Phoenix's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: Phoenixflair

Monster Hunter™ 3 Ultimate


09/28/2017 4:10 PM

Well, it's been fun playing MH with ya'll. Maybe I'll see some on Monster Hunter World.

Monster Hunter™ 3 Ultimate


08/12/2017 5:09 AM

Any new aspiring hunters looking to join a hunt room with players that are both friendly & ready to grow in HR and at being a better, more skilled player? Join my room, SEPHYGIRL, ROOM passcode: F...

Nintendo Badge Arcade


09/02/2016 4:06 PM

NO... -.- Ya just boozled me outta my plays. You want money, than fix iiiit. Soulless rodent.

Nintendo Badge Arcade


08/27/2016 2:40 PM

Ok, this one IS cute and creative.

Comic Workshop 2


08/19/2016 8:02 PM

I'M SO FRUSTRATED. xD I've been debating the last month or so what I wanna do. Manga, a dream journal, or maybe a horror strip. I like all ideas equally, but too busy to commit to all. I've even ...



07/24/2016 2:32 PM

Im sorry



07/24/2016 2:27 PM

Why cant it be 1,000? that would soud better. MABEY EVEN 10,000



07/24/2016 2:20 PM

This is Phoenix's daughter. Because i have NO sea snails dose that mean i cant up-grade gear?

Nintendo Badge Arcade


07/14/2016 9:00 PM

AWWWE... Thx BUNNY. I used all 5 turns trying for Zin and Bunny GAVE me Brachy so I wouldn't leave sad. Awe shucks, Badgey. You are going on my Birthday card list. xD

Nintendo Badge Arcade


07/12/2016 10:08 AM

Why do I even bother to see IF one of my Home Menus are up? Phsh lol, guess I STILL believe in miracles. <.<

Comic Workshop 2


07/11/2016 2:21 PM

Been thinking about making a new 'dream journal', but thinking instead of my traditional nb type, this could be an interesting way of going about it. What do ya think?

Nintendo Badge Arcade


07/06/2016 1:39 PM

Talk about bad luck! I did so badly on the practice catcher, it said "Let's pretend that didn't just happen." And then gave me another shot lol. Maybe it's always been like that, but it's the 1s...

Comic Workshop 2


07/05/2016 9:46 PM

Just wanna put the cutie as my profile pic. @_@ He's so cute lol

Comic Workshop 2


07/05/2016 9:42 PM

Ok, this is something I did for my daughter. It gave me an idea for a cute kids toon lol

Comic Workshop 2


07/04/2016 6:35 PM

2 Characters for my new story, Mercury and Arael. Still thinking on them, but it's a start.

Comic Workshop 2


06/18/2016 7:35 PM

Finishing up this page, but still not totally happy with it.

Comic Workshop 2


06/16/2016 10:00 PM

These girls will be the two in my story. I'm a little excited to try it, but nervous too. I've never tried manga and the only drawing experience I have is my 'ittle-bitty' doodlings. So, it will c...

Comic Workshop 2


06/15/2016 4:02 PM

Did this for my daughter.

Comic Workshop 2


06/15/2016 3:16 PM

Since I've been trying to learn how to draw, my daughter sometimes gives me a 'challenge' to see how I'm doing. This time it was Peach. Well...I tried. >.< Dang it!

Nintendo Badge Arcade


06/15/2016 9:34 AM

THANK GOODNESS! Uggh, I know there's Kirby fans, but I hate these badges >.< Why not make some MONSTER HUNTER, or, FFExplorers...ya known some cool rpg. I've got plenty of Link... If ya'll want my...

Comic Workshop 2


06/15/2016 4:43 AM

For my profile and maybe my new toon. :p

Comic Workshop 2


06/14/2016 9:30 PM

This is what happens when I try to draw outside and the Noseeum bugs keep biting! >.< lol It's hard enough to draw with a shakey hand and arthritis (yeees, I'm old :p), but trying to slowly draw ...

Comic Workshop 2


06/14/2016 8:14 PM

WHERE are the rest of my tools? Like the stamp roller, Stickers, ect. Why are they not here or on my other folders? >.<'''