Pikman's Post

I've decided to start saving most of the Miiverse drawings I've Yeah'ed over the years to my computer. So I'm going to be Unyeahing a majority of my Yeahs just to make the slog easier. If anyone I'...

"Don't get cooked, stay off the hook!" "Well, Pearl and Marina are just a couple of big dummies! Now, are you going to listen to some big dummies, or are you going to listen to me?"

Tourist come, tourist go, tourist tossing to and fro, the captain is brave, he's a fearless man, and Gilligan helps him all that he can, the wheel she break and lose all control, S. S. Minnow do th...

"Hi, I'm Wiigi, and I cry myself to sleep each night cuz I'm scared of the dark in my bruddah's shadow. That's why I invented MyPillow."

As much content as they added, I really don't think the subterranean levels in Pikmin 2 meshed well with traditional Pikmin gameplay. I think they'd be better off as a spin-off series. /unpopular o...

So many people want Goku for Smash... Honestly, I'm just surprised that this obscure character from Nintendo's Famicom Disk System game, Yuyuki, has garnered such a following.
Splatoon Community

Anybody up for a few games of hide-and-seek? Here are the rules: 1. Team Alpha hides, Team Bravo seeks. 2. Seekers must wait until the 2:00 mark before seeking. 3....
Hello, this is Pikmanipulator. I mostly write down stuff that pertains to my interests and few ot...
Hello, this is Pikmanipulator. I mostly write down stuff that pertains to my interests and few other people's—such as analysis on Octarian and Inkling civilization in Splatoon. Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse!
6/2 - 6/19/16: Corporal Ngyes.
Miiverse tip: If you want to make a joke that you can't explain without violating the Code of Conduct, don't make the joke.