Users ♪Cleo♪ Is Following
Watipaname Watipaname
☆★★★☆He££o £es Mii$☆★★★☆ ☆★★★☆Sava ? C cool... Je suis fan de nintendo et j’sui ici pr battre d mii et d amis dan d defi... Donc si tu croi ke tu peu mbattre, c ke t nul. Mai si tu sai ktu va mbattre, ta une chance ;D☆★☆ ☆★★★☆M¥ Be$t Game C Mon GamePad et les jeu en reseau☆★☆ ☆★★★☆ ♥Miss★Emily♥ la superstar d danseuse♪♪♪ a just dance 2017, defiez la elle va vous botter☆★☆ ★Jvou atend...★
♪Cleo♪ whyerinwhy
hi everybody i'm Erin and this is my profile some of my favorite games are Splatoon, super Mario 3d world and super Mario 3d land , AYE why are you stopping meh miiverse! 0n0 that was random
Tyler slim2740
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<яőne HodaHoda0611
あ、どうも。Mr.Funky2です。 自己紹介からいきますか!年齢は1X歳、サッカーもやってまーすwwwプレイ日記はたまに投稿しますが、フォロー、コメントしてくれた人には返信、フォローしまーす^_^よろしく! 好きなアーティスト bruno mars WANIMA 大橋トリオ 好きなYoutuber W2S 水溜りボンド 怪盗ピンキー 桐崎栄二 フレリクはサブ垢にどーぞ (けむっそ)
あ、ごめんねーwww kajitaka0818
顔ポチ39! どうも 通りすがりの人間でございます ゲームは、スプラトゥーン マイクら 後その他もろもろをやってるよ! フォロー返すよ無コメントフレリクは、受け付けないよよろよろ よろしくーーーーーーネ
skyaidanyt theoliverswiiu
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Merp:/ missartist
Hi... Well I have no idea wat to say but Merp :/ Hello stalkers,i guess you found me...But... Location:Earth (duh) Age:Nope Wake mii up inside! Wake mii up Inside! Save Mii! I always thought trolls were those little things in your garden but I was wrong.Memeverse. Oh so you're stll reading :/ Wow Ok BYE ARE YOU STILL HERE??? BYE :/ Shrek is life :/
DIM Dimitri38
Net very_worthy
★Awesome MarioGamer320
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Shadow Boo 209068
Hey People! I'm Shadow Boo. I own A WiiU and a 3DS. Games I play: (By system) Wii U: Super Mario Maker, Super Smash Bros., Splatoon, MineCraft, and MarioKart 8! 3DS: Super Smash Bros., Triforce Heroes. Attention to those who wish to friend me, I don't accept random friend requests. I only friend those I know. Or people who are great followers. I don't know what else to say!
Cairo SuperCai6
hi people im cairo i love my stuf animals and my wii u! i just love it don't you! but im glad i have my wii u!!!!!! And my 3DS!!!!!!!!
ρδωεг★πг Super7seven
Greetings I am πг If you want to play a game of MK7 With me ask Well here explore this Meaningless Void called my profile ι ωιιι ωιπ
Micah cheenokokocheeno
Hi there, I am a ginormous fan of Pokémon and some other games including UNDERTALE (it's sapost to be in caps) I hope we can become friends. :D
********** How2MemeAGAIN
chiara fedez15
ciao mi chiamo chiara ,mi piace giocare con sblatoon , super mario bros.... la mia cantante preferita è ariana grande ,il mio cantante preferito è fedez
Prodigy B-StormX
FAVI J matteococco1206
ciao e benvenuti nel mio profilo miverse socievole :★★★★★ b sport : nuoto dischi : splatoon , super smash bros , pikmin 3 kirbi e il pennello arcobaleno tutti puelli che voiono possono mandarmi la richiesta d'amicizia chi a splatoon mi mandi la richiesta di amiciz
Asia freegame3.0
ciao sono Asia, amo ascoltare ariana grande a non smetto di sentire andiamo a comandare
melissa melissapic
ciao mi chiamo melissa e ho 9 anni i miei giochi preferiti sono: super mario 3d world donkei kong country tropical freeze funky barn nev super mario bros u e minicraft (♥♥♥)seguitemi in molti e io lo ricambiero vorrei altri amici ciao holà bounjour ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
hi everyone my name is Amanda i love Dogs Pokemon hamsters nintendogs and cat old nintendogs stuff dogs every thing cute and nice Harleyquin if your my friend i will make a squad minecraft little big planet and bendy ·ω· i hate bugs evil things cats losing ginger broccoli carrots mean people everything spicey and school And i love fnaf my favorite character is foxy and i love the color pink
luluzinha. luizalua
†ιεοη† CryoxHD
#Nintendo4Life Hey Guys im a big nintendo fan♥ Add me and we can play together :) I'm from Germany← Thx for 200 Follower♥♥♥ ♪I listen to: Cloud Rap♪ ♡I love Japan♡ ☆My favourite food is Pizza☆ My favourite Games:MK8, TomoDachi Life, Splatoon Favourite Artist:£εα★Cro♪ H A V E A N I C E D A Y
★★Andrea★★ Dragovelox
Arian5,4 thisisarianmain3
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Spryx SpryxBoy
Hi, I'm Spryx! Wii U Games: • Super Mario Maker • Super Smash Bros for Wii U • Mario Kart 8 Miiverse Achievements: • 100 Followers - January 5 2017
Thors GilBil125
Whats up guys, my name is ThorsPinkies and u have found a little bit of info about me right here: -I changed my name to ThorsPinkies cause i like it more than GilBil125 -On my pokemon games my ign is: GilBil125. -i usually play more with my pc and 3ds. - I dont play wiiu that much now because i have a computer, so i might be here sometimes. -I respond everything in the wiiu Ty and Bye!
Dani xena1001
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cherile masoeursheryl
PF2M TurnDownForPF2M
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(-Devon-) denonia36
And like Redicolose, I play Splatoon, Smash bros, and mario kart 8. If you want to be my friend just send a request! If want to follow, me please do!!! Favorite game series: legend of Zelda Favoite game in that series: Twilight princess Favorite books: Everything Sarah J Maas, Patrick W. Carr and Pittacus lore. But everything is blown away by the awesomness of the inheritance series...
Hi my name is Cleo.
Games I like:
Animal crossing
Mario maker
My best friends...
Hi my name is Cleo.
Games I like:
Animal crossing
Mario maker
My best friends:
Every single one!
My birthday is July, 14.
I will accept all friend requests!
Follow me and I will follow you back!
Please no Wii U Chat.
Thank you. ♥♥♥♥