway I love playing video games and watching Youtube so yeah but also I am a author of a few novels the main ones being Bloodstain, Worlds colide, Future sodier, and a fight series called Quirky fights so yeah I am incredibly friendly so chat to me if you want to but as always have a grand day ★My girlfriend is the lovely Grithis★
Mela FGirl TradGamerGirl86
Hey Miiverse people you guys and gals are awesome! What's New?
?¿?¿?¿?¿?¿ benneuman
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Hylian-TNT supermariowiiu6
Hai! I'm HylianChampionTNT! You can just call me TNT. I know you see the name. NO, I'M NOT A MINECRAFT FANBOY. TNT WASN'T CREATED FROM MINECRAFT YA KNOW. srry. got a little carried away November 7th - End of Miiverse I would come up with a good quote if I knew how to. Bye Miiverse....
Angel NightcoreAngel
I'm just a random 16 year old girl. I mostly draw here now, sometimes I may chat with people If you like, push the follow button if you want
Zajoker Xyth_cool_man-12
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Joseph Amiibo_Man91
I live in Thunder Bay, Canada. I'm 26 and live at home with my mother. I enjoy the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies and T.V. shows as well the the Arrowverse shows (DC). My favourite video game series are The Legend of Zelda, Super Mario, Metroid, Kirby, Super Smash Bros., Earthbound, Assassin's Creed, Bayonetta and Mega Man, Follow me! I have a Switch too, so I won't be on here too frequently.
Kitty-Kai★ Thebadguyisme
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I like to make art like Drawing and now Pixel work too! my Dream is to be a Traveling Artist
You ...
I like to make art like Drawing and now Pixel work too! my Dream is to be a Traveling Artist
You can look at the Stuff I made an Drawn by taping Post on my Page
I all so love Adventures as well as makeing friends ^ω^
please support my friend Zelda she really needs to be inspired at time
(Games owned/other stuff below on Favorites↓)