Papa Ω's Friends
BABBS® Doodle_Zoodlez
When the tree is just right.HEYO WELCOME TO MY PAGE!!!This is a page of art and MemES...I am so goods at ART...Ok, but for real check out my art also check out these artist & meme enthusiasts. BingBong Loren ·v· Smiles :) fried clyde bøø Cøffee Aristocrat Smφl BeaN *cough* *cough*and me Okie Bye YOUGREEDYDIRTBAG
Melancholy Dannie8899
Hi Im Dany My favorite games are: Splatoon,Super Smash Bros,Super Mario 3-D World,Nintendo Land,Mario Kart 8,Pikmin 3 and thats all the Wii u Games i love anyways time to move on to my Splatoon stats Lvl:50 Rank:S Weapon Main:Dynamo Roller/Jet Squelcher/Custom E-Liter 3k scope (Yeah i main too many weapons) And Thats it thanks for looking at my profile bye now^^ (Will probably be inactive)
* himehiro0924
Widowmaker joymood
Bonjour! 13 She/Them/LeeLee/Widow Birthday:★6/22★ ♥Bi and Married♥ =!PLEASE CHECK THESE GUYS OUT!= (There way better than me.) Churo.jpg/Starinights #-Totty-♪♭/FeliciaTrash21 Karamatsu/Ana-the-pinecone ☆Lena☆/2412Lena «-(♥•ILY MY WIFE!•♥) Papi Reyes/PheenieWeen +_*AND SO MUCH M O R E*_+ <//excuse my inactivity//> Ask:Closed Requests:Closed Art Trades:Closed mmmwatchasayy
Asgore Kunnth
Null.exe EpicFailXD12345
Dingo Brattle
Ya'll are weenies. Aay Lauren here, i'm 18, female, and self taught. I love web comics, manga, anime, and cartoons. You can use my art as reference, just please credit me, and don't steal. I'm a pretty chill person and easy to get along with, so don't be afraid to talk to or friend me~. Don't expect follow for follow. Have a wonderful day everyone!!
Nerea nereafox
♪Charles♪ NolansAnnoying
Alright, I'm not gonna say my age, but I am a teen. And I play vidogames, I like online games the most.
º¤§σмβг㤺 Raiz15051Hatsuki
I used to RP, I play Splatoon with less than half my effort, and cry because my art is never up to par. Forgive me, I am a useless child. Also I am Overwatch garbage...
MG さくや hirabayashi398
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ArtiSquid♪ Squidinkling65
I truly cannot thank you all enough. ... However, I've been thinking of getting a bird. A nice, blue one. I think I'll name it "SteeneeBerri" when I get it. What do you think? (Please continue showing your support for Amber (See favourite post) even after this place closes; it means a lot to me that people like her. óuò)
R☆A★K☆A★N dshipman
Hello, I'm Rakan. I'm a transgender male to female. this account will only be used for drawing. since i got the nintendo switch DM me for my switch id
WP★PUPPIES puppypupster
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Hustle RespectTheWreck
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Dakota kublikit
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K-Lux VulpixIgnus
Hey ^~^ My real name's Alexis. I enjoy anime, video games (mostly nintendo), metal, and having a good time with friends. I'm not too shy so I guess you could say I'd make a great friend <(^_^)> I also know fluent Spanish and I am currently studying Japanese. >π<
Tokei MissRedWood
Trash god. Psst, over here! Ig: Looney.cøøn There, now you'll be able to find me~ ς(˘ωˇ)г ~☆
MI★koгга noahsimpson
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Zinovia R0uxie
Tia Victor94542
keep work on you talents everyone! ^u^
Toasterbin fluffleloverpuff
This account is an Archive of old drawings I will also steal pokemon cards for money
Charlotte 82mermaid
In which, a forgotten moment to them returns, bringing emotion beyond belief; heart and soul finally agree to mourn together, if only just one second.
Нıснıζο t_anderson86
Wazzup guys! My name is Ayi'ana and Welcome to my Miiverse profile. Feel free to jump in at anytime! I am 14 years old. I am female. 3DS ID: Undertale985300 I LOVE Bleach Manga. My favorite games are Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart 8, ect. PEACE OUT!! I love you Miiverse Citizens!!!
☆ピーヴ☆ LTZ_AE74
Mama*Luigi ital6chan
pastaaa!<3 follow me and i got you back! 20yrs- friend request are very much welcomed >v< callie=best squid sister= secretly captain falcon wii u chat is acceptable- favorite things-Hetalia,other anime,splatoon, cartoons,mlp,dbz,halloween,care bears,tim burton,cosplay and nintendo! - hope you enjoy my drawings <3
TriniOtaku TriniOtaku79
»§ταя§нıρ☆ Wishbun
Hey. I'm Ko. I adore anime, v-games and music. I also like space stuff.
★κıτşυηε★ DarkKitsune713
Hai~ I'll actually add more to this later but anyway. ♪I'm 20 ♪ I play mostly Splatoon and SSB4 ♪I accept friend requests ♪ I love drawing and I'm a huge fan of RWBY ♪Wolves are favorite animal ♪I'm a very strange and derpy person, however I wont talk too much.
Dbap Dbap02
12/8/16-11/7/17 Let's use the rest of the time we have here and make the best of it. Deviant Poptart: Dbapkero Diss cord: Dbap#0678
Ðylf Dyolo.101_2 hit my face. ›:U Hello there! Im Dylan. (you can call me Dyl or Dylf for short) I tend to play Splatoon, and smash bros commonly. Im 15 years old, and I am a huge fan of nintendo games. I play competitively in most of them. I also have a 3DS. I dont post too commonly, but I will every now and then. .o. (S+ Level 50 AYYYYYY)
bonbon Sourisbonbon
Marco MarcoEnvy
Maia Autumn-Torch
ωατεяωιτсн TheFallonator
Hi, I'm Kaite, I also go by Fallon!! I draw sometimes.... #SQUIDPARTIES flop with me ok #InkBendersClan
Makoto Ghetto64
*Slopes for Super Mario Maker*
KazamaJink HydeLink55
Hi! I am a little student, happy person, intermediate player... I love Kyle Hyde's, Tekken and Punch-Out!! Series... Anything else? ♥♥ Kazama's fan. ♥♥
E-Lord mgel27
Hello, I am a young boy who enjoys franchises like Mario,Pokemon,Sonic,Kirby,and more! Nintendo systems owned: Wii DS Wii 3DS Other systems owned: Playstation 2 Playstation 3 Xbox 360 PSVita I will not answer any wii u chat calls.
Octomus P. SS_XY13
I haven't known what year it is since 2009 honestly.
Meta neonbed
Hey, I'm just your ordinary guy, who likes Nintendo. My favorite color is sapphire blue. Not any other blue. My favorite Wii U games are Splatoon, Super Smash Bros., and Mario Kart 8. Am I rambling? I think I'm rambling. I post screen shots sometimes, as well as drawings, quotes, almong other things. BTW, some know me as Meta Titan, others Metadragonite!
кιωι hetaliacat
Hello! I'm Kiwi –(`ˇ`)› Here's a little about me: ★ She/her | 16 | Capricorn | INFP ★ I like cartoons, webcomics, video games, and Voltron ★ I'm a Big Weeb™ ★ I love music and play clarinet and piano ★ I enjoy drawing and marching band ★ Fruit Smoothies and Milkshakes ♥ ★ I accept most friend requests! Thanks for stopping by and reading! Have a lovely day! ♡
★Yami★ epicgal8989
Lol hi I dunno what to put here xD
KJ kjmantaray
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くら hirockinp
Deku Splash-Free12
Welcome friends! :D I tend to change my name a little more often now but the name's Brenda! Or well, whatever you wish to call me I guess ☆★ #squidparties Hablo español! Et peut parler un peu du français aussi.
All-Might JustJerryHere
Dio Brando SweenMachine67
nice nintendoh thing, i meme
NullPhD smnomura
$2ndきちくたい$ kotomamama
Delicate TehKitsu
Welcome to my special hell... \(˙˘˙)/ –♡ It belongs to a very bored 24 year old adult girl that when she's not working, is probably on here, Splatoon, or Smash. My other hobbies include Magic The Gathering, Overwatch, Pokemon, drawing, and yoga. I have many aspirations and I enjoy working on my fitness. Feel free to message or friend me. I doodle on here ocassionaly on some ungodly hours lol. ♥
katy perra itsaphrodisi
I change my name a lot so try to remember me by my mii or my NNID. Buy Art Angels on iTunes.
Abe Pixel-Kirby
Hello! I am 14 years old and I live in california! I love everything nintendo! Current I am Playing Super Smash Bros 3DS/WII U
Amaan SuperBaws1009
Yare Yare Daze.
joji jrodane
Kaitlin Shadowlilly
Uhh let's see here... foxes.. Pokemon.. Minecraft.. Animal Crossing.. Splatoon.. YouTube.. my dogs.. art.. the color purple.. oh, yeah, and MUSIC. -my mind
★♪sara♪★ soso8642
umangumang thenibblenobbles
This is no longer a shared wii-u! You can add Pekon at pekonkon! I've started casually streaming when I play Splatoon! In case you're bored enough to watch or want to see yourself pop up on stream, check me on Twitch! Username is Umangumang there too <3 I'm just a simple Umang
NyanDragon NyanDragon
Cake Farts Listykitty4500
Porky bema_mario_0
Come to New Pork City for a utopia you always wanted. spankety spankety spankety. lol no, im just a person who loves Earthbound/Mother and Megaman, thats all you need to know about me
red head wake0032
im just huge piece of trash introduce me to something ill be trash within the next 24 hours jesus christ looking at this weeks after i wrote i fr1ck1n just got into firefly
Work, play, sleep, repeat. Thanks for the yeahs and follows! I hope that you like the drawings. Wondering about my weird playing style? I have a 5yr old that loves playing splatoon too! XD No WiiU Chat please.
うすうすキャプテン◎ LuigiBowserJR
Juice SoupTrick
Hey, I'm Soup Trick. I like to play the video games. Everybody likes to play the video games. Let's play video games together.
Ivana Kiwiivi
Hey I'm Ivana~ I'm 21 years old, from Germany and currently majoring in IT. I love all things japanese. Kirby is my hero! よろしくお願いします!
Shoni Shoni20641
I'm the biggest piece of cephalopod meme trash that you'll ever possibly meet. Enjoy my squidposting, ya eggs. <(ó-ò)>
КaуtchJαм● 4444444
Welcome to my page! I'm KaytchJam, but you can call me Kaytch. I like to draw and play video games. Most of the time I'll be playing Smash 4, Mario Maker, and Splatoon. I also occasionally play Pokken. That's all folks!
Liquid☆ PokeZelda
Hi, I'm PokéZelda! I like Pokémon and Zelda (as my username suggests) but I also like other Nintendo franchises like Super Smash Bros., Super Mario, Animal Crossing, Kirby, Star Fox, Metroid and many more!
So, miiverse is coming to a close, huh? Well, darn.
Gonna miss y'all and such.
Thanks for yeahin...
So, miiverse is coming to a close, huh? Well, darn.
Gonna miss y'all and such.
Thanks for yeahing my pictures, the follows and the comments. They mean a lot and I've grown a lot because of y'all.
Thanks once again.