Pet3rVader's Followers
molly molly415
hey i'm molly i'm 10 my favorite games are the legand of zelda,mario,sonic,minecraft,final fantasy,star fox,kidicarus,fier emblem,wario waer,metroid,pokimon,mega man, pac-man,and proferser layton when i grow up i whant to be an actour the place i want to go to someday is japan
シンヤ SKE322
こんにちは!ドラゴンクエストが大好きな人募集中です! 一緒にドラクエの話で盛り上がりませんか? ドラクエシアトリズムでゾーマSカード入手頑張ってます。
Lunaris Anje777
Hi i'm lolinuni i love super smash bros and yeah.. i'm autistic so plz be nice to me also kampingo i blocked you! LOL! :)
D Knight X DKX017
I love fantasy stuff. At the moment I feel like giving anything in that genre a try.
Julian TheJu1ian
Hallo bodies. Welcome to my profile and stuff. Don't take me seriously because I don't take me seriously. Award-winning procrastinator and occasional doodler. Time Magazine's person of the year, 2006. I'm not at the beach. This is a bathtub! No Wii U chat or blank friend requests please. Splatfest: 10/16
Micah Ravid0520
*watches Ducktales and doesn't notice you* *Looks* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! You scared the daylight outta me! Any-way my name is Micah. And just so ya know I am punny and try to make you smile. Okay me go play Pikmin 3 now. Bye-bye! => ;) (Shout-out to the people in my friends list, I love you all. ESPECIALLY KittyKirby she's da best. Follow her!) O.K. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :) :3 :D :> => =)
BRADY6 breyman60151
goal is getting ten friends before they shut it down. im very friendly. if u want friend me i will accept the first random eight friend requests. im gonna miss this place i just got into posting and they took it away kinda. bye miiverse i hope you were joking and aren't actaully shutting this fabulous place down
Rayanne(∞) YoshiKitty654
So this is the end.. I've made so many friends and memories here, and I want to thank everyone who helped me on this journey. Thank you all for making these years so amazing. I make a lot of spelling errors because I'm always in a rush. ●If I don't respond to a Wii U message, comment on one of my posts. γøςħί!
WaluigiBag WaluigiBag
Nintendo is always so ultra fun!!!! Mr. Satoru Iwata is a Nintendo hero!!!! Nintendo Reggie!!!! Nintendo Switch is so super incredible!!!!
SeeDank thelunafamily7
Hello Everyone My Name Is SeeDank Or Thelunafamily7 And Everyone Plz Plzzz Follow Me My Goal Is To Get 330 Followers By The Begining Of November But Am Trying Not To Let Miiverse Die And These Are The Dayz I Play:Monday,Wednesday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday Thx For Your Time.
Shadow lukeh110
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K9 MAXIMAX Maximus51
The time is drawing near so I must say I have had a great experience on the wii u. I am not sad because it is the way of life. The old must leave and the new will take over. I have equally been able to find other means to keep in touch with friends. Technology is advanced that there are ways to not loose friendships. Be safe, take care and our gaming together is far from over.
Nin◆Chris GirlyGuy
My Miiverse username might be Nin◆Chris but my real name is Chris Lopes.Even though i do mention both names elsewhere on my bios? The lands of the Enchanted Book,The lands of the blue birdies,and Tubeland are were i'm at.Dragon Age:Origins is a really good game i just got it as a matter of fact! :D
Mike SackTheBack
#prayforvegas Hey Gamers! I'm a Basketball and American Football guru. When im not balln' im either stuck doing High School, or playing Roblox (Follow @ RFL_Media) or 3DS. I also love Dr. Pepper and Pepsi (I live in the southeastern US); and i'll eat Fast-Food 24/7. (FYI: I missspell stuff cuz i lost my DS pen and I have big fingers.) John 3:16
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY My Personal Games Genres: .RPG'S (Role Playing Games) .Fighting .Racing .Action .Action Adventure .Adventure .Platform .And many more! .Huge fan of anime! I enjoy gaming with families, friends and all other friendly gamers out there. Happy Gaming Everyone!
tiff&tuff unikitty543
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matty cairnsroad
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Damien paikilr38
alex brixnblocks
WELCOME TO COOKING WITH THE CHEF! thanks for 30 followers! ok first of all im mostly playing splatoon and mario maker also i only add friends that are my irl friends unless were doing splatoon btw im in a clan called ςςκ (sassy squid kids) and... im not sure what to say now... i have a switch btw GOODBYE FELLOW COOKS Pikachu was here
Ahmad Adel Ahmoody2015
I love video games I have a GameCube, Wii, Nintendo 2DS, New Nintendo 2DS XL, Wii U, PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC Windows 10, and an iPhone 6s Plus. Nothing here I assure you there is nothing here. Really there is nothing here. Free Cookies!
LoL★Arctic ArticCub
*3DS NNID: Arctic3DS *No Wii U Chat *If you block me, I've won *Only friend me to play Splatoon *It's a miracle I wasn't banned yet *Did I miss anything? * Kicked out of the Smash Team for asking why Chef Fancy was kicked out, or as the Smash Team administration called it, "criminal activity". Riiiiiight... *Founder of the Legion of Luigi
Harry BaldySasquach
Hi I'm Harry. I'm an adult gamer. I've been playing video games for a long time now. (Very long time) Use my daughter, Fiona, as an excuse to buy games and gadgets. Please no WiiU Chat
Scamp Scampi16
Hi I'm Scamp. I go by the name of Scamp in the mii world after a very special dog of mine who is no longer here. I love animals as well as playing games. I have a dog, 8 hamsters, 2 degus and 4 rats. I love drawing and playing Mariokart 8, Splatoon, Pikmin 3, Hyrule Warriors, lego dimensions & Star Fox Guard. No blank friend requests please
Tails Devan1995
Tails was here Hi my name is tails miles prower but people call me tails i am sonic best sidekick to take out dr eggman from talking over the city.I'm a member of the ditto clan.Miiverse is going to end at november 7. First arrive is january 7 2017.Please give a like all my post i did and the past.
Iman★Star Imansmith
Hi guys! Here is some info about me! Age:10 Bf(Miiverse wise):James Favourite games:Kirby,Inazuma 11,Inazuma 11 go,Pokemon. Favourite videos (also youtube channels):Guava juice,All4tubekids,Vannamelon and top 5 central. My recomandation is to follow alesja,Leila and james. Peace out! :)
Gigi gigithecool
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garance rebelle445
salut je m'appelle Lacroix Garance et je joue a la 2ds
★ななさんです★ na-mi818
ByeGuys!:( moonlite2006
(Ouch! Watch where you point that thing! Wait, you were...) Nyi! I'm M∞ηγ! Shoutouts ig: Prøjεcτiøη ♪Eevee♪ ♪SDG♪ BroodOwl Wоlfspαrkγ GabeШЩ Ty Da Ant Zeke Jenessi Everyone has a team so here's mine i guess: Daniell Luna Riverstar Breezeleaf Criskral Snowpelt Bree Cya Oh and don't defend me against a hater. That's how became hated. I defended a friend. Anyways, have fun on Mv while it lasts! :D
ignacio ignaciolezama
hola conpis e estaba jugando mario
Ash Kechum Luigikirbylk
i love pokemon so much i like ash,serena,bonny,clemon. BOKEMON XYZ and more pokemon i like, pokemon black & white, pokemon sun & moon and more ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞.
ησм ησм joegibby
hi ppl! i play ACNL alot and i also watch a lot of utube. im a cheerleader in the end of yr 6 show and ON STAGE singing we're all in this together from highschool musical 1 (WHAT DID I SIGN MYSELF UP TO?!) XDD other than that not much us happening im a happy kid with a happy family!
Hylian Аdа bookwerm
A WINNER IS YOU! HEY I'm Ada, a weird Mario fan who posts trash on the NSLU and sometimes draws Mario characters. Stuff you should know about me: -I sure do love me some video games -DL said it best: "Miiverse needs more Fawful" -Left-handed You won't find me after MV ends, so don't even bother. F U R Y !
Junior Tayotay
i love to play minecraft all the time i want friends that have minecraft and some dont so please send me lots of friend requests
One's life is simply incomplete with an apparent lack of games. A ruthless Sith Lord whos been th...
One's life is simply incomplete with an apparent lack of games. A ruthless Sith Lord whos been through it all on Miiverse devoured by the UNSTOPPABLE rampage of the Miiverse Admins. May them have mercy on my banned accounts
I am nothing but a figment of your imagination. But in terms of gaming, I do have all the 8th gen consoles, WiiU, XB1, PS4, 3DS, PSVita, an avid gamer.